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"who are you to think you can talk to me like that?" I sharply replied as our eyes met once more. his blue orbs peered down at mine. "have you ever considered that your little play thing might actually like hanging with me and my boyfriend.. we are not horrible people."

"i never said you were horrible!" he argued, a frown growing. "i know exactly what kind of person you are maya, and i know you do not like riley."

"what makes you think that?" i sarcastically muttered with a fake laugh. he rolled his eyes at my words which made my blood boil ever more.

"because you are jealous." he stated without any emotion. that word. that stupid word.

"if i wanted you, we would not be having this conversation!" i exclaimed and moved myself in front of him. "i could easily have you if i wanted."

"prove it." he challenged, which was all it took to break the pride inside of me. i pulled him closer to me by grabbing his shirt. he kissed me roughly and i didnt hold back from showing him what he misses.

i pushed him against the door with our lips still attached. he pulled away for a moment and licked his bottom lip, "so much for platonic.." i rolled my eyes and kissed him once more. i could feel his lips form into a smirk as we kissed. i chuckled softly against his lips.

i finally pushed away with all my strength i had left. he looked at me bewildered on why i would stop.

"admit that im not jealous." i whispered, looking into his soft blue eyes. a small smile grew on his lips as he pushed his forehead against mine.

"you are not jealous." he complied which made me smile also once more.

"i love you." i kissed his cheek softly and a blush grew on his cheeks.

"i love you too." he muttered as he carried me to his bed room. " you are my best friend." he kissed my shoulder and i melted underneath his touch. i grabbed his chin making him look into my eyes. his expression softened at my sudden touch. he's gorgeous. a chuckle escaped his lip before encasing me with his lips.


i woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. i groaned as I tried to reach for my phone, but it wasn't at it's usual place beside me. i frowned before opening my eyes slowly to adjust to the sunlight peaking in through my blinds. i looked down at the floor and noticed my phone vibrating underneath my shirt. i made sure it was off, before laying back down into bed.

"what time is it?" her raspy voice caught my attention. i simply shrugged and closed my eyes once more.

"we have school, loser." she muttered and i could feel herself begin to push off my bed sheets and get off the bed. i turned my body to look at her and couldn't help but stare as she got ready. her messily curled blonde hair went down her naked back. she didn't look in my direction as she looked in my dresser.

"do you sti-" she began to say but i quickly cut her off.

"fourth drawer behind my shirts." i already knew what she was gonna ask. she stayed at my house so enough, that i even had her clothes that she had been in before. my eyes didnt move off of her as she began to put on each article of clothing on.

"stop being creepy." she chuckled, shaking her head as she slipped her head through her shirt.

"what? im not creepy." i laughed also, she smiled before walking towards my bed and sitting down on my waist with each of her legs between my body.

"we have to go to school. come on." she whined with a large smile growing. i moved my hands through her hair and she chuckled. "stop getting soft on me."

"i think the last thing you should call me is soft." i muttered. she rose an eyebrow before suddenly realizing what i meant. she laughed softly and got off of me.

"im gonna go see what you have for breakfast. hurry up." she smiled before leaving my room.

it was weird how quick we could go from arguing to fucking. it wasnt normal. there was nothing normal about us. every part of my head knew that we needed to stop and it wasnt right, but another part of me didnt care. maya was everything to me and i needed to feel close to her. we were more than just close. feeling her warm touch was enough to drive me crazy. i had her in every possible, but i knew there would be a point where i had to stop. little did i know that time would come sooner than i thought.


i was sitting next to lucas next to the entrance of the school talking about yesterday and how much fun the three of us had together. it was a feeling, i had never experienced before. it was a thrill. my parents didnt ask any questions about where she was, only if i had broken up with farkle since lucas had drove me home.

"does it ever bother you?" his voice caught me off guard and snapped me out of my daze.

i looked up at him and a light frown formed, "what do you mean?" i looked in the direction, he was looking in and noticed what he was talking about.

it was maya and farkle getting out of his car. she was laughing about something, throwing her head back and he had a sly smirk on his lips. he never looked at me like that. in fact i had never even seen that look before.

"they are best friends." i told him, but i was more or less reassuring myself. i didnt know how else to explain it, besides the fact that they were best friends. best friends always hang out with each other. they are always together, but..

i watched as the two past a few friends of there and said hi to people as they passed them. everyone knew who they were; it wasn't farkle without her. i could feel my grip around my binder tightening. it didnt feel like they were best friends. they looked like lovers.

"have you ever.." i tried to say but i couldnt make out the words. he gave me a weird look, but it was hard to say. "you know- gotten intimate with maya."

"had sex?" his eyebrows rose as if i had asked such a silly question. "of course. we have. its normal for couples to have sex, you know." he chuckled lightly and i felt embarrassed.

"hey, beautiful." farkle's soft smile made me feel better, but i couldnt shake the feeling. i was a virgin. i looked over at maya as she leaned into lucas and kissed him. she was confident. she was sexy. she could have anyone she ever wanted. i was the opposite. it was surprising that someone like farkle even took interest in me. i was boring.

"take a picture." maya's voice made me realize just how long i had been staring. my cheeks turned light pink and she laughed as lucas snaked his arms around her waist.

"are you okay?" farkle asked me. i flinched lightly at his caring voice.

"yeah." i lied with a fake smile growing and kissing his cheek.

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