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it was definitely that time of year. the time of the year where people tried to out do each other with homecoming proposals. it was the stupidest thing ever, but i did like the look of excitement that person would get when they were asked.

i was walking to my locker when farkle approached me. he looked better than he did last week. he gave me a small smile and i returned the gesture. i decided not to tell him about what riley had said or what she was planning on doing. she was bluffing. i could break her with a snap of my fingers, but i couldnt. farkle still cared for the girl; even after she hurt him.

"how was your night?" i asked him once we made it. he began to explain to me how his father had come home and was angry due to the messy state the house was in. he didnt care. he was emotionally drained and it all meant nothing to him. 

"riley called me last night." he muttered which made me stop what i was doing. i stood there for a moment trying to find the words but nothing came out. i could feel his eyes on me and he was waiting for a response.

"what did she say?" i finally whispered back. he leaned against the locker next to mine and was about to respond, when we were interrupted by a male i had never seen before.

"maya, right?" he asked me to which i nodded my head slowly before he handed me a rose. before i could respond, he walked away which left me surprised.

"looks like lucas has some competition." farkle teased which made me roll my eyes and hand the rose to him before reaching into my locker for my history book. 

"coming from the guy who fucks his girlfriend." i retorted with a laugh and put my bag away. i looked in farkle's direction, but he had a surprised look on his face. i frowned before looking where he was gazing at and noticed it. 

lucas and zay were walking together along side the members of the varsity football team. each one of them were carrying a rose, which left me stunned. everyone was focused on them and didnt say a word as lucas approached me.

"maya hart!" lucas announced which made my eyes widen and the hallways filled with people to become silent. "will you go do me the pleasure of attending homecoming with me?" he asked which made me smile. 

i could hear the whispers of the people watching which was a mixed of, "oh my god, they are so cute." and "i dont know why they are still together.."

i looked over at his teammates and chuckled. i grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him into my lips. we shared a passionate kiss for a moment before finally breaking away.

"who else would i go with?" i teased and nodded my head. everyone erupted into applause at his act of affection which made me laugh. i leaned my head against his chest with a smile before pulling away.

"oh, these are for you." lucas smirked as he stepped back and allowed every member to hand me their rose. i had to stuff most of them in my locker mainly due to not having anything to put them in. lucas thanked his friends and kissed me once more before leaving with zay. "ill come find you before class starts." he told me briefly before walking away.

"that was something." farkle chuckled which made me smile even more. i looked towards him and the blush was evident on my cheeks. he laughed at my face which made me hit him lightly.

"come on. you can tell me about riley." i rolled my eyes and wrapped my hands around his arm. he nodded his head in response and began to tell me how riley wanted to start over and she missed him more than anything, which to me seemed like the biggest bullshit. especially after our little talk.

my breath hitched as she came into view. she stopped in front of us and i subconsciously unwrapped myself from him. she beamed her usual smile in our direction.

"hey, i was wondering if you wanted to walk with me to class?" she asked farkle and i looked up at him waiting for him to respond.

"uh-" he started but then looked down at me. i gave him a smile and nodded my head that it was fine. "yeah, i would love to." he smiled softly and took riley's hand in his, lacing their fingers together.

i just stood there, i couldnt move a muscle in my body and everything felt like it was going in slow motion. i wanted him to be happy.. i truly did, but not with her. 

"hey!" lucas's familiar voice caused me to jump. he laughed at my reaction, but i didnt find it so funny. i glared at him till he finally stopped laughing.

"hi." i smiled softly and kissed his lips for a moment. he pulled away and must have noticed how dazed i seemed.

"wanna skip next hour?" he offered which caused me to perk up and nod my head. he chuckled and wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.


"i hate how awkward this feels now." i admitted with a light chuckle as i watched her look forward, not bothering to look me in my eyes.

"i know. i miss us." she muttered. "we've barely been broken up a week or so and i dont like it. i miss you." this time she looked me in my eyes. her brown orbs peered into my blue ones.

"do you.. wanna get back together?" i asked in a soft voice. her eyes seemed to light up at my words, but then it quickly faded away.

"i dont know. i mean i want to, but maybe maya was right.." she whispered the last part, which made me stop in my tracks. 

"wait what?" i frowned in confusion and she turned to face me with a concern look. "what did maya tell you?"

"its nothing, farkle, dont worry." she muttered looking down which made me worry even more. i reached for her hands and held them in mine. 

"something's wrong and i wanna know. so tell me, please." i whispered as i pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arms around her.

"i just... maya told me that im not enough for you and i will never be." she finally admitted which made my blood boil. why would maya ever say something like that, yet the words sounded familiar. i remembered the fight we had gotten into last month and it made me angry. 

"ill talk to her." i promised her as i looked her in the eyes and she smiled with a nod of her head. i kissed her forehead softly, before letting go of her. "let's get you to class."

i didnt see maya the rest of the day, which was odd, but i assumed she had left school early with lucas since i didnt see him either. i sent her a text saying we had to talk, but all she replied was okay. i only got angrier as i drove home, i couldnt believe it. i didnt wanna believe it, but i knew her feelings about riley. riley wouldn't lie to me about it.. right? 

i turned into the parking garage of my apartment and parked in my usual space. i had enough. 

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