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it had now been five days since i had broken up with riley. everything hurt. i had never experienced a feeling like this before. i just wanted to crawl into a ball and never leave my room. i decided not to go to school in fear that i would see riley. maya came to see me every day since she and i broke up but it barely helped.

i felt like an asshole for everything i did to her. i hurt her and i couldnt take it back. 

my eyes had bags underneath them and i had not combed my hair in days. i sat up from my bed and went to the kitchen to get some coffee. something, anything, to give me energy. i sighed and walked downstairs towards the kitchen. i stopped when i could hear someone moving stuff in my kitchen. 

i turned the corner, but didnt see my dad. it was maya. she was dressed for school and was in the midst of looking in my fridge.

"why are you here?" i mumbled loud enough so she could hear. she gave me a look before continuing to rummage through my fridge. i hoped onto the counter and sat down. i still felt exhausted all though i had slept for more than twelve hours.

"good you are awake." she said softly as she shut the fridge doors. she pulled out the orange juice and coffee creamer. she set both of them down before looking me up and down. i sighed cause i knew what was coming. "i know you are hurting, but you cant become a hermit crab." she rolled her eyes and came closer to me.

she ran her fingers through my hair and pushed me towards my room. i tried to protest but i just felt weak. once we were in my room, maya went through my closet looking for something that i could wear. 

"you are not missing school today." she told me but i just let out a fake laugh. "your dad is coming home today and guess how happy he is gonna be when he comes home to his son wrapped up in bed?"

she had a point. 

"i dont wanna go to school though." i whined and laid down on my bed. a few seconds later maya appeared with dark jeans and a purple shirt. 

"what jacket do you wanna wear?" she asked but i hid my face. i could hear her sigh before throwing a jacket on me. i peaked up and looked at the outfit she had chosen for me.

"im not six." i mumbled as i began to take off my shirt. she stood there watching me.

"really? cause you are sorta acting like one." she retorted as she stood there with her arms crossed. "you cant sulk for the rest of your life. i know you love r-"

i gave her a look and she quickly stopped.

"i know you love her a lot, but you wont feel better if you just lay in bed all day!" she sighed. i was about to take my sweats off when i looked up at her. she frowned in confusion, "its nothing i havent seen already."

i threw my shirt at her which made her laugh. i finished changing and looked less dead than before. maya took my car keys, since she said i was in no state to drive. we stopped to buy breakfast before heading to school. the drive to school was alright, but i had the worst feeling in my stomach growing. i had a few classes with riley which would mean i would have to see her. maybe she wouldnt notice me. maybe she wouldnt talk to me. what am i saying? of course she wouldnt talk to me.

once we turned into the school parking lot and maya parked in my usual parking spot. i just sat there unable to move knowing that i would come face to face with riley after not talking to her for five days.

"come on." she whispered as she put the car in park. i looked down at my fingers. thats when her hand came to view and she placed it on my thigh. "it will get easier. you cant avoid her forever."

i looked over at her and she gave such a caring smile. a smile i had never seen before. i grabbed her hand pulling her into a kiss. i could tell by the way she kissed back that was surprised. finally she pulled away after a few seconds.

"lets go." she unlocked the doors and pulled her hand away from mine. i slowly got out the car and waited for maya as she walked around the hood of the car. she handed me my car keys and smiled. "hopefully you feel better but if not wait for me before you leave. now come on."


no one said anything to either of us when we walked into second period together. the teacher gave me a look but didnt say anything probably because he wasnt teaching. most of the students were on their phone if not they were talking to one another. i was ready for lunch.

by the time fourth period farkle was ready to leave, which i didnt blame him. he was mentally not feeling good. i sighed and walked with him towards the lunch room. he sat down and seconds later lucas approached us.

"hey, my love." he muttered as he pulled me in for a small kiss. i giggled against his lips, but then i quickly remembered who i was with. i pulled away quicker than i should've. he gave me a weird look and i motioned towards farkle.

lucas rose his eyebrow at farkle who had his head on the table. i mouthed to him that riley and him were no longer together.

"why?" he whispered. i rolled my eyes and shook my head so he wouldnt worry about it. thats when i saw her. my blood ran cold as our eyes made eye contact.

her dark brown eyes were almost daring me to say something or maybe it was all in my head but i reached a breaking point when i noticed her approaching us.

lucas seemed to notice my cold stare and looked behind him then noticed riley. she moved a piece of hair out of her face and smiled at lucas. i frowned in response at her till she stopped beside lucas and i.

"what do you think you're doing?" i raised an eyebrow. 

"i came to talk to you actually." she admitted which surprised me. i looked over at farkle who still had his head down. i looked up at lucas who was intrigued in our conversation. "try to talk to farkle, please." i sighed before walking towards another table with riley. lucas agreed and sat down next to him.

"okay. what?" i rolled my eyes as i crossed my arms. she looked me in my eyes. nothing came out at first, but seconds later she began.

"i dont want you to talk to farkle anymore." she stated. i almost laughed in her face but frowned instead.

"what did you just say?" i wasnt sure if i heard her right due to how crazy what she said seemed to be.

"if farkle and i are gonna be together then i want you to stop hanging around him. do you understand?" she gave me one of her fake smiles which made me blood boil. "if you are worried about him missing you or something, dont worry. he will have me and farkle loves me. i think im the first girl he's ever loved that wasnt you."

"why the fuck would i listen to you?" i challenged.

"because look at him." she motioned towards farkle who had not moved from his position. "i know you know that farkle cares deeply for me and i wanna be with him, but he broke up with me because of you. so i need you out the picture."

"you are actually crazy." i laughed and stepped away from her. i was about to walk away but she said something else.

"ill tell lucas about you and farkle being more than just friends." 

that was it. i turned around slowly to look at her. she had another fake smile. i quickly slammed my fist down on the table that was between us which echoed throughout the cafeteria loudly. it became quiet but i didnt care.

"listen good." i came closer to her face. i cocked my head and shared a smile like hers. "lucas friar is my boyfriend. if you think he's gonna believe you, then there's something wrong with you. farkle minkus is my best friend. he will always choose me over you. you are only temporary. there are dozen of girls like you who act like they are good but actually are the worst kind of people." 

"you dont scare me." she muttered which made me laugh.

i pulled away from her and tucked my hands in my jacket pocket.

"ill show you just how scary i can be." i whispered before walking back towards lucas and farkle. the lunch room quickly returned back to the fast and loud pace it was before my interruption. 

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