Chapter 24

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The Finale Pt. 2

"No!" Y/N screamed as she raced after Wally, but she wasn't fast enough. The very thing she had feared most had just happened. She raced back to S.T.A.R. Labs, everyone was typing away, this search was a team effort.

"Anything?" Y/N asked leaning over the shoulders to observe their work.

"Not yet, but his tracker is still active, but not sending a location. It means he's inside city limits, we just don't know where," Cisco said turning away from the screens and facing Y/N.

Y/N was worried out of her mind. Wally had just managed to take the man she loved most, and he was going to use that to his advantage. Y/N could only imagine what Wally would do to him. The very thought made her sick to her stomach.

Unknown Location in Central City:

Barry was dragged by Wally to some abandoned warehouse on the edge of town. He would have taken a look around to gain his bearings, but Wally knocked him out before he could. He woke in a metal chair, his emblem was missing, and his hands restrained with the same power dampening cuffs they used on him before.

"Wally, I know the real you is in there, you can fight this," Barry said watching as Wally approached him.

"No, actually he can't. But that's a conversation for later. Y/N, why is she here?" Wally asked.

"What? You know why," Barry said confused. Wally knew why Y/N was here, if he and Thawne had been working together then surely he would have told Wally what happened. Wally was getting angry, he punched Barry across the face.

"!" Wally commanded.

"No, I'm not telling you anything. You're gonna have to kill me before you get any answers," Barry said spitting out blood at Wally.

"Oh, I'm planning on it." Hearing that sent shivers down Barry's spine.

At S.T.A.R. Labs a few hours later:

"Did you guys find anything?" Joe asked as he walked into the Cortex and observed a very busy team.

"We're working it," Julian said. He and the rest of the team were frustrated, there was no trace of Barry anywhere.

"Cisco, you said he was still inside the city limits right?" Y/N asked. 

"Yeah, why does that matter?" Cisco asked looking away from his work to look at Y/N.

"I can search the entire city, just keep looking in case I turn up empty handed," Y/N said to the team before racing out of the Cortex to look for Barry.

About an hour later Y/N returned, without Barry. However, she held something in her hand, her eyes were filled with tears.

"Nothing?" Caitlin asked, she knew this had to be hard. Caitlin knew how hard it was to lose someone you love. After all, she had been through it before, twice. 

"I found this," Y/N said tossing the emblem from Barry's suit on the desk in front of the team, it was stained with his blood. "His tracker is inside Central City limits, but he isn't." Joe saw the pain in Y/N eyes and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. He too was in pain, his son was the one who had done all this. Suddenly Joe's phone began to ring. He took the call, he looked straight at Y/N.

"That was Singh, he wants to talk to the Flash."

"Did he say why?" Y/N asked. She didn't really want to talk to anyone right now, her main focus was on finding Barry.

"Maybe it's about this," Julian said, he turned on the big screens in the Cortex. Each one displayed different articles of an evil speedster in yellow kidnapping the Flash. Y/N saw this and sped out of the Cortex and down to CCPD.

"You wanted to talk?" Y/N asked entering Singh's office. 

"That was fast, even for you," Singh said in astonishment. 

"Get to the point," Y/N said. She didn't have time to waste, every second counted.

"I know about what happened. This must be hard, but I think CCPD can help," Singh said pulling something out of his desk. "This is a file about everything we have on this speedster," Singh said handing her the file.

"Everything in that file I already know. And I don't want CCPD there when the fight goes down, it's too dangerous. This guy is relentless, he is not afraid to kill some of your officers, or even you. I'm not going to endanger the public like that. Enough people have already died. Look, don't engage him, just keep the civilians out of the way," Y/N said handing the file back. 

"Wally's calling you out," Cisco said through the comms. "He's downtown in the market square...he has Barry with him." Y/N sped out of Singh's office and downtown. She arrived to see Wally, Barry in front of him. Y/N could tell that Wally had beat him up, probably to get answers.

"Let him go," Y/N said into the night fog.

"No, I'm gonna have some fun with this," Wally replied. Y/N didn't know what he meant, but she knew it wasn't good. People saw what was happening and began to crowd around the scene. CCPD arrived and tried to get people out of the way. 

"You see, I finally managed to find the one thing that you love most...and now you're going to lose him," Wally said pushing Barry forward.

"No, don't do this. Please, take me...I'm the one you want!" Y/N shouted, her heart began beating out of her chest as she too took a few steps forward. Barry felt the fear swarm over his body and engulf him in an emotional state of panic.

"Y/N, I love you," Barry said in a weak voice. 

"You can't reason with death," Wally said in a villainous tone as he pushed his vibrating hand directly through Barry's chest...

Book Three is up now on my page! Check it out!

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