Chapter 22

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A few days had passed and Wally continued to attack Y/N and Barry, it seemed endless. In their last fight, Y/N managed to injure one of Wally's legs. It didn't cause much damage, but it bought the team time to devise a plan of attack. Wally's latest attack was centered towards CCPD. Y/N and Barry were going to meet with Singh today in hopes of gaining CCPD's help in taking down Wally.

"Well, if it isn't Central City's Flashes," Singh said as Y/N and Barry came speeding to a stop in his office. "I assume you're both here to discuss our speedster problem."

"It would help if we had the cooperation of CCPD to help in our attack against him," Barry said.

"CCPD has the ability to help the Flash, this could also show the city that we are a team, and that together we can protect this city from anything," Y/N said in a convincing tone. She was hoping her persuasion would work with Singh.

"An interesting offer, one I will have to think about. I'll contact you when I have my answer," Singh said sitting down at his desk.

"Make your decision quickly captain, we may not have time to wait around on this," Y/N said before speeding away with Barry by her side.

They both came to a screeching halt as they entered S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco, Caitlin, and Julian were all busy at work trying to find Wally, and a way to stop him.

"Anything?" Barry asked taking off his mask and walking further into the Cortex.

"Nothing, yet," Julian sighed, "However, Y/N I think you were right earlier. Caitlin and I have looked into your theory and it seems pretty accurate. If the real Wally can power through and regain control, the negative speed force won't be able to regain it, but there's no way to know if he'll still have his speed," Julian said turning in his chair and shifting his glance from Barry to Y/N.

"So what you're saying is that we need to reach the real Wally," Barry said. The plan seemed viable, but there was no way to know if they could really reach the real Wally West.

"It makes sense, when evil Wally tried to kill me he said something was blocking him. If the real Wally can do that then he might be able to power through this, he just needs the encouragement," Y/N said looking at Barry. Barry was his mentor, someone he trusted his life with, Y/N knew Barry could get through to Wally, he just needed a push.

The team continued discussing until the meta-human alerts went off.

"What now?" Y/N asked looking at Cisco typing away on the computers.

"Attack at Mercury Labs, this meta-human is asking for the Flash in particular," Cisco said.

Y/N and Barry both sped down to Mercury Labs, there was a woman there dressed in black leather. She was somehow hurtling sound waves at the building through some sort of sonic device.

"Laurel?" Barry asked approaching her. She turned to face him and a smirk grew on her face.

"It's been a long time since I heard that name, it's Black Siren now," Laurel said before blasting sound waves at Barry and knocking him to the side. Y/N ran at Laurel and knocked her to the ground, she saw a device on her neck was creating the pulses of sonic waves. Y/N ripped it off and threw it to the side.

"Not so tough now are you?" Barry asked walking up to Y/N's side.

"You can't stop him, he will always win," Laurel said through clenched teeth. Y/N grew tired of Wally's games and knocked her out.

An hour later:

Y/N and Barry had just arrived back at S.T.A.R. Labs and secured Laurel in the pipeline.

"We need to figure out why the negative speed force is using Wally to get to us," Y/N said as the doors to the pipeline closed.

"I agree, but until we do figure it out. Our main priority is getting Wally back," Barry replied. Y/N nodded her head. They headed back to the Cortex and heard Joe in the hall on the phone with someone. They approached just as Joe ended the call.

"That was Singh, CCPD does not want to assist in the plan for taking down Wally," Joe said with a worrisome look.

Barry let out a sigh of frustration, "We needed them to keep the people of Central City safe from the fight, it's going to take both Y/N and me to take Wally down. We won't have time to worry about getting people out of there."

"Did he say why?" Y/N asked. Singh was willing to help in the past, she didn't understand his hesitation to help now.

"No, just that CCPD couldn't do much, and the risks were too dangerous," Joe said. He too knew how much the team was relying on CCPD for this plan to work.

"Either way we have to bring him in and figure out why the negative speed force feels the need to use Wally to target us," Barry said trying to focus on the main objective. Y/N nodded in agreement, as did Joe.

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