Chapter 15

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After a few hours, Barry and Y/N walked back into the main area and saw everyone. Most of them came and welcomed Barry back. Barry was happy to be back. Then a few hours later one of Cisco's alerts went off.

"The Dominators are attacking down by the waterfront," Cisco said to the team as he typed away.

"Let's end this," Ray said flying out of the warehouse, Y/N and Barry followed as Kara flew above them. The entire team arrived to see a group of Dominators standing still, not attacking anything.

"We come in peace," one of them said stepping forward a little bit.

"Is that why you kidnapped and tortured our friend?" Sara hissed.

"He was merely a pawn in a much larger picture. We need her," it said pointing at Y/N.

"Why? Why do you need me?" Y/N asked curiously stepping forward.

"Our world is in danger. When the Reverse Flash destroyed Earth 5 he corrupted our timeline. You were supposed to help us willingly, but when Earth 5 was destroyed you weren't there to help us. Our planet was invaded, and you're the only one fast enough to save us all."

"If you wanted my help then you shouldn't have tortured someone I care about," Y/N said back harshly. She wanted to help, but could she know if they were being truthful or not.

"Save us, or we destroy this world too," they threatened. "You have 24 hours." Then they beamed back up to their ship and flew off.

Back at the base:

"You can't seriously be considering going with them," Nate said looking at Y/N as she was deep in thought.

"You know I am. If me going with them saves this planet then the choice is clear," Y/N said. She didn't want to leave, but it would prevent the destruction of this Earth.

"No, you can't go with them," Barry said walking up to her.

"Barry, one Earth has already been destroyed because of me. I'm not going to let another Earth suffer the same fate because of me when I could prevent it," Y/N snapped back. She could tell Barry was angry, but what other choice did they have.

"What if they don't return you to this Earth?" Stein asked.

"It doesn't matter, someone has to do something," Y/N said heading for the door.

"No! I won't let you," Barry said grabbing her arm.

"No offense Barry, but you're not fast enough to stop me," Y/N said back.

"Guys! You might wanna see this," Cisco said as he projected something from his computer onto the big TV screen they had.

"What is it?" Oliver asked.

"Files, I had the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite searching the ship, and I found these. They're files about how to use Y/N's speed and weaponize it."

"That's why they asked me about you and your speed," Barry said walking towards the screen. 

"They don't really want you to save them, they want you to use your speed as a weapon," Ray said. Y/N was upset, not only did she yell at Barry, but it was all for nothing. 

"So how do we get rid of them?" Y/N asked looking at the team for answers when Cisco replied.

"With these," he said pulling out a case full of tiny devices. Barry explained that they had to plant these on them, and then it would get rid of them.

A few hours later:

The Dominators were taken care of and Earth was safe once again. The Legends had gone back to traveling through time, and Kara had headed back to Earth 38. Oliver and his team were getting ready to leave and head back to Star City.

"Thank you, for everything," Y/N said hugging Oliver before he left.

"No, thank you. You're the one who planted all those devices," Oliver said pulling out of the hug.

"Hey, I helped too," Barry said walking up and hugging Oliver as well. After Oliver and his team left Y/N and Barry were the only ones left in the warehouse. 

"Look, Barry about earlier," Y/N said turning to face Barry. "I'm sorry, I yelled at you, and if I had really left I wouldn't be able to live with myself had I left things like that," Y/N said looking at the ground. Barry walked closer to her and lifted her chin with his hand.

"I understand, you were stressed. I would have done the same," Barry said wrapping his arms around her, his cheek resting on her head. "I'm just glad you're still here," Barry said putting his forehead again hers, he smiled at her. Wells had once said that Barry would never be happy; it was in this moment that Barry proved Wells wrong.

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