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it has now been two weeks and four days, since my last conversation with maya. she didn't bother to look at me in class and when she did, it was hard to keep from grabbing her and pulling her close. i spent most of my time with riley and she was almost always with lucas and his jock friends.

we had a few classes together so we would occasionally say hi or talk about the project we had to do but never about what had happened that one night.

homecoming was in two days on friday which seemed like all people could talk about.

riley was one of those people, she was not sure what color to wear. i didnt really care, since all i had to wear was a suit with whatever color she chose. 

i walked into my class i shared with maya and noticed her talking to someone behind her but as soon as i sat down she glanced at me for a second before continuing to talk. it wasnt until the teacher walked in that she looked ahead.

"mr. minkus!" the teacher's voice caught me off guard and i looked up from my desk. she motioned for me to come over and i slowly stood up before walking over to her desk. "will you take these books to the library for me?"

i took a breath before nodding with a smile.

"thank you! miss. hart, can you come help?" i looked back over at her and she didnt look happy but she still nodded her head. i picked up the books she wanted me to return and maya held the door open for me. the walk to the library was quiet and no one said a word. i didnt know how to start a conversation anymore with her. it was awkward and there was so much tension in the air. 

six minutes of dead silence before we finally made it to the library. i placed the books on the counter and explained to the librarian that the teacher asked me to bring the books. she told me thanks, before returning to work. i walked with maya into the halls and looked over at her.

"so.. um.. how have you been?" i asked even though i knew it didnt come out how i wanted. she glanced over at me for a second before looking ahead. i thought she had just decided to ignore my question, so i looked down.

"im okay, but its not like you know." she muttered, even though the reply was rude; i was just glad she had responded. i rolled my eyes before looking over at her.

"you're one to talk. you never asked me how i was doing." i retorted and she let out a small laugh in response. she looked up at me. 

"i thought you were ignoring me." she stopped walking and stood there. i looked at her and for a moment i contemplated grabbing her hand and pulling her into the nearest closet, but i knew it wouldnt end up well.

"maya." i sighed and walked closer to her. she looked up at me with her ocean blue colored eyes and it took all of my strength to not grab her face and kiss her. "i hate not talking to you, so can we please return to normal?"

"that's the thing farkle.. i dont think we can return to normal. it's all my fault for asking that stupid question of will you sleep with me." she huffed. i looked down before answering, cause a part of me knew she was right, but i didnt wanna make her feel worse.

"i wanted it too." i finally replied. "you are my best friend, maya, i would do anything for you." a small smile formed on her lips which made me feel better. "things happened and i wanted you to be the first person to know."

"but what if.. we dont know how to function without the intimate stuff? what if i want to kiss you?" she asked which made me chuckle a little. "like what?"

"we will take it one step at a time.. we both have significant others, we already dug a hole. lets not dig any deeper." i sighed and put my arm around her shoulder pulling her with me. "well.. riley and i kinda.. you know."

infidelity | maya + farkle Where stories live. Discover now