Chapter One

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Barry looked up to the sky. It was splitting, it looked just how Cisco had described it. Back at S.T.A.R. Labs Caitlin and Cisco, both ran outside.

"Is this how it looked in your vibe?" Caitlin asked looking at Cisco. Cisco nodded his head as they both looked at the sky, the ground shaking beneath them. 

"Only this is a hell of a lot scarier," Cisco said looking around. 

Suddenly, they began to see flashes of white lightning fluttering throughout the sky.

"Y/N," Barry said sounding sad at the thought. Then those flashes turned into streaks as if a rope was tying things back together. Which was then followed by a loud crashing sound. Ripples were sent throughout the sky. It was over, the shaking stopped, and everything looked normal once again. The only difference was that Y/N was gone.

Barry put Thawne into the pipeline and raced back into the Cortex. He found Caitlin and Cisco both typing away rapidly looking for a sign of Y/N. 

"Anything?" Barry asked moving closer to get a better look.

"Nothing...yet," Cisco said noticing Barry's expression. Caitlin and Cisco had both heard his conversation with Y/N before she left. 

The Next Day:

Barry, Joe, Cisco, and Caitlin were all sitting in the Cortex. The search for Y/N continued but at a much slower rate. After all, the team had no trace of her to track; it was a guessing game at this point. News reports of Y/N were everywhere. Stories of the Flash that saved us all. More went on about she hadn't been seen since, even reports of her being dead.

"Barr," Joe said getting up and walking towards his son.

"What?" Barry said looking away from the screens. He was sitting in a chair twirling Y/N's ring in his hands. It was obvious to all of them that he missed her.

"How are you taking all this?" Joe asked; before continuing he sat down next to Barry. "You just lost the love of your life and found out you created the very thing that courses through both of each other's veins....Barry, it's okay to not be okay right now." Joe then put his hand on Barry's in an attempt to comfort his son.

"Y/N said that she would come back, I don't get it, Joe....I just miss her so much," Barry managed to get those words out before his tears started streaming out of his eyes. Joe embraced him in a hug. Barry was broken...

Meanwhile in the speed force:

Before she blacked out Y/N was running across the multiverse, across time, she was running faster than she ever had before. Images of her parents, Barry, and Earth 5 flashed in front of her eyes, but she remained focused. The next thing she knew everything around her went black.

Y/N awakened in the speed force.

"Speed Force?" Y/N called out, she was unaware of her surroundings. Y/N was in what looked like a park, it was unclear of where. Y/N had begun to stand up when she heard a familiar voice.

"Welcome back Y/N."

Y/N spun around to see the speed force version of her father standing in front of her. 

"Well, it's nice to see you again too 'dad'." Y/N said looking around.

"You should be taking this seriously."

"When can I leave?" Y/N asked she wanted nothing more than to see Barry again. To once more be taken in by his warm embrace.

The speed force sensed this and her father morphed into the image of Barry.

"You went against the code."

"What? Because I told him the truth? Well, I'm sorry if I was tired of keeping secrets for you." Y/N said that she was annoyed. Y/N attempted to run out of the speed force, and back to the real Barry Allen.

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