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i had managed to avoid both lucas and farkle as the time had passed. i barely paid attention to my phone and while i had both of them for classes, i sat away from where i normally would be. away from them. i wondered if they noticed- that's a lie, i knew they noticed.

lucas had left countless messages and missed calls. it would be three am and my phone would begin to ring. i laid there in the darkness as the only light emitted from my phone screen illuminated my room. i watched it ring for a few seconds, before stopping.

farkle had tried to approach me the first two days after the fight with lucas, but i always came up with some excuse to get away. it was mostly a lie about being late to class. he picked up on the fact that i was avoiding him and soon stopped.

i would sit alone at lunch and watch as lucas approach his teammates. his eyes would find me in the large cafeteria and as soon as he would make eye contact with me, he would look away and focus back on his friends.

farkle was a different story. i hardly saw him during lunch. only once when he was with riley, but they just talked for a few minutes before splitting apart. riley was the one who would notice me. she would give me a small smile before returning to what she was doing.

it was friday night, when i heard a knock on my front door.

the light drizzling that had began after school, had turning to heavy rain as night time had approached. i ignored it the first time, but when they knocked again for the third time is when i got up. i peered up at the peep hole and realized who it was.

"you're drenched." i muttered as i opened the door. farkle's eyes peered into mine, but before he could respond i quickly stopped myself from casual conversation. "why are you here.."

"why have you been avoiding me?" he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"im surprised you even still care." i looked away and he took in a deep breath.

"stop." he finally said. "why are you doing this? why are you pushing me away? you dont think i notice you pushing lucas away too?"

"wha-" i started but he stopped me this time.

"i know you." his expression hardened, stopping me from seeing any emotion in his face. "you, maya hart, are my best friend. you dont think it hurts when you stop talking to me? the reason i stopped trying is because i thought maybe you needed space. what happened between lucas and i was childish, yes, but it happened! i dont know what else to tell you about it. you cant just disconnect from me because i do something you dont like. that's why im here.. soaked. for you."

"i hurt you. i hurt lucas." i shook my head. "all i do is wreck havoc in both of your lives."

"why are you talking like that?!" he questioned. i looked down and was about to close the door when he stopped it with his foot. "is this what you want?" he locked eyes with me.

"no." i wanted to say, but all i could do was put my hand on his chest pushing him away and shutting the door on his face.

i grabbed my phone off of the table and looked through my contacts before finding the name i was looking for.

it rang for a few seconds, before their confused voice answered.

"we need to talk." i whispered.


even after last night, i still wanted to talk to her. i didnt need much of anyone else, but i knew i needed her. she was a part of me. she had always been a part of me. her blue eyes. her blonde hair. her larger than life personality. she was likeable, but to me she was lovable.

if only i had realized sooner.

whether she believed me or not. i was all in for her. if she would have me, i would be only her's. which is a scary sentence to say out loud, but it was true. after riley.. i want to do something right in my life.

she was the right thing in my life.

i tried to call her before i drove to her apartment but she did not answer. i assumed she was maybe busy or something, but it was not anything new if i just showed up. she did it all the time at my house. i headed inside her apartment complex and up to her place. but as i started to turn the corner, there they were.

lucas hugging maya tightly in her doorway. she looked happy. he seemed satisfied with himself. i felt my blood boil at the sight of the two touching. i held my breath as i quickly hid behind the corner. i could barely make out their words due to the distance between us..

"im glad you came-.." she muttered, but i couldnt make out the rest.

"..i love you." i could hear his voice.

i knew it. how stupid could i be? to think she would choose me over him. over the guy she was in love with. he was perfect even with a bruised nose. i shoved my hands in my pocket and headed towards the elevator. i had never felt such a feeling.. as if your heart is crushed.. my whole body heated up and my hands trembling..

i looked at the elevator doors as they shut in front of me. i know she loves me.., i wouldn't dare question her love for me, but does she love me more than him? i walked towards my car and ran my fingers through my hair. my phone lightly buzzed in my pocket and i looked down at it for a second. it was maya. i simply shoved it back in my pocket before starting my car.

two more short buzzes followed after the continuous buzz stopped. she had texted me.

hey, sorry i missed your call. i was away for my phone for a bit.

where are you? can you come over? i was hoping we could talk. i promise i wont shut the door on your face this time.

she wanted to talk in person about it, just to let me down slowly.

i chuckled slightly at the thought and turned my phone over on the passenger seat and drove home. as much as i would like to think i could handle her telling me she was staying with him.. i couldn't. i finally made it back to my house ten minutes later. even with traffic being bad.. i sped more than i should've.

once i entered my apartment, i noticed my dad was sitting on the couch. he was home early.

"i didnt know you would be back today, you said it would be another week." i rose my eyebrow as i hung my coat up near the front door.

"i know. i thought so too, but things went better than expected." he had a small smile on his lips which made me even more confused. he never smiled. it was a scarce facial expression i was not used to.

i nodded my head as i began to walk towards the kitchen.

"what do you think about moving to california?"

i stopped in my tracks.


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