Chapter 21

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It was the day of the wedding and everything was being arranged. It was agreed that Bruce would perform the ceremony seeing that he was the only one ordained to do so. Caitlin had helped Y/N get ready earlier, and Cisco was helping Barry. Y/N planned to give Barry his Flash ring today.

Barry was getting ready for the ceremony to start, he was a little nervous, he was planning to give Y/N his mother's ring today, he couldn't wait to see her.

As the ceremony begins:

Barry watched as Y/N walked up to him. She was beautiful, stunning, Barry couldn't think of enough words to describe how perfect she was. Y/N couldn't contain her smile as she approached Barry and took his hands in hers. She saw a few tears escape his eyes, hers as well.

"If it's all the same to you I'm going to skip the Hebrew," Bruce said politely. "After all the incredible scientific advancements we've been a party to, the mystery that brings two people together through love, is still the province of magic. Mr. Ramon, the rings please." 

Cisco pulled both rings out of his pocket and presented them to Y/N, and Barry. As Y/N slid the ring on Barry's finger he asked,

"Is that a Flash ring?" 

"Yes, and the band is made from my father's wedding ring, he'd want you to have it," Y/N said staring into Barry's eyes. Barry slid his mother's ring onto Y/N's finger.

"Wait, this isn't the same ring," Y/N said.

"I know, it's not a Flash ring, but this was my mother's wedding ring, I thought that she would want you to have it. Besides, it's common to have an engagement and wedding ring separate," Barry said smiling, the ring was perfect for Y/N. "I owed you a real ring."

"You don't owe me anything. If all the events of the past two years have led me here, by your side. Then it was all worth it," Y/N said.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride," Bruce said smiling.

"Don't tell me what to do," Y/N said before sharing a long passionate kiss with Barry, her husband.

The team spent the rest of the night celebrating in the Cortex, drinks were poured, stories were told...until it all came crashing down. Bruce had gone back to Earth 38 after the wedding, after all, he had a city to protect. Y/N and Barry had changed into their normal clothes once again, they were talking when Wally appeared. He took a glass of champagne,

"To the happy couple," he snickered. "You thought that this would show me that you were strong? That you could beat me? No, you merely ignited the fire." Then he raced out of the Cortex, Y/N followed Barry not far behind.

They skidded to a stop in the middle of the busiest market square in Central City. 

"You think you're better than me, prove it," he said that and began speeding around, Y/N followed right by his side, punches were thrown back and forth while Barry focused on getting the civilians to safety. Wally was knocked to the ground but quickly got up and reversed the situation so Y/N was on the ground.

Phones were taken out, and people chattered as the speedsters fought. Barry worked on keeping them safe from the fight.

"I want nothing more than to kill you," Wally said out of breath.

"What are you waiting for? Do it," Y/N said coughing up blood.

"No, I can't. Something is blocking me, keeping me from killing you," Wally said in anger.

"That's the real Wally West, he's fighting you, and he always will," Y/N said as Wally stood over her.

"How do I get rid of him!" Wally yelled in anger, he had no intention of being defeated.

"You can't, so long as you control his body, he will fight you until you set him free. The moment you lose control of him, you'll never get it back," Y/N said before knocking one of his legs to the side and causing him to fall. She then ran off back to S.T.A.R. Labs. Y/N didn't see Barry and assumed he beat her there.

Y/N entered S.T.A.R. Labs and saw Barry with the team, he saw her and ran to her side. He put his arm around her waist and helped her limp to the medical lab for Caitlin to check on her. Y/N took off her suit jacket to reveal several bruises and scrapes, she laid back for Caitlin to bandage them. She winced as Caitlin cleaned the wounds, Barry saw this and reached for her hand, she squeezed it as she shut her eyes in pain.

"I'm sorry if it hurts," Caitlin said, she felt bad, but this had to be done to avoid further injury.

"Just hurry," Y/N said. Barry rubbed her arm and continued to hold her hand. He was doing everything he knew how to comfort, and soothe her, he knew the pain she was in. He had to deal with it when he got hurt, he knew just how miserable she was.

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