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we had decided to go to the mall. it was large enough that we could roam from store to store and eat there if we wanted. riley decided not to say a word throughout the whole drive. which was fine by me because i knew farkle would at least get angry knowing that we had taken her with us.

"we are almost there." lucas announced and i clapped in excitement. i looked back towards riley and smiled. "you okay, babe?"

"not really. ive never done this before." she looked out the window. i chuckled and opened lucas's glove compartment. i fumbled through a bunch of papers before finding what i wanted.

"here." i offered reaching my hand towards the book. i looked into the mirror and smirked when i noticed her eyes go wide.

"no thanks. i don't do drugs." she quickly responded which made lucas and i laugh. "and aren't you on the football team? don't they do drug test on you?"

"they only do drug test if they think you're suspicious, sweetheart." i looked over at lucas. "we don't smoke in school."

"come on, riles." i exclaimed and looked back towards her. "it'll take the edge off. besides just because you do it once doesn't make you addicted."

"it's just wrong." she looked away from my eyes and pushed my hand away.

"fine we won't pressure you." i shrugged my shoulders and began to light up the joint between my fingers. in a low voice i murmured, "farkle would've done it with us."

"okay.. maybe once." she sighed and reached for it. lucas and i began to cheer as she took a hit. it was pretty funny but I was actually proud of her. she actually did it. as soon as she finished she began to cough.

"wooo! riley came to play." lucas laughed along with me. i looked back and noticed her small smile. we spent the next twenty minutes sharing the joint and making jokes about stuff that goes on in our life. i actually enjoyed riley. she was a good time. maybe it was the weed talking and it was just clouding my judgement.

as soon as we entered the mall, we walked into a store and began to put various clothing on and make jokes.

"i should get a hat, right? i would look badass in a hat." riley laughed as i pulled her along with lucas and i into one of the other stores. i laughed and grabbed a cowboy hat.

"so sexy." lucas cooed into my ear and kissed my neck which made me erupt into giggles.

"how about me?" riley asked which caused us both to look in her direction. we laughed at the large hat she had put on her head.

"you are adorable." i smiled and pulled her into a hug which caused her to laugh also.

"come on, maybe we can try on lingerie." i perked up at the idea and pulled her hand towards victoria secret's. lucas rolled his eyes and followed along.

we joked around for the next half hour and would strut around in various clothing. lucas would wait for us and begin to laugh when we came out. riley went along with it and had fun too. she would make funny faces and clumsily walk down the fake runway we imagined. the time seemed to pass away fast as the day continued.

there would be moments between our little fashion show where we get side eyes but we all brushed it off. a woman actually decided to say something to lucas but he quickly responded with he was just trying to buy his two girlfriends something sexy to wear and the woman instantly became red with embarrassment as riley and i smiled in her direction.

"that was amazing." riley laughed as she reached out and grabbed my hand. i nodded in agreement and looked at her.

"aren't you happy you decided to come with us?" i asked and she grinned in response. we decided to go get lunch together in the food court as the last activity of the day.


i hoped that riley wouldn't be angry that i decided to skip lunch but i had to finish a homework assignment for one of my classes. so i spent my lunch in the library working on it and was able to finish. i had my next class with her so i could see her.

as soon as i walked in i noticed her usual seat was empty. a frown fell upon my face as i scanned the room for her. why wasn't she here? i pulled my phone out and began to unlock it when the teacher stopped me.

"mr. minkus, put the phone away before it becomes mine." she sharply replied, she shut the door behind her. i groaned silently and placed it in my back pocket.

the class couldn't have gone by any slower but once the bell rang i pulled my phone out and sent riley a text simply asking where she was. i walked down the hall towards my next class.

"dude, where is lucas?" i overheard somebody ask behind me.

"i don't know but the coach will be pissed unless he has a good reason." his friend answered. i frowned in confusion since maya mentioned he was here in class. "some of the guys mentioned they saw him leave with maya and some brown haired chick."

"threesome?" one of the voice's asked. i rolled my eyes. "dude is a legend! he already has the hottest girl in school dating him. he must've convinced her somehow to let the girl join in."

my blood was boiling at the fact they were talking about riley like this. as if she was just some hook up for lucas. i stopped in my tracks and turned around.

"that girl is my fucking girlfriend. there's no way in hell she would ever fuck lucas-.. lucas and maya ever!" i exclaimed which made their eyes wide.

"bro we didn't know." one of them replied and i scoffed.

i turned around and headed towards my locker. i pulled my phone out and dialed maya's number.

"hey, loser!" she answered after three rings.

"who's that?" i heard a voice ask.

"maya, what the fuck!" i spat into the phone. "why is riley with you and lucas?"

"chill out, she is fine. she is having fun with us." she giggled which worried me even more. "we are heading home soon!"

"after you take her home- come to my house. we need to talk." i bitterly replied before hanging up and unlocking my car door. maya didn't even like riley? it made no sense.

i drove him angry but tried my best not to speed. it would only end horribly so i just played my music loudly with the windows down so everyone heard.

as i pulled into my parking garage, i noticed maya talking to lucas who was in his truck. they were laughing about something and speaking to someone else in the truck with him. i drove closer and noticed it was riley. she was smiling and seemed happy.

"hey, babe!" riley cheered as soon as i pulled into the parking spot next to lucas's.

"hi." i smiled in her direction before i got out. "what's going on?"

"drive riley home." maya told lucas. "call me when you get home. you too riley." she grinned and leaned over the window. she kissed lucas before waving at riley.

riley had her number? i frowned in confusion as i watched their interaction. once lucas pulled out of the drive way, i turned towards her.

"what the literal fuck is wrong with you?" i exclaimed as her blue eyes locked with mine. "why would you take riley with you? why don't you leave her out of your bullshit?"


a/n: yes I stopped it in the middle on purpose because if I continued it would get too long so next part will continue their argument. sorry for not posting- school started again and my job. ill try to have the next one out soon!

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