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tonight was the night. i was actually excited for once to go to a school dance. everything was alright with me, maya, and riley. i get to surround myself with my favorite people. we were in the process of taking pictures, since riley's parents were super adamant about it.

riley was in a nude colored short dress with flowers towards the bottom that looked beautiful on her. her brown hair was curled and flowed beautifully in the light breeze. i smiled as i held her close as they took each picture with an awe from her mom.

thats when maya came into my view. she was wearing a strapless dark red colored dress with a slit in the middle. my mouth open wide open as she flashed a smile in my direction. riley must've noticed because i felt her grip tighten on my arm. maya's blonde hair was straight down her back and her blue eyes were distinctive in the makeup she wore.

"hey!" lucas grinned as he walked closer to riley and i. he held onto maya's hand as they came closer.

"im gonna talk to my parents." riley told me with a small smile before walking towards her parents. i put my hands in my pockets as the couple approached me.

"hey, loser. you look pretty good." maya teased as she let out a small laugh.

"you do look great." lucas agreed which made me smile. "we came to pick you two up. isadora and zay are at the restaurant. since zay forgot to make a reservation, he had to go reserve a table in person."

"we also came to take a few pictures with you!" maya added as she let go of lucas and put her arm around me. lucas with a nod of his head took his phone and took a few pictures. she looked up at me between poses and smiled. "im really glad we made up. tonight wouldnt be the same without my best friend." 

i smiled at her words and felt my heart leap. i finally pulled away from her and walked towards lucas. "ill take a few pictures of you two." i offered and he smiled before walking towards maya. they began to tease each other, before he put his arm around her waist. every photo i could only focus on maya. she was more than beautiful and tonight just showed it even more but i was snapped back into the real world when lucas pulled maya in close for a kiss. each snap they got closer, before finally they kissed.

i snapped one final picture before riley touched my arm which caught my attention. she smiled and kissed my cheek. lucas and maya came closer to us and i could feel the tension in the air, but i knew better then to bring it up.

"alright!" lucas clapped is hands together. "lets go have dinner." he chuckled and headed to his car along with maya. as riley and i followed them, all my eyes could watch was lucas's hand on her waist and how it slowly moved down discreetly. 

"you okay?" riley asked which made me look away.

"perfect!" i chuckled and put my arm around her shoulder as we walked closer to my car and opened the door for her. the drive to the restaurant was fine, riley and i made small talk.. it was nice. finally twenty minutes later or so we arrived at a small hole in the wall restaurant. a few people were in the place, but not many. the atmosphere was great for a small dinner.

i helped riley out the car and we walked towards the entrance where lucas and maya were waiting. riley hurried inside since she said her heels were already hurting her feet, which made me laugh but i didnt say no when he clumsily ran inside. lucas went with her so he could talk to zay and isadora. i turned towards maya and she smiled at me.

"you look beautiful." i complimented her which made her smile grow more if possible.

"so do you. you look happy." she added which made me nod my head.

"maybe.. this is how it's supposed to be." i admitted which i could tell confused her by the way she raised her eyebrows in my direction. "me and riley. you and lucas. us just best friends." i explained which made her sigh.

"yeah.. we were pretty dumb to even.. think we could go on forever with it." she laughed lightly which made me laugh also, but then she stopped laughing. "can we not talk about it?"

i looked over at her and saw the seriousness in her eyes. it confused me cause before everything had happened, she was open about everything with me, but it was different now.

"lets go eat." i nodded my head and held my arm out for her so she could lean on me. she smiled and put her arm around mine and walked towards our seats together.


the dinner was pretty fun. zay and lucas would crack jokes together and isadora would laugh but roll her eyes at the same time. i talked to farkle about a few stuff that we needed to catch up about. riley would talk to isadora a few times but she would mainly whisper in farkle's ear. a part of me understood, why she must've felt awkward. she was surrounded by my friends. they all knew farkle because of me but lucas was the only other person who knew riley. even though zay and isadora were kind enough to make her feel welcomed and she was their friend too.. it wasnt the same, i could tell by the look on her face.

we all separated once we finished and planned to meet back up at the mall. i was excited. i was around people who cared for me and i cared for them.. well most of them. nothing was gonna ruin the night.

once we arrived to the hotel where the dance was being held, lucas and i giggled like children as we were directed to the room where it was. the large hall was beautifully lit up with lights and various decorations hung from the ceiling. zay and isadora arrived shortly after us and we took a seat at a table together. 

i was in the middle of talking with zay about something, when a girl came up to lucas. i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as i watched him quickly get up and follow the girl.

"what was that?" i asked zay who seemed also confused.

"we finally found you." farkle's familiar voice made me turn around and smile. 

"come sit down!" i patted the seat next to me and he complied but not before pulling the seat next to him for riley to sit down. she flashed a smile at me as he sat down between us.

"well.. excuse us, isa and i are gonna bust a move." zay winked as he got to his feet and isadora gave us a look before following him with a laugh. i couldnt help but laugh at how different the two were, but worked perfectly.

it was awkward at first just the three of us, till lucas finally came back to the table.

"where did you go?" i asked him.

"the girl that came up to me is the person in charge of this whole thing." he explained. "she was telling me that the person they had hired to sing.. didnt show up. since i helped a bit with the set up, they were wondering if i had any ideas."

"maya, why dont you get up there?" farkle teased but i could feel my heart drop.

"you can sing?" lucas raised his eyebrows. "how come this is the first ive ever heard of this?"

"i- uh.. not really." i began to feel myself become flustered by the mere thought. "farkle has only heard me a few times and it was when i was in the shower."

"she's being modest, really, lucas she can sing." farkle cut in and i glared at him.

"great! this will be amazing. thank you, babe." he kissed my cheek before heading back towards to where he had gone to.

"farkle!" i rose my voice as i took a seat next to him.

"come on, maya, you are amazing at singing." he sighed which made me roll my eyes. i looked over at riley who didnt look so happy with farkle complimenting even if it was something as small as that.

"babe, can we dance?" she asked him and he turned to her and nodded his head. he stood up with her hand in his. 

"you will be great, trust me." he smiled before walking away with her.

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