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i wanted anxiously for farkle to message me back but hours went by with no response. i know he has read it, thanks to the imessage read receipts. i finally solved everything with lucas and all though i knew it was the best for us- i would miss him, but he deserved someone better than me.

we could try to get past it all but i knew it would eat away at him. i didn't blame him. i paced back and forth in my room tapping my phone against the palm of my hand.

jesus i thought, the boy was almost on his phone when he was home alone. unless he wasn't? i shook my head, now i was just thinking crazy thoughts. i chewed on the inside of my cheek before finally stopping myself.

i looked down at my phone and called his number but he still didn't answer. it barely rang three times so i knew he was by it. i let out a sigh before deciding fuck it and driving over to him. i didn't know how this would go but i needed him to know. i wanted him to know how much i love him and that i had cleared things up with lucas.

i decided to walk in hopes of giving him time to reply or call me back. it was chilly tonight but not that bad. I tucked my hands into my pocket and quickly made my way to his apartment building.


i was on my fifth shot of of alcohol just laying in the middle of my room. maya had messaged and called but i didn't wanna answer. no ounce of me wanted to hear her try to talk through what i had saw. say what you want but getting broken up twice in a few weeks isn't good— especially by your best friend who you weren't even technically dating.

after my dad had dropped the bomb on me about us moving, he had something to attend to so he left. he didn't explain much about it after the question and was vague about why we would be leaving anyways. i scrolled through my phone and looked at various photos on instagram. everyone seemed so happy but i guess that was the front everyone put on.

a chuckle escaped my lips after maya's name popped up blocking my view. she was calling again. i waited for a few seconds before pressing the red button. i then did something i knew better to do.

"hello?" riley's voice rang through my ear as she answered after two rings.

"hey, you." I responded my voice slightly slurred from my alcohol consumption which was only growing as the night continued.

"farkle? you sound like you've been keeping busy." she joked with a light chuckle. her laughter rang through my ears which the corners of my lips raise.

"it's just a lonely night." I clarified as i pressed my lips together waiting for how she would respond.

she took in a breath for a second. i could hear it. she sucked in air then let it out before finally responding to me. "you should really get some sleep."

i knew she was right. that i should probably shut up and close my eyes but i couldn't. my mind was at a million places. "come over?"

it had been awhile since i had said those words to anyone. i used to invite girls over before riley. i used to fulfill something in me with pretty faces. before my feelings for maya and riley confused me. i felt contempt in my own world.

where the only person who mattered was me.. the only one who's feelings mattered were my own. was i only? sure, but not for long.

she laughed again after a moment of silence. "that wouldn't be good for either of us." i didn't care. as soon as that thought came to me, i knew it was fucked up.

i took a swig of the glass bottle sitting beside me before answering, "maybe i need closure." the last word came out in a sly voice.

"if so, you can call me when you're sober." she remarked which made me sigh. whatever. i rolled my eyes and decided just to agree with her.

"alright then, but i thin-" before i could finish, I heard my door bell ring. i furrowed my eyebrows in response and let out another deep sigh. "hold on, riles." i muttered before getting up to my feet.

"who is it?" i yelled but there was no response. i groaned and walked towards the door. half angry that someone was at my door at this time.

i opened the door and my eyes fell upon the short blonde. i quickly pressed the red button on my phone as i made eye contact with her.

"hey." she greeted. i felt the air leave my body just by hearing her voice. she wasn't angry at me like how she was when i was at her door.

"uh-," i began to say but no words formed. she laughed lightly at this and took a step towards me. she took a sniff of me and i knew she could smell the alcohol on my breath.

"let me in." she muttered before pushing me in and closing the door behind her. "listen i came to talk to you and you would know that if you had picked up when i called."

i could tell that bothered her which i felt the same when she wouldn't answer my calls. i sighed but before i could respond my phone began to rang. we both looked down at my phone and i know she saw riley's name before i could silence it.

yet she didn't say anything about it.

"so what did you wanna talk about." I laughed uneasily as i followed her towards my room. it was only a few months ago that i would've chased her happily without a care in the world. but i just followed silently.

"alright first off-," she began but i cut in.

"wait!" i quickly stopped her. she gave me a confused look but i didn't care. "i don't wanna hear some bullshit about how you will always love me."

"what?" she laughed which made me angrier.

"don't act like you weren't gonna say that!" i sharply responded which made her roll your eyes.

"can you stop whatever this is?" she got up from my bed and grabbed my hands. she looked up at me. "calm down."

"don't tell me-" I began to say before she lead my to sit on my bed. she stood in between my legs and put her arms on my shoulders.

"listen." she laughed and looked down at me. "i came to tell you i want you. no complications. just you."

i tried to hide my smile but i could feel it on my face.

"oh shit." I muttered which made her furrow her eyebrows in confusion at my response.

"what?" she asked with concern on her face.

"my dad was telling about how we might move to california." i quickly explained which dropped the happy mood that lasted for a second.

A/n: WOAH RANDOM UPDATE AT 1 IN THE MORNING?? I'm trying to come back to writing so bare with me ple ase ily all

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