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once he finally finished i licked my lips clean and checked the mirror to make sure there was nothing on my face. i couldn't help but roll my eyes, "thanks for making me late on the first day."

farkle moved his hands down to his zipper and made sure to zip it closed. "uh.. who was the one who offered to give me head?" he raised his eyebrows as he turned his car off. "i told you we didn't have time."

i just laughed and shook my head, "yet you didn't say no." i opened his car door and stretched my arms. i looked around the parking lot and thankfully no one was around. the first bell had rung maybe five minutes or so earlier, so everyone must be inside.

i sighed and patiently waited for farkle to get ready, "you better just be glad i have dimmed windows." finally he shut the car door behind him and began to walk with me. he looked back for a moment and locked his car.

"what's the game plan?" he asked, i simply shrugged my shoulders at his words. we shared similar schedules but not every single class was the same. i hated when we were apart too long.

"you wanna have lunch together?" i asked even though i already knew he would of course sit with me. farkle was my best friend but it was a bit more complicated and no one would ever understand why we do what we do.

"riley will be there with me." he told me and i simply nodded my head. she was his girlfriend, why would i say no. i loved farkle a lot and i cared for him. after the night i asked him to teach me and let me explore whatever i wanted. i lost my virginity to him and it was amazing. he was no random guy and if i did something wrong, he would tell me in the funniest yet kindest way possible. he could easily make me laugh at any moment then just as easily orgasm.

could we ever stop? probably. did we want to? no. it was our little secret and it made things fun.

i ran towards my class with farkle trailing closely behind me. "next time you should just nut faster." i snickered towards him which caused him to groan loudly.

"stop talking about how fast i cum!" he grumbled, stopping in front of a door which i presumed was his first hour. i blew him a kiss which caused him to roll his eyes with a chuckle before he opened the door and i turned the corner.

i walked up the stairs quickly and let out a sigh stopping at my first class. i opened the door and smiled at all the faces that turned to look at me. i ran my fingers through my messy curled hair that farkle had ruined earlier in the car.

"miss. hart, it's the first day and you are already late," the coach of the football team murmured as his eyes watched me enter the room. i had met him before due to always being with lucas. he was also the teacher of SAT prep, a class every junior was required to take. "please, explain."

"im sorry." i gave him an apologetic smile and walked closer to the seat in the back. lucas was in the midst of talking to his best friend, zay babineaux, when i smiled and cupped his chin, moving his head in my direction and kissed him softly before sitting down.

"why are you late?" lucas chuckled, he seemed a little worried about me. which i thought was cute that he cared.

"i drove with farkle and he took forever," i admitted, well it was half true. she did drive with farkle, but they got quickly got preoccupied. "we got hit with the traffic."

infidelity | maya + farkle Where stories live. Discover now