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the final bell had already rang and plenty of students had already happily left the school. it was pretty quiet and since i drove i was in no rush to leave. it was the end of the week and i was dreading spending an evening with maya, only because we wouldn't be alone, but instead with our significant others. to maya it was almost like a game. i admit part of the fun was that no one knew but she thrived at that fact, she could do whatever she wanted and there were no consequences as long as she was sneaky.

i would allow her to do anything to me. i couldn't say no to her.

"farkle!" the sound of her voice snapped me out of my thoughts. i turned my head but before i could move, she jumped onto my back. i laughed and grabbed her thighs to keep her from falling. a smile grew on my lips as she muttered, "i missed you."

"we were only apart for two hours." i teased as i walked towards a more secluded place in the school.

"i know but it's so boring without you." she groaned, wrapping her arms around my neck. "i had a chemistry test today.. who gives a test on the first week of school?"

i didn't answer but simply turned my head to make sure no one was around before dropping my hands from her thighs. i pushed her against the wall of the staircase once she was on her feet. i smiled looking down at her.

she grabbed onto my hoodie and messed with the laces. "so.. i was thinking.. you can say no if you want to but.. will you try something with me?"

i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, she only became flustered when it came to certain things so to see her act this way surprised me. she pushed herself closer to me and whispered in to my ear.


it was the night of our "date". i told farkle i would drive with lucas and meet him at riley's apartment. i chuckled as i felt lucas wrap his arms around my waist and leave small kisses on my neck.

"babe.." i moaned a little at the touch of his lips on my skin. "we need to go inside. you know riley an.. and farkle are waiting for us."

he didn't respond but just let out a soft laugh against my jawbone as his lips moved. i felt his hand move across my thigh and begin to go past the edge of my skirt. i rolled my eyes lightly before softly pushing him away.

"that's enough, we still have the rest of the night." i laughed at the pouty face he made in reaction. "ill make it worth your wild."

"im already out the car." he teased as he quickly unlocked his doors and got out. i laughed at his eagerness and opened my door. he wrapped his arm around me and held me close to his side.

"you're not jealous of riley?" his question made me feel uneasy and confused. why would i ever be jealous of her? she had nothing i wanted.

"uh.. why would i ever be jealous of her?" i scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. farkle was in love with her sure, but he loved me also. i had him in every way i wanted, she had him emotionally.

"i don't know. you two are always together, but riley is his girlfriend. don't you think he'll want to see her more? especially since school started?" he explained himself. i rolled my eyes at the thought of the two being sweet and gross together.

"farkle isn't that type of guy." i muttered, he would never leave me for her. he cared for me more. "besides i have you to keep my company."

we walked up the steps of her house and lucas knocked on the door. seconds later riley appeared with a large friendly smile. i was questioning whether it was fake or not, but decided to drop it. once we entered her house, i noticed how clean it was. everything was perfectly placed and looked as if it deserved to be in a museum.

i turned my head and my smile grew as i noticed farkle emerge from one of the rooms. he smiled also but i didn't wanna run to hug him since i knew lucas would get jealous.

"so what are we watching?" i asked with a chuckle. i watched riley without actually staring at her. she walked up to farkle and gave him a kiss on the lips before answering my question.

"the conjuring. i know it's not new but it's one of my favorites and farkle is a sucker for scary movies." she flashed her famous fake smile in my direction. i wanted to tell her i know everything about farkle, but kept my mouth shut. it was the first time i had ever seen her act affectionate to him.

"lets watch it." lucas clapped his hands together and riley grabbed the snacks. i seated myself on the couch and lucas sat beside me. farkle plopped down next to me with a smile before riley seated herself beside him. we barely all fit on the couch but made it work.

"riley, im kinda cold. do you have a blanket?" i asked with a smile and she nodded her head. she shot up and walked somewhere.

"hey." a smile formed on farkle's lips, his eyes meeting mine.

"hi, loser." i muttered with a grin. i turned my head and looked at lucas. i chuckled and kissed his cheek which caught his attention. he blushed at my action which made my heart flutter.

"i hope you're ready." farkle whispered into my ear barely audible, i assumed so lucas wouldn't hear. i was confused so i shook it off. i grabbed lucas's hand and laced our fingers together. he began to mess with my fingers when riley finally returned.

"here." she smiled with two blankets in her hands.

"two?" i raised a single eyebrow.

"so you and luc could share. while farkle and i share." she explained and i mentally gagged once more at the name she called lucas. no one ever called him luc.

i agreed since i just wanted to start the movie already. lucas didn't want the blanket on him since he got hot easily and allowed me to cover just myself. farkle, of course, went along with riley and put the blanket on him.

we were almost done with the movie a hour later and lucas had knocked out. he was sleeping quietly while the movie continued. riley was too invested into the movie when i reached under the blanket they shared and grabbed ahold of farkle's hand. he didn't move a bit but allowed me to guide his hand into my blanket.

that's when his hand freed itself from my grasp. he didn't look in my direction but stayed focus on the tv when he moved his hand up my thigh. i felt his fingers push my legs apart slightly for him to have more access. i looked towards riley in the corner of my eye and couldn't help but notice her holding onto his other hand.

a smirk grew on my lips when i felt his fingers push away the black laced thong i decided to wear just for him.

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