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a sigh escaped my lips as i reached for my homework in my book bag to keep my mind off of things, but it didnt work. one look at my advanced math homework was enough to make me wanna stop what i was about to do. i looked down at my hands once more before reaching for my phone. i looked through my instagram feed and saw various photos from people i followed. something caught my attention.

two hours ago maya posted a picture with lucas and all her roses. why was i the only one who faced consequences for what we did? riley broke up with me cause of maya. i gripped my phone harder as i focused on the photo. he had a large smile on his lips as maya kissed him on the cheek. i groaned and tossed my phone, harder then i intended to, against my floor.

i decided to try and do my homework once more, but this time the sounds of voices coming from downstairs distracted me. i got off of my bed and opened my door. i peaked my head out the door and realized it was maya and my father talking. i frowned in confusion as i listened.

"how have you been, maya?"

"ive been good! school has been great and im just ready to graduate." her familiar laugh rang through the room. "i was wondering if farkle was home?"

"i remember how i felt when i was a senior in high school." i rolled my eyes at his voice, he always seemed to be more comfortable with other people then his own son. "yes, he is.., but miss. hart can i have a word about farkle?"

this caused me to freeze.

"of course, is something wrong?" she asked. 

"you tell me? lately.. i mean when i got home last week, he wasnt his usual self. it was quite alarmingly and now he seems to be better, but i was just curious." the grip on my door frame tightened as i listened more. "you know farkle loves you dearly."

this was enough, i didnt want him to continue. i finally pushed away from my door and walked towards them in the living room.

"maya." i stopped her as she was about to speak. she looked over at me then back at my dad. 

"its okay, you two have fun." he simply stated as he looked me in my eyes, before walking away back to his office. maya sat up from the couch and looked at me.

"farkle-" she was about to start, but i just motioned for her to follow me towards my room. once we were in my room, i closed the door behind me.

"what the fuck, maya." i frowned and she looked at me in confusion.

"im sorry?" she chuckled lightly surprised at my sudden outburst. she sat down on my bed with a playful smile growing. 

"riley told me about what you said." i decided to skip small talk and just tell her. her expression quickly changed from smiley to angry. she sat up in my bed and frowned.

"what did she tell you?" she looked up at me. i paced back and forth in my room trying to calm myself down. "farkle! what did she tell you?" this time her voice was louder than before.


i sat dumbfounded by what he had asked. if anything, he would be getting angry at her if he knew about the conversation she and i had. that's when i realized that she must have already talked to him.

"why?" he wickedly laughed which terrified me. "why are you so jealous of her? i thought you were my best friend.. you are supposed to wanna see me happy? or are you just so selfish that you dont want me to be happy with anyone else but you?"

i sat there wide eyed at his words. is this really how he felt? that i didnt want him to be happy?

"i am not jealous of her." i whispered as i looked down at the floor. i couldnt find it in myself to meet his eyes.

"then why maya?" he raised his voice and moved closer to me. "you know how much i care for riley."

i took a deep breath before speaking. "i dont understand why you are getting angry at me when i did nothing wrong!" i yelled louder than i meant to and stood up to be face to face with him.

"i know how you feel about her and its no fucking secret, maya, that you dont like her!" he argued with me. i shrugged my shoulders at his words.

"so?" i frowned. "it was your fucking girlfriend- or whatever the hell you two are now- that told me to stop talking to you!"

he froze. he didnt say a word for a few seconds, which made me think he had finally come to realize that it wasnt me. it was her, but no.

"she wouldnt say that. riley wouldnt say that." he muttered which made me laugh.

"you believe her over me?" i retorted and he didnt say anything. "wow, thanks."

"i never said that!" he finally stated.

"but you do." i shook my head. "you do believe her. farkle, she is fucking lying!"

"why do you dislike her so much?" he frowned once more at my reaction.

i let out a frustrated groan and ignored his question. i sat down on his bed with my arms crossed against my chest. we didnt say anything for a minute or two, but just sat in silence. he finally broke the silence and tension between us.

"i want you to be honest with me, maya." he whispered. i looked over at him and he let out a sigh as he came closer. he reached out and grabbed ahold of my hand. "do you have feelings for me? is that why you dont want riley and i to be together?"

my face began to feel hot at his question. i yanked my hand away from his grasp once his words processed in my mind.

"excuse me?" i looked at him in his eyes to see if he was serious. he had a different expression then i was used to. he looked at me as if he barely knew me. 

"im trying just to figure stuff out, maya." he clarified but it didnt make me feel any better.

"i should go home and start dress shopping. you were there.. right? when my boyfriend asked me to homecoming?" i sarcastically replied and grabbed my coat off of his bed. "just be fucking happy with riley. since she is apparently the only person you listen to."

he sighed before reaching out and grabbing my arm. he pulled me into him and placed a kiss on my lips. i kissed back instinctively, before realizing what i was doing. i pushed him away from me even though my whole body screamed for his touch.

"no! you dont get to kiss me. not anymore." i whispered and thats when i saw his face fall. he looked down at the floor. "i know.. i know i was the one who started this thing, whatever it is, but i cant do it anymore. i should just focus on lucas and you focus on riley. you cant have both of us. i-im sorry." i stated softly before reaching for the door and closing it behind me. my head was spinning and it was becoming hard to breathe, but i knew it would only get worse.

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