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i sighed as my dad walked into the kitchen with his suit neatly pressed and hair nicely combed. he didn't seem to wanna say anything to me but i knew that he saw me. he opened the cabinet and pulled out a coffee mug.

"good morning, dad." i broke the silence between us. he didn't answer for a minute or two as he poured his coffee.

"morning." was his famous word in the morning. he never liked holding a conversation for too long not even with his own son. i rolled my eyes at how vague he always was.

"so how was your-" i began to say but i watched him turn the coffee machine off and walk away without another word. i scoffed. i never understood why he was such a prick. i got off my chair next to the kitchen island and walked towards the front door. my dad stopped me before i could leave.

"i won't be home tonight, by the way. i have a business meeting in another city so ill be gone for a day or two." he explained to me. his eyes diverted away from mines as he opened the door for me. "have a good day."

my eyebrows rose at his actions but nodded my head before leaving to school. after yesterday id be surprised if maya even talked to me. she seemed pretty angry but she might've just gotten over it.

i headed towards my locker and smiled when riley came into my view. her big brown eyes looked up at me and seemed to light up.

"hey, babe." i smiled and kissed her lips softly before opening my locker.

"what happened last night?" she asked me which made me tense up. i had forgotten all about riley calling.

"i had a bunch of homework to do and then my dad.." i lied with a fake smile and put my book bag away.

"oh." she simply said which made me believe she wasn't convinced. "whatever it doesn't matter." maybe she was.

we talked for a bit about our day yesterday and throughout the whole time i had not seen maya or lucas for that matter. he usually was always at school early walking with one of his football buddies but not today. the bell finally rang and i told riley bye before heading to class. i didn't have first hour with neither riley or maya so it was pretty boring.

it was around third hour when i saw maya for the first time all day. my eyes instantly fell upon her as soon as i entered the room. she was writing something down in her notebook and didn't seem to notice me walk in. she looked beautiful, although, she did look beautiful all the time. something was different.

"hey, maya." i smiled as i walked closer to our seats since we always sat together.

she looked up from her notebook and returned a smile, "hey, loser. sit down!"

i laughed at her words and seated myself down next to her. she chuckled and went back to writing. maybe she was bluffing and things were the same. i began to pull my desk closer to hers when she put her foot on it.

"what are you doing?" she abruptly stopped me. her blue eyes looked into mines.

"moving our seats together like we always do." i rolled my eyes and tried to move it again but she stopped me once more.

"you are just fine right there. besides what if people get the wrong idea?" she asked which made me frown.

"we've been doing this since we were in middle school. you really think people will get the wrong idea?" i put air quotes around the words wrong idea. "besides.." i leaned into her ear and whispered. "when i fuck you senseless and you moan out my name you don't worry about people getting the wrong idea."

i sensed her body froze by the way her breath hitched at my words. she then moved her foot and allowed me to move my seat closer to hers. i smiled confidently as i seated myself.

"so what did you do last night?" i asked her curiously.

"lucas came over and we fucked." she nonchalantly replied. a brunette in front of us turned in her seat with her eyes wide at how blunt maya was. i laughed at her reaction. maya rose her eyebrows at the stranger, "you've never had sex before?"

she didn't bother saying another and turned back towards the front. maya rolled her eyes and went back to doodling in her book.

"what about you, minkus?" she asked without looking up.

"do you wanna talk about yesterday?" i asked her not even caring for her question. she didn't respond for a couple of seconds.


i couldn't believe him. he had the balls to act like this even after i told him that we were done. i looked up from my notebook and locked eyes with him. searching for any type of insecurity in his eyes but there was none.

"no." i managed to say even though it was a lie. i wanted to talk to him about it. i wanted to admit that i was being stupidly jealous but i had too much damn pride.

"alright." he must've decided to drop it which i was thankful for. a few minutes later our teacher walked in and began going over the lesson. i would glance over at farkle through the corner of my eyes now and then but not enough for him to notice.

he always had that dumb smile on his lips.

he always had that beautiful dumb smile on his soft pink lips.

no! i told myself and dug my pen harder onto my paper.

"you okay?" he whispered in a low voice and it caught me off guard. i didn't think he would notice but he did. the worry in his voice calmed me down. i gave him a small nod to assure him i was fine and continued to listen to the teacher.

the day went by slow but i was beyond happy when it was lunch time. i smiled as soon as my eyes fell upon lucas, he told his friends bye. i giggled and jump into his arms.

"baby." i cooed against his ear and left a soft kiss on his cheek.

"what do you want?" he laughed referring to me acting like a child. he knew me all too well.

"i want to skip class." i told him straight out. a smirk grew on his lip in return. "will you take me somewhere fun?"

"what's going on now, lovebirds?" riley's annoying but familiar voice meant she was near us. i rolled my eyes and look over to the side in her direction. farkle wasn't around. this could be fun.

i hopped off of lucas and turned to face her.

"oh. it's nothing. nothing you would interested in anyways. we know how good you are." i fake laughed. i grabbed lucas's hand and began to pull him towards a table when she spoke up.

"wh- what do you mean?" she looked down at her fingers and began to mess with her thumbs. i chuckled at her and looked up at lucas who had a smirk on his face.

"would you like to skip with us?" i asked her. she stayed silent for a couple seconds. longer than it should've been. i decided to take a dig at her just to see if she would break. "i knew it and here i thought you wouldn't be boring."

i rolled my eyes and began to walk away when her hand stopped me.

"wait." she spoke up. i smiled and waited for her to speak. "boring? does farkle think im boring?"

there it was. the perfect way to mess with him. by messing with her.

"I don't wanna put words in his mouth but you know how farkle is.." i faked a big smile and wrapped my arms around her shoulder. i gave lucas a look and he nodded his head. "you've had to have seen the girls he's dated, right? the last girl he was with did everything with us."

"everything?" her eyebrows rose.

"everything." i chuckled and began to walk with lucas towards the entrance of the school. "come on it'll be fun!"

"are you sure?" i could tell she was nervous it was so easy to read but then again it was her reputation of being a good girl.

"just trust me. you're farkle's girlfriend. why would i ever lie to you?" i laughed as lucas wrapped his arm around my waist.

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