Chapter 14

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Y/N and Barry arrived at the location and saw a small ship landing. 

"Be careful, we don't know what they want," Felicity said through the coms.

"Got it," Barry replied. Then the doors opened and Y/N saw two of the 'Dominators' as everyone else called them walk out. They didn't attack but Y/N and Barry remained ready to attack.

"Flash," one of them said walking forward. "Just who we were looking for," it said looking at Y/N and walking towards her. Barry sped in front of Y/N and put his arm around her protectively.

"You want her, you go through me," Barry said with his teeth clenched. It stepped closer and hit Barry head on, he fell to the ground. Y/N managed to throw a lightning bolt at it before it went after Barry again. The Dominator managed to kick Barry into a nearby building, the other Dominator then went after Y/N. Y/N easily confused it and took it down. She ran to Barry to find him standing over the other one. 

"That was fun," Barry said out of breath.

"Why do they want me?" Y/N asked walking closer to him.

"That's a good question," Barry said, he saw the worried expression on Y/N's face. "Hey, I'm not gonna let them take you, I'm gonna protect you," Barry said wrapping Y/N in a tight hug. They released each other and ran back to the base.

"So they're here for you," Sara said glaring at Y/N. The two didn't exactly get along that well.

"The real question is why they want her," Oliver said before Sara could say something offensive.

"Last time they wanted Barry, now her. Maybe they have a thing for speedsters," Ray suggested.

"No, last time they wanted Barry because he messed with time. Y/N hasn't messed with time...has she?" Professor Stein asked.

"No, I haven't. Look, they didn't attack at first until Barry got defensive; maybe we can reason with them," Y/N said looking at the team for their opinions.

The team discussed and agreed to attempt communication with the ship orbiting Earth. Sara continued to disagree with Y/N's suggestions and ideas. And Nate simply kept asking questions about her range of abilities. Then Cisco finally established a stable communication with the ship, the team huddled Cisco and his array of computers.

"Ask them why they want Y/N," Oliver instructed and Cisco did as he said. The team awaited an answer, but one never came. After a few minutes, Ray spoke up,

"What's taking so long?"

"Maybe they don't feel like talking," Jax said. Everybody was upset that their plan didn't work. 

"I think we should go meet them in person," Kara said. "I could just fly up there, break in, and get the answers that we want."

"No, Cisco should vibe a group of us up there," Barry said. The team agreed that it was a better plan, but also agreed that it was best to leave Y/N at the base. Y/N protested but eventually agreed with them. Cisco got Supergirl, The Flash, Green Arrow, White Canary, and The Atom up on the ship. Y/N took a seat next to Felicity and Caitlin.

"What do you guys see?" Diggle asked.

"Nothing, it's empty; at least where we are," Oliver said.

"We're alone," Cisco managed to say before the door was broken down and three Dominators entered the room they were in.

"Scratch that last part," Ray said before the comms cut out.

"Barry!" Y/N yelled as she heard a crash, and then radio silence. Felicity put a hand on her arm, she could tell that Y/N was worried about Barry. Then one of Cisco's portals opened up, everyone came through, everyone but Barry.

"Where's Barry?" Y/N asked turning to them, tears began forming in her eyes.

"Y/N, we're sorry. They took him, they were too strong, we had to get out of there, there wasn't time," Ray said walking up and hugging her. Y/N resisted and wiggled out of his grasp.

"We have to go back, we have to get him!" Y/N yelled, she was frustrated, but most of all she was worried what they would do to him.

"It's gonna be okay, we are gonna get him back," Kara said grabbing her the shoulder and trying to shake her out of her worried state. The team spent the next few hours searching for Barry and trying to comfort Y/N. 

On the Dominator Ship:

Barry woke up strapped onto a table, he tried to use his speed, but something was blocking him from doing so. His suit jacket was unzipped, and he had several wires attached to him. He heard a door open and two Dominators stood in front of him.

"Hello, Mr. Allen, we meet again," one said as they walked in front of him.

"I'm not gonna give you what you want," Barry said through clenched teeth.

"We'll just have to see about that," the other said slapping him across the face.

"How does Y/N harness her speed?" one of them asked, he was trying to intimidate Barry, it wasn't working.

"I'll never tell you," Barry spat at them, he had no intention of telling them anything about Y/N, he'd rather die than see them hurt her. The second Dominator smiled as he pulled out a knife. Barry's heart began beating faster until he was cut across the stomach. He screamed in agonizing pain, the pain was slow and excruciating.

Back on Earth about 3 hours later:

The team had been searching for Barry for almost 3 hours with no luck. They still had no idea where he was on the ship, and no plan to get him back. Everyone had tried to comfort Y/N, but all their efforts failed. 

Then out of nowhere, an odd light appeared in the center of the room. Everyone backed away from it until they saw Barry slowly coming into view. The light disappeared and Barry was left there, unconscious and on the floor.

"Barry!" Y/N yelled before speeding to his side. She rolled him onto his back. His mask was off, and his face covered in cuts and bruises. Tears streamed down her face as she saw what they had done to him. His eyes slowly opened and he saw Y/N in front of him, tears falling down. Barry's eyes began to feel like weights, his breathing became heavy and uneasy. Caitlin ran to her side and began examining Barry, his suit was covered in blood, presumably his own. 

Oliver came and helped carry Barry over to the medical area. Caitlin began checking on him, as they took off his suit jacket and revealed that his bare chest was covered in bruises and scrapes, and one rather large gash across his abdomen that was bleeding heavily. Caitlin began bandaging his wound, and before they knew it Barry flatlined.

"Barry don't do this to me, don't do this," Y/N said in between sobs. After about an hour Barry was stable, his wounds were bad, but Barry was strong.

Barry began to wake up, he looked up and saw Y/N with tears in her eyes. He lifted his hand wiped away her tears with his thumb, as he put his hand back down Y/N squeezed it. Barry sat up, he winced in pain, but it was worth it to be able to take Y/N in his arms. Caitlin saw and decided to leave the two alone for a moment.

"I was so worried about you," Y/N said crying into Barry's shoulder. Barry released her and patted the area next to him on the bed. Y/N sat next to him and Barry took her hands in his. 

"They told me that they had killed you," Barry said looking up into her eyes, his green ones meeting hers in a gaze.

"I'm not going anywhere," Y/N said kissing his lips softly and wrapping her arms around his neck. Her hands glided to his face as she pulled away and examined the gash on his cheek.

"Hey, I'm fine," Barry said putting his hand on top of hers. He kissed Y/N one more time before wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her. The Dominators had told him that they killed Y/N. They then tortured him and tried to get information about her speed. They then realized they had been away from the team for a while. Barry got up and put on his S.T.A.R. Labs hoodie and sweats before heading out with Y/N, their hands intertwined.

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