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i felt like shit as soon as my eyes fluttered open. i looked around my room and noticed the messy state i had left it in. after i dropped maya off, i went home and shut my door without a word. my company was whisky and tequila. i tried to sleep, but it wouldn't work. all i could think about was maya.

after last night, i realized just what she was talking about with riley. i always thought it was just her being jealous, but she was right. i couldnt believe, i would ever choose a random girl over my best friend. i had to push myself off of the comfy mattress to go get some medicine and coffee. my dad wasn't home since he had work early in the morning. i always wondered if he got tired from working late at night and early in the mornings.. he had been doing it for so long, that it must be normal for him.

i put the kpod into the machine and my coffee mug underneath it. as i touched the button for it to start, the sound of someone knocking on my door caught my attention.

i let out a groan before making my way towards the door. i unlocked the hatch and turned the knob. my eyes widen at the sight of lucas friar with his eyes diverted from mine. i simply sighed and left my door open as i turned around. i walked back towards the kitchen towards my coffee and grabbed the creamer out of the fridge. lucas locked the door behind him and followed me into the kitchen.

"are you gonna sit in silence as i sip my coffee or what?" i asked as i shook the bottle of creamer in my hands and began to pour it into the black coffee.

"why?" he asked, which made me raise an eyebrow.

"why?" i repeated in confusion and he nodded his head. i assumed he was asking why maya and i started doing what we did. i took a seat next to him on the stool beside the island before looking in his direction. "it started in the summer. she came over to my house and asked me if i would help her."

he now looked at me and i took a sip of my coffee before continuing.

"she wanted to have sex with you, but she was scared." i admitted to him. "she was scared, she wouldn't be good enough for you since she said something along the lines of he had already been with somebody. i agreed to it.." i was looking down at my fingers now.

"so you started having sex with maya, because of me?" he asked which made chuckle softly.

"something like that. she wanted to be the best she could for you. her stupid insecurities had gotten to her. she would never admit it out loud, but she wants to be the best possible her for you." i tapped my fingers against the marble counter. "she loves you."

"i also know she loves you." he muttered which made me snicker.

"of course, she does, she's my best friend." i shrugged my shoulders as i took another drink of my coffee.

"more than that." he whispered which caught my attention. i looked over at him with a look for him to continue. "she would probably kill me if she knew i knew this, but whatever. we arent keeping secrets anymore."

"what are you talking about?" i sighed.

"yesterday.. after the dance. i went back to her apartment-" he wasn't even finished talking and i could feel myself internally roll my eyes, of course, he went to go see her and she collapsed into his arms. i bit my tongue though so i wouldnt say something rude. "and before i had time to get out the car, she was standing outside."

"wait.. what? why was she outside? it was freezing outside? when i dropped her off, i made sure to put her in bed and i even told her bye." i frowned in confusion.

"let me finish, please." he shook his head. "she was crying out for you, farkle."

the words hit me like bricks. maya was crying for me? she didnt even show any emotion, when i tucked her in bed. that's when i remembered that i had given her my tux jacket. i ran my fingers through my hair and let out a sigh.

infidelity | maya + farkle Where stories live. Discover now