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i sat in my seat towards the back of the room; my eyes intently watching farkle and riley. she had been switched into regular environmental science which made no sense, she had always been in AP classes since she was a freshman. this was one of the few classes farkle and i shared only.

as soon as she walked into the classroom, farkle's blue eyes lit up and he moved towards the front. away from me. i felt myself beginning to boil inside and wanted to blame it on riley.

i rolled my eyes and looked back down at my sheet of paper. it was blank. i couldn't concentrate with the two making googly eyes at each other. if i couldn't do anything, i could at least write my name. as i began to write my name the lead broke on the 'y'.

i let out a frustrated groan which was louder than i meant for it to be. everyone in the class looked back at me even farkle and riley.

"what?" i bitterly snapped, daring someone to say a word to me.

maybe he was doing it on purpose, i thought. he's usually never this much on her. ever since the night of our date it seemed to bring them closer. which was odd to me since he fingered me with her next to him.

the sound of the bell ringing was a blessing. i quickly rose out of my seat and towards the door. i could hear farkle call my name but i didn't turn back. i stormed through the hallway that filled with people trying to get to their next class and talking to friends.

i stopped at lucas's locker and crossed my arms. i leaned against his locker and waited. a couple seconds later, i spotted him talking to zay as they walked towards me.

"hey, baby." lucas greeted me with a smile growing as soon as he noticed me. i didn't respond but instead placed my lips on his. i took all my anger out on him and roughly kissed his lips. i knew zay was still standing there watching us but i opened my eyes for a second to see farkle in the distant.

he frowned in confusion as soon as our eyes met but i quickly closed my eyes to pretend i hadn't seen him. our lips moved in sync and he moved his hands down my waist. i bit down softly on his bottom lip before pulling away.

i looked towards zay who was standing with his eyes wide. lucas tried to catch his breath and i simply smiled.

"I gotta get to class, babe." i told him and kissed his cheek before heading towards my locker.


i kissed riley on the forehead and told her goodbye before heading towards my car. i tucked my hands in my pockets and smiled. everything was perfect. my grades were up, granted it is only the second week of school, but it was still good. riley and i were in a good place and she now allowed me to kiss her with other people around. she was still nervous but she smiled each time i kissed her cheek.

though i hadn't spoken to maya since after lunch which was odd since we had last hour together instead she moved away from me and sat next to some other guy. i didn't know if i was driving her home so i decided just to wait for her in the parking lot.

i sat for ten minutes or so but there was no text or call. i just brushed it off as maya being maya and she probably got a ride home from lucas. i drove home myself and tiredly walked to my room. i opened the door and threw my bag down. i glanced in the direction of my bed and that's when i noticed the blonde.

"maya? what are you doing here?" i asked but no response. i walked closer to the side of bed she was facing and noticed her eyes closed. a small chuckle escaped my lips as i turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

infidelity | maya + farkle Where stories live. Discover now