Chapter 23

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The Finale Pt. 1

Barry woke to the sound of his phone buzzing next to him, he turned to look at it. He sighed as he read the text from Joe. Singh needed Barry at the station, he rolled back over to see Y/N still fast asleep in his arms. He loved seeing her like this, she was so peaceful when she slept.

Barry must have been too loud as he saw Y/N began to wake up. Her eyes fluttered open to meet his in a dreamy gaze. Y/N smiled and laid a gentle kiss on his lips before tucking her head neatly under his chin.

"I gotta head to the station," Barry whispered into her ear as he sat up.

"Five more minutes," Y/N mumbled as she wrapped her arms around Barry, the offer to stay was tempting.

"Singh needs me," Barry said trying to get up, Y/N's grip only tightened. Barry placed gentle kisses on her forehead.

"Please," she murmured into his chest. Barry regretted not being able to stay with her, but he had to go.

"I'm sorry," he said getting up and speeding to get ready. "I love you," Barry said placing a final kiss on Y/N's lips before leaving for CCPD.

Barry arrived at CCPD to see Captain Singh crowded by several officers and detectives in his office.

"Allen, finally," Singh said sounding exhausted as Barry entered his office. Barry looked around and saw all the officers were busy at work.

"What exactly do you need me for?" Barry asked turning to face Singh.

"We need you to track that evil speedster that has been around town. CCPD is going to take him down, without the help of the Flashes," Singh said. He was about to walk away when Barry stopped him,

"Wait, why are we not including the Flashes?" Barry asked. He was confused, just the other day CCPD refused to help take down Wally, but now they were willing to do it alone.

"The Mayor thinks we can handle it, and he also thinks it will show the people of Central City that the police force can handle and take down meta-humans. It will show that the police force can help and that we don't depend on the Flash to save us."

"Uh, no offense Captain, but speedsters are on a whole other level. You want my honest opinion, I don't think we can do this alone. I'm sorry it's just that I've seen what they can do first hand, and we don't have the resources or the abilities to take them down alone," Barry said trying to persuade Singh. Singh nodded, he would have to rediscuss with the mayor and put their current plans of attack on hold.

At S.T.A.R. Labs:

Y/N was tweaking a few things of Gideon when Cisco walked into the Cortex and interrupted her work.

"Hey, what are you working on?" Cisco asked peering over her shoulder. He was curious as to how Gideon worked, and Y/N could tell him.

"Just tweaking a few things on Gideon," Y/N pushed a button as she said that and Gideon appeared standing in front of them, "Done."

"My core processor now seems to be functioning at 100%, thank you Y/N," Gideon said before disappearing back inside the emblem of the suit. Cisco and Y/N talked about Gideon, and Cisco described how badly he wanted a version of her.

"We got problems," Barry said bursting into the Cortex, his footsteps heavy. Y/N got up and walked over to him.

"What kind of problems?" Y/N asked. She knew that Singh was stressing Barry at work.

"Singh, he thinks that CCPD can take down Wally...alone." Y/N took a step back, she was growing frustrated with CCPD, as was Barry. "I tried reasoning with him, but it's the Mayor making the final decision."

"Maybe the Flashes should meet with the Mayor," Cisco suggested. Y/N and Barry debated the decision, meeting with the Mayor was a risky move. Caitlin and Julian walked into the Cortex and joined in on the discussion, later Joe too entered the Cortex and cut into the conversation. The entire team was working on a plan of action when the alerts went off.

"It's Wally," Cisco said running to his computers and typing, Caitlin and Julian followed behind him.

"Where?" Barry asked activating his ring and stepping forward.

"Here," Cisco said flatly before Wally sped into the Cortex. Everyone turned to face him as he stood in their presence.

"Well, would you look at that. You're all talking about me, I feel honored," Wally said sarcastically before walking forward into the Cortex further.

"What do you want?" Y/N asked walking towards him. She wasn't afraid of him, and neither was Barry as he followed just behind her. Wally simply smirked in response before speeding off, Y/N right next to him, and Barry just behind. Y/N shoved him to the side and he fell to the ground. They were in the very busy streets of Central City, people just watched in awe of what they were seeing.

"You can fight this Wally, I believe in you, Barry believes in you," Y/N said trying to encourage Wally to power through this. He stuttered for a moment before regaining control, Wally was fighting it, but he wasn't strong enough.

"This ends now," Barry said walking forwards to Wally.

"You're right, this does end now...with you," Wally said before taking Barry and racing off with him. Y/N wasn't fast enough, her worst nightmare had just become a reality.

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