Chapter 2

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A few day's later:

Barry woke to the sound of his alarm. He once again woke up in Y/N's arms, her head laid softly against his shirt. The two were closer than ever after her near death experience. That made them both realize their love for one another. Barry tried to sneak out of bed without waking Y/N, but her hand was wrapped around his waist.

"Baby, stop moving around," Y/N said squinting her eyes due to the sunshine streaming in. Her eyes were closed but a smile was visible on her face. Barry smiled.

"It's time to wake up baby." Y/N groaned. Again Barry tried to leave, but again her grip tightened around his waist.

"Y/N." She opened one eye. Y/N saw Barry's green eyes gleaming in the sun.

"But I wanna stay here with you," Y/N said with a frown. Barry moved closer so that his chin was now on her head, her head resting on his chest. 

"Five more minutes," she said nuzzling her head further into his chest, all in an attempt to make Barry stay.

"Five more minutes and I'm late," Barry said giving lifting her chin and giving her one final kiss before leaving. He wanted nothing more than to stay with Y/N, but if he was late for a second time this week Singh would kill him.

A few hours later:

Y/N walked into Barry's lab and let out a groan as she sat down. Barry immediately sped over to her and looked the bruise on her face. He knelt down in front of her and examined her for other injuries.

"I'm fine Barry," Y/N said. Barry tilted his head to the side, he didn't believe her. Barry reached for her hand, Y/N winced as soon as he touched it.


"See someone who's fine doesn't say that," Barry said looking at her. "What happened?" 

"Well, there's a new speedster in town," Y/N putting her head back and trying to ease the pain. "I was chasing this jewelry thief and then the speedster caught me off guard and tried to pull a Reverse Flash on me." Barry looked at her in disbelief. 

"So how did all this happen?" Barry asked gesturing to all her injuries. Then Y/N went into detail about the meta-human she faced after that, and she how broke her hand, and how she got her other injuries.

Barry didn't like seeing her like this; he was about to speed them both to the apartment when Patty walked into the lab.

"Hey Patty," Barry said looking at the ground, then Y/N. Both knew that this was going to be awkward.

"Hey Barry, oh my...Y/N are you okay?"

"Yeah, this is nothing," Y/N said getting up. Barry noticed her pain and assisted her. He kept his arms around her, partially for support, partially to show Patty he no longer had feelings for her.

"Okay, look there's a new speedster in town, I'm gonna guess you already know about him," Patty said gesturing over to Y/N. Both Y/N and Barry nodded in agreement.

"Well, maybe I could help," Patty offered, but Barry interrupted before she continued.

"I think we can handle it Patty, but we should get going...right Y/N?" Barry asked nudging Y/N.

"Yeah, yep. Gotta go get meta-humans and do hero stuff." Barry picked her up and sped them both out of there before Y/N had a chance to continue embarrassing both of them. Barry sped into the apartment and gently laid Y/N down on the couch.

"Thank you," Y/N said as Barry grabbed a blanket.

"Well, I couldn't let you keep embarrassing the both of us," Barry said as he laid down next to her. "About that speedster, you fought earlier, what'd he look like?"

"Yellow, yellow lightning, he had a flash symbol, but it was different and backward, his eyes were red," Y/N was going to continue until Barry sped off the couch and came back with a photo in hand.

"Did he look like this?" Barry asked showing Y/N photo.

"Yeah, who is this?" Y/N asked giving the photo back to Barry.

"Wally, Joe's son I told you about."

Barry ran his hand through his hair. He was frustrated, and he didn't know how to tell Joe. Y/N explained to him that she would tell Joe if it helped. Barry then proceeded to tell Y/N about Wally for the next hour or two. Barry was confused as to why, or better yet how Wally could come back from the dead.


"Yeah," Barry said taking turning towards Y/N.

"How did Wally get his speed?"

Barry then went into detail with Savitar, and how he gave him his speed. Y/N then tried to help Barry comprehend the idea of the Negative Speed Force. It was created by a man named Profesor Zoom on Earth 5 and later adopted by Hunter Zoloman. Y/N's theory was that Savitar used the negative speed force as well to harness his power and destroy other speedsters. 

"If Wally got his power from the Negative Speed Force, then when he died he would have been reabsorbed in a way. He and his speed would go back into the Negative Speed Force, and now it may be manipulating him as a way to destroy the Flash." Y/N proposed this idea to Barry, and it made sense. Barry then got curious as to how Y/N obtained so much knowledge about the subject.

"How do you know all this, if I helped you create the speed force shouldn't I know this stuff too?' Barry asked.

"I know this from being on Earth 5, and spending over a year in the speed force after I created a paradox." Y/N was interrupted by Barry asking,

"You created a Flashpoint Paradox too?"

"Yeah, but I didn't name it. You got it easy, I on the other hand made the speed force very angry. It spent one year teaching me and telling me things about the speed force before finally returning me, and restoring my timeline to the way it was. It didn't restore your timeline perfectly though. Part of that was your punishment."

Barry was having trouble taking all of this information in, let alone understanding it. Y/N tried to get him off of the subject. After all, it was a lot for just one person to comprehend. She tried to comfort him, and eventually got him to fall asleep.

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