Chapter 20

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The next two following weeks were hell for the team. Wally attacked the city, in more ways than one. The Flashes were protecting it for now, but the people were curious as to why they shouldn't just hand the Flash over and end the chaos. However, the past two days had been rather calm, Cisco described it as the calm before the storm.

Barry woke up with Y/N tightly curled into his chest, his arms around her waist. Barry had been thinking about something lately, but he didn't know if Y/N would agree.

"Y/N?" he asked softly, careful to wake her peacefully.

"Hmm," she hummed rolling over in his arms.

"Let's get married." With that, she instantly sat up and looked at Barry brown knit with confusion.

"What?" she asked still shocked at his previous words.

"Think about it, we've been engaged for almost a year now, and with all these dark things happening we might be able to add a little light to the situation. Please, you already agreed to marry me once, let's just make it official," Barry said looking at Y/N with hopeful eyes.

"Is it a bad idea if I agree?" Y/N chuckled. Barry was so happy he got up and spun her around in his arms.

At S.T.A.R. Labs:

Y/N and Barry had just informed the team, they all weren't exactly enthusiastic about it, but Cisco was.

"So you two want to get" Caitlin asked in disbelief.

"Look, our enemies think that they can drive us into the dark, this can prove them wrong. We can show them that we can find the light in the dark and power through anything they throw our way," Y/N said looking at them with the same hope Barry looked at her with.

"It sounds like a great idea to me," Cisco said enthusiastically. Y/N and Barry couldn't help but laugh at how happy he was about the subject.


Later that night:

Barry and Y/N were setting up the finishing touches at the apartment. The wedding would be small, only the team, Oliver, Felicity, and Diggle would attend as only they knew how special this particular wedding was.

"Okay, I think we are done," Barry said grinning ear to ear.

"Oh crap, I forgot something I will be right back," Y/N said before speeding off. Y/N had remembered a very special someone that she wanted to be at the special day. She ran through the multiverse and all the way to Earth 38. She ran up to Bruce and hugged him, he looked at her confused.

"You're especially happy today," Bruce said surprised.

Y/N held up her hand to reveal the ring from Barry, "I'm getting married Bruce, in two days. It'd mean a lot if you were there."

"You're getting married? Since when were you engaged, and to who?" Bruce asked; the anger that this information was kept from him angered him. Bruce had acted like a father to Y/N after she'd lost everything, but he knew how much he meant to her.

"Is it that Flash kid you talked about? What's his name...Bart?" he asked raising a brow.

"Barry, and yes he is the Flash...please?" Y/N said smiling.

"Fine, I'll go, but only for you."

"Great, you might wanna hold on." Before they knew it both of them were back on Earth 1 and in the living room of Y/N and Barry's apartment. Barry looked at Y/N nervously,

"Give me a warning next time," Bruce said out of breath.

"Uh...who's your friend?" Barry asked forcing a smile, he could tell this guy was protective of Y/N.

"This is Bruce, the friend from Earth 38 I  mentioned before the invasion," Y/N said smiling that her two favorite people had finally met. She walked over to Barry and wrapped her hand around his waist as he did the same to her.

"So, you are the infamous Barry Allen I've heard so much about," Bruce said stepping forward and shaking Barry's hand.

"Yep, that's me," Barry said nervously scratching the back of his neck, Y/N noticed that he did that a lot. "Y/N tells me you're a vigilante on Earth 38."

"Yeah, Batman, not the most liked guy," Bruce said.

"I think I know someone who you'd like, Y/N ever tell you about Oliver Queen?" Barry asked.

"Yeah, he sounds like my kinda guy," Bruce chuckled. Y/N left to go get the three something to drink, it left Bruce and Barry alone, Barry was nervous. Bruce could tell, he wanted to have some fun with this kid.

"So, you wanna marry Y/N?" Bruce asked crossing his arms.

"Uh...we're already engaged, and yes. I very much so want to marry Y/N," Barry said nervously.

"Hmm, you didn't think to ask for my permission, I'm like a father to her. Do you even love her?" Bruce asked, he was trying to interrogate him, it wasn't serious, he just wanted to mess with Barry.

"Uh...I didn't even know you existed until about 2 months ago, and yes I do love her very much so," Barry said choking up a little bit.

"Good. I swear if you even think about hurting her, I will find you, and I will kill you," Bruce said leaning forward and whispering that into Barry's ear as Y/N came back with drinks.

"Did you guys get acquainted?" Y/N asked. She saw the look in Barry's eyes, she studied it for a moment and glared at Bruce. "Bruce! I specifically told you not to give him the whole 'hurt her and I'll kill you' speech," Y/N whined.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I'm just kidding, you're a good kid Allen," Bruce said chuckling as he patted Barry on the shoulder and took his drink from Y/N. "I was serious though, about the whole if you hurt her thing."

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