Chapter 19

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Y/N raced across the city in search of Barry, she came up empty handed and turned back to S.T.A.R. Labs. She didn't expect to find Barry there, she also didn't expect to find him hurt either.

Y/N entered the Cortex to see Barry on the medical bed, he was shaking uncontrollably and surrounded in a pool of blood. Caitlin and Julian hovered over him, they were working on saving him. Y/N stood there motionless, unable to move. She tried to run to him, tears fell down her cheeks. Cisco saw her and grabbed her and held her in his grasp; he restrained her from running to him.

"B-Barry," Y/N said in disbelief, her hand covered her mouth. Cisco tightened his grip as she tried to wiggle out. He led her out into the hall and away from Barry. Y/N fell against the wall and sank to the ground, her face in her hands. She couldn't help but think that this was her fault.

"W-what happened?" Y/N asked in between sobs. Cisco let out a sigh before squatting down next to her.

"Wally really did a number on him, Barry tried to stop him...but he just wasn't fast enough," Cisco said tearing as well as placing a hand on her knee in comfort, he quickly removed it realizing it was stained with Barry's blood. He too didn't want to lose Barry, he was his best friend. Cisco knew how hard this must be for Y/N.

"Is he," Y/N said hesitantly.

"He's gonna be fine, we're gonna do everything in our power to save him," Cisco said before heading back into the Cortex to assist Julian and Caitlin. Y/N needed time to think...alone.

A few minutes later Joe entered S.T.A.R. Labs after getting a very nervous call from Cisco, as he approached the entrance to the Cortex he saw Y/N crying in the hall. He knew how bad Barry had been hurt, it was really taking a toll on her.

"Y/N?" he asked kneeling down next to her. Y/N lifted her face out of her hands to reveal bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"I know this is hard, but Barry wouldn't want you to cry," Joe said. Y/N nodded her head and wiped away her remaining tears. She stood up and so did Joe. "We'll go in together," Joe said putting his arm around her shoulders in a caring, sympathetic way.

Y/N entered the Cortex to see Barry, he was stabilized and moved into the medical room that was conjoined to the Cortex. She saw Caitlin standing over him. Caitlin saw Y/N approaching and shot her a quick smile before giving her and Joe some alone time with Barry. Y/N was horrified to see Barry in such a state. Cisco said that Wally did a number on him, that was an understatement.

Joe could see the pain in Y/N's eyes, he knew that she was going through a dark time. Barry was usually the one to calm her in these situations. Joe knew it wouldn't be the same, but he hugged her anyway and tried to comfort her. Y/N understood that Joe was trying to calm her, but this was too much for her to handle.

Y/N and Joe stayed for a few minutes before Y/N left the room, she walked into the Cortex to see Cisco sitting at his desk of computers.

"Give me anything and everything," Y/N said speeding out. Cisco knew this meant she wanted every crime coming in through CCPD. The whole team knew she wanted a distraction, they all did. Cisco listened and sent her to every crime he could find, minor, and major. After a few hours, Y/N came back.

She was hoping that running would distract her from what was really happening, it didn't. Y/N walked back into the room where Barry was. Joe was still there sitting next to Barry who remained unconscious. Joe looked up and saw that Y/N was back, he left and gave her some alone time with Barry.

Y/N sat next to him and held his hand, she pulled a ring out of her pocket. The Flash ring she had been working on for Barry was finally finished. She twirled it in her fingers, she put the ring back into her pocket and continued to just hold Barry's hand.

Two Days Later:

Barry's eyes fluttered open, he looked around and saw Y/N. She was asleep in a chair next to him, her hand holding his. He smiled at how peaceful she looked. He gently squeezed her hand, she woke up suddenly. Y/N saw that Barry was awake and stood up, she cupped his face in her hands and kissed him.

"I was so worried," Y/N said tearing up a little. Barry took his hands and put them on hers.

"I'm still here, I don't plan on leaving you anytime soon," Barry said with a smile plastered on his face.


Barry was back to full health and was at home eating dinner with Y/N when the TV in the living room turned on by itself.

"That's never good," Y/N said standing up. The screen flickered to show Wally in his suit, face blurred and voice distorted.

"Hello, Central City. Hand over the Flash and I will spare your miserable lives, I only have an interest in the original scarlet speedster," he said before the footage cut out.

"Why does he want me?" Barry asked looking at Y/N as she stared into the darkness.

"I only wish I knew."

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