Chapter 6

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Y/N woke to the bright lights of S.T.A.R. Labs shining down on her, and the voices of the team members surrounding her.

Barry was going into detail with Joe as to why Wally was dangerous when he saw a slight movement from Y/N. He walked over to her, abandoning the conversation he had with Joe to see his fiance. Caitlin rushed in after him to check on her vitals, and see how she was doing.

"Hey," Barry said taking a seat next to her and putting her hand in his. Her eyes opened slowly,

"Are you in much pain?" Caitlin asked looking down at her.

"You ever dislocated your shoulder?" Y/N said turning her head and looking at Barry.

"Yeah, once why?" Barry asked he didn't understand how that was relevant.

"Multiply that by about ten, that's how much pain I'm in," Y/N said looking back at Caitlin to answer her previous question.

"Well, you're on some pretty powerful medications, but your metabolism is probably burning right through them," Caitlin said giving her a sad look. The entire team felt bad for her, Joe most of all. After all, it was his son that had done this to his other son's fiance. Joe felt like a terrible father to Wally, if he could even call himself that anymore.

Y/N could see Joe's saddened expression. She knew that he had to be blaming himself for what had happened to her.

"Joe," Y/N said in a weak voice. Joe snapped out of his thoughts and walked by Barry to be by Y/N's side.

"Yeah?" Joe said looking down at what his son had done.

"It's not your fault, I see you blaming yourself for what happened to me. Don't do that to yourself, it's not your fault," Y/N said. She looked into Joe's eyes. Tears were forming, but he refused to let them fall. He needed air, he left the room. Joe just needed time to process everything. Everyone on the team understood that, and they let him cope in his own way.

Later that week:

Y/N and Cisco were in a very serious match of ping pong. Not only did they want to find out who was the better player, but also strengthen Y/N's shoulder. Barry watched in amusement at their competitiveness. Y/N was about to do a game-winning serve when the alarms for the pipeline went off. Y/N and Cisco froze and stared at each other for a moment before rushing to the computers. 

All three stared at the computer footage as Wally attempted to break out. He continually pounded on the glass and set off the sensors. It was angering all the other meta-humans in the pipeline.

"What are we gonna do with him?" Y/N asked looking to Cisco and Barry.

"I don't know," Barry said raking a hand through his hair.

"Well, we have to do something," Cisco said looking at them.

"We could sedate him," Y/N said shrugging her shoulders. Barry didn't like the idea, but what else were they going to do. 

After Caitlin had successfully managed to release a sedative gas into Wally's cell everything seemed to calm down. The team was talking about what to do next when Joe walked in.

"Hey Joe," Y/N said looking at the ground and then leaning on the desk next to Barry.

Joe walked further into the Cortex and saw the computer footage of Wally. He was shocked to see his son on the floor, passed out.

"What did you do?" he asked looking at the team. Everyone could tell he was angry, Barry decided to step up and take the beating. Y/N held on to his hand for support as she remained leaning on the desk.

"Look, Joe, he was banging on the glass and setting off the sensors. He was also upsetting the other meta-humans in the pipeline. This was the easiest way." Barry looked at Joe, he expected a shout, but instead, he got nothing.

"I guess, you're right," Joe said taking a seat next to Y/N at the desk of computers. He let out a sigh of frustration.

"Guys, I think I figured out a way to remove Wally's speed safely," Caitlin said bursting into the Cortex with a smile. Her smile faded as she saw the expressions of the team.

"How?" Y/N asked standing up.

"Barry, do you remember how Harry stole your speed and gave it to Zoom?"

"Yeah," Barry replied. Y/N was confused by that but decided to brush it off and continue listening.

"Well, this is like that, except it works faster. All I have to do is inject him with it."

"Wait maybe I should do it," Y/N said stepping forward.

"No way, I'm not gonna let him hurt you again," Barry said putting his arm out and pulling Y/N towards him.

"Look, he's sedated. And if something did happen I'm the fastest, meaning I would be able to get out of there before anything bad happens," Y/N said turning to Barry. Barry put his head down and let out a sigh of frustration.

"Fine, but I'm going with you," he said looking up at her.

"Let's do this."

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