Chapter 10

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A few days after Y/N woke up she was feeling better, but Barry practically stuck to her like glue. Y/N could tell he meant well, he was just being overprotective. Y/N didn't mind following him to the station though. She liked hanging out with Julian in the lab, or talking with Joe, and occasionally leaving to be the Flash.


Barry and Y/N were arguing over who's suit was cooler when Singh asked for Barry to come down to his office. Y/N was left alone in his lab until Julian walked in.

"Hey Julian," Y/N said standing up and looking out the windows at the city.

"Hey Y/N," Julian said putting his things away. "Look, Y/N there's someth-"

Julian was cut off by the sound of Y/N's phone ringing. There was a break-in down at Iron Heights. She sped out of the lab and down the prison alone. Barry was in a meeting with Singh. His phone went off, but he couldn't leave. Barry knew that Y/N could probably handle it, but he still worried about her being out there.

Y/N arrived at the prison and saw two prisoners out of their cells. One was a woman, the other was a guy. The woman fled the scene, Y/N went after her until the man looked into her eyes and threw her through into a mirror. She was inside of a mirror, the man followed and attacked her. Y/N managed to escape, but barely, and both of them were gone.

At S.T.A.R. Labs:

Y/N returned empty handed and explained what had happened to Cisco. Caitlin and Julian, as well as Barry, were nowhere to be seen.

"Scutter and Dillion...Top and Mirror Master," Cisco said typing until he could pull up the pictures of them on the screen.

"Yeah well that's them," Y/N said observing the mug shots on the screen.

"And they're handled," said a familiar voice.

"Oliver!" Y/N said running up to him and giving him a hug that he didn't really want nor need. Felicity walked in behind him. While they hugged Oliver explained that Scutter and Dillion were back in Iron Heights, meta-human ward.

"Hey Felicity," Y/N said giving her a hug as well, but Felicity pulled away.

"Let me see the ring," Felicity said grabbing for Y/N's hand. "Oh it's beautiful, the lightning bolt really adds something special."

"Barry's a lucky guy. Where is he by the way?" Oliver asked looking around.

"He is in a meeting with Captain Singh," Y/N said. "Do you need him?"

"Nope, just you," Oliver said crossing his arms.

"Why do you need her?" Cisco asked looking at both Oliver and Felicity.

"We need her help. I'm starting a new team, and they don't like my training methods," Oliver said answering Cisco's question.

"So where do I fit into this picture?" Y/N asked raising a skeptical brow at Oliver.

"Well, you said I trained you on that other Earth right?" Oliver asked looking directly at Y/N.

"Yeah, you and the League of Assassins," Y/N replied.

"Even better," Oliver said back.

"So, you want her to help you train your team?" Cisco asked. He was shocked that Oliver had actually asked for help, let alone need it.

"Yes, she'll be back before you know it," Oliver said heading for the door.

"Wait, I could just run you guys back," Y/N offered.

"Okay," Oliver said a little unsure.

"Are you faster than Barry?" Felicity asked sounding a little scared.

"Yeah, 4.5 times faster to be exact," Y/N said before putting on her suit once more.


At the Arrow Cave in Star City:

"Wow, that was fast," Felicity said while checking to make sure she wasn't on fire.

"The team will be here any minute," Oliver said putting his bow away.

"Okay, do they know that you're the Green Arrow?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, they know."

"Okay, good," Y/N said taking off her mask.

"But they don't know you're the Flash," Oliver said signaling for her to put the mask back on.

"It's okay Oliver, I don't exist on this Earth," Y/N said as the team walked in.

Oliver began explaining things to them as to why he had invited a friend. Y/N was out of view, she was checking out the place. Y/N was impressed, it wasn't as big as S.T.A.R. Labs, but definitely nice. She decided to head over to Oliver, as she rounded the corner...

"The Flash, you know the Flash!" the girl exclaimed.

"No, that's the new one...the white one. Are you really faster than the other one?" A nerdy looking one asked.

"Yes," Y/N replied. Oliver cut into the conversation and explained that this conversation wasn't relevant. Y/N agreed, she remembered how harsh Oliver was when he trained her. Y/N didn't want to hurt these people, but it was better in they got hurt here, and not out there in the field. Oliver then went on to explain that they would be fighting Y/N as part of their training. One of the men, with a beard, called himself Wild Dog stepped forward.

"I'm not fighting a girl. Besides she has super speed."

"And I won't need it to beat you," Y/N replied. "I can tell you think you're good, that you're strong. Why don't you prove it."

"Fine,but don't come crying to me when I kick your ass. No super speed," he replied stepping forward.

"I won't need it to beat you," Y/N said with a smirk.

"Let's do this."

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