Chapter 4

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The next day:

Y/N woke to see the sight of Barry sleeping peacefully. The morning sun streaming in glistened off his skin. His steady breaths continued until she felt his arms wrap around her a little tighter. A smile grew on his face as he did so.

The team still had not made a decision about Wally, regardless they still had to catch him. The risks and the possible benefits were a very contradictive topic amongst them. Cisco and Caitlin had also managed to find a few possible replacements for Harry.

A few hours later:

Y/N and Cisco were sitting in S.T.A.R. Labs when Y/N got a phone call. It was Oliver, she ran to the hall to take the call. Oliver was is need of a quick assist, so Y/N ran to his aid.

Barry was at CCPD when his phone started buzzing. He looked out the window and saw a yellow streak running down the street. Barry raced to grab his suit and then chased after Wally across Central City.

"Where's Y/N?" Barry asked whilst running after Wally across town.

"She's helping Oliver but I told her to get to your location," Cisco said.

"She should be getting close to you," Caitlin said.

Just then Barry saw a white streak of lightning, it was Y/N.

"He's faster than before," Barry said.

"I'm gonna cut him off from the front you flank, got it, Barry?" 

Barry replied giving a nod to Y/N as she sped ahead of both Barry and Wally and cut off his path.

Wally stopped, they were near the edge of town. Standing in the middle of the street, luckily there was no traffic. Y/N and Barry circled him. Barry was a little bit shocked, Y/N's description was spot on. His emblem was facing the wrong way, and his eyes were glowing red. 

People had begun to see the action and ran near the fight. Phones were flashing and people were recording videos. 

Wally lunged at Y/N, but she dodged the attack and managed to get a few good punches in before Barry threw lightning at him. Wally then turned his attention to Barry, they raced in circles each punching until Y/N ran in and knocked him off his feet. Wally then managed to punch Y/N in the jaw and she fell the ground. Barry ran into the attack, but Wally deflected and kicked him in the stomach. 

"Stop this," Barry grunted. "You don't wanna do this, you can fight this I know the real you is in there somewhere."

Wally's eyes changed back to normal for a moment befor he shook his head and ignored Barry's other comments and knocked Barry off his feet and into a nearby car.

Wally then went over to Y/N, he and she got caught in a series of speed punches until he got her in the stomach, Y/N then fell to the ground. Wally took advantage of this opportunity and continually punched and kicked her until Barry came and tackled him. Wally then proceeded to run off, abandoning the fight. 

Barry ran to Y/N's side. Y/N laid on the ground wincing in pain. She had a visible gash on her side that was bleeding but overall she was fine. Barry lifted her head and made sure she was okay. People began to draw closer, phones snapped photos and videos as Barry picked up Y/N and sped off.

A few hours later:

Y/N was laying on the medical bed in the Cortex, with Barry by her side. Caitlin had finished up on her wounds and moved on to help Barry who was sitting next to Y/N. Cisco, Y/N, and Barry were distracted by the news reports of a new evil speedster, with the looks of an old Kid Flash.

"Wally is still in there somewhere," Barry said looking to the team. 

"His eyes changed back to normal for just a moment, and then he proceeded to kick my ass," Barry said sounding defeated.

"He's faster than before too, by a lot," Cisco said turning away from the screens and typing away on his computers. Caitlin walked over to join him.

"You guys might wanna see this," Caitlin said ushering Barry and Y/N over to the computer. On the screen was an article, and the title was...

Central City's Two Speedsters, Friends, or Something More?

The article went on about how the Flash ran to his friend's side when she was hurt. And how it seemed like something else was at work there. They even had pictures from the fight, and when Barry helped Y/N.

"Great," Y/N said. Barry could tell that she was not only in pain but also annoyed by this new found information. Barry reached for her hand in a reassuring way, he squeezed it.

"This could be bad if metas find out that you two love each other they might use that to their advantage. They will use it against you." Cisco turned as he said that to him. Caitlin agreed with him.

"I will be more careful about that next time," Barry said looking down. 

"Hey, doesn't mean you can't show your affection here, or at home," Y/N said moving closer to him and wrapping her arms around him.

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