Chapter 9

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It had been about 2 weeks since Julian had been reunited with the team. Y/N noticed that he and Caitlin seemed awfully close. Barry and Y/N were both in the Cortex; Y/N was teasing him with her Flash ring. Secretly, she was making him one; it was taking longer than expected, but that was due to the fact that Y/N wanted his to be unique and special...just like him.

All of the sudden the meta-human alerts began ringing. Cisco, Caitlin, and Julian all took a seat at the array of computers.

"7th and Infantino, reports of a robbery," Cisco said typing away. Y/N and Barry sped out of the lab and to the location. Both arrived to see a man dressed in all black. He was launching sound waves out of gloves. He turned to see that both Flashes had arrived, he observed Y/N for a moment before speaking.

"You emanate at a different frequency," he said pointing at Y/N. "You're not from here, are you?"

"Hartley?" Barry asked; he thought Hartley was done being the villain.

"You know for a smart guy, you're not that smart."

Barry was tired of Hartley's mind games and ran at him. Hartley was able to knock him to his feet quickly. Y/N managed to run at him while he was distracted and stole one of his gloves. "Smart girl, but not smart enough," Hartley said smirking. Just then the glove exploded in Y/N's hands, fragments of the metal stung in her arm and hand. Y/N still managed to punch Hartley while Barry got the final punch before he was knocked out.

"You good?" Barry asked walking over to Y/N and picking up her hand to inspect it.

"Yeah, I will be," Y/N said walking over to Hartley to bring him back to S.T.A.R. Labs.

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs:

Y/N winced as Caitlin and Julian both worked on pulling the glove fragments out of her skin. Barry sat on the other side of her and held her hand. Y/N was squeezing so hard that her knuckles had turned white. Barry was in pain from it, but it was nothing compared to what she was feeling. Julian pulled out the last piece and inspected it for a moment. He called Caitlin over and they both observed it.

"We may have a problem," Julian said walking out of the conjoined medical lab and back into the Cortex.

"What?" Barry and Y/N both asked as they stood up and followed him.

"This fragment, it's a tiny computer chip, and it's sending a signal," Julian said heading to the computer desk and busily began typing away.

"Signal to where, and of what?" Y/N asked looking over his shoulder.

"He's getting her frequency, just like he did to Barry a few years ago," Caitlin said worriedly.

"Why would he need my frequency?" Y/N asked looking at the team.

"For this," Hartley answered as he entered the Cortex and sent a blast at Y/N. It sent her flying over the computers and slamming into the case where Barry's suit was kept. The sound continued making Y/N thrash around in pain.

"That's the sound of your organs shredding apart," Hartley said walking further into the Cortex. Barry ran and attacked Hartley, he was knocked out instantly. However, the noise continued, and Y/N continued to be in pain, blood ran out of her mouth as she coughed it up.

Barry ran the gloves that created the sound outside of the city and ran back to S.T.A.R. Labs to see Caitlin, Cisco, and Julian lifting her onto the bed. She was shaking uncontrollably and was coughing up blood.

"She's going into cardiac arrest," Caitlin said as she tried to help Y/N.

Y/N stopped moving and her heart stopped.

"Barry start chest compressions," Julian instructed signaling for Barry to come help. Barry started, then Julian reminded him that a speedster's heart is irregularly fast. Barry quickened the compressions until he heard the steady beep of her heart on the monitor. He took a step back for a moment, taking in all of what had just happened.

Julian and Caitlin began attaching tubes, and other equipment in hopes of helping Y/N. Barry stood there frozen. Cisco came up to him and pulled him out of the room, he was in shock. Cisco sat him in one of the chairs in the Cortex.

"Barry, it's okay. She's gonna be okay Barr," Cisco said waving his hands in front of Barry's face. Joe and Wally burst into the Cortex and saw Barry. Cisco briefly told them what happened. Joe and Wally both tried to comfort Barry, but it was of no use. Tears watered in his eyes, just the thought that he could have just lost Y/N frightened him, her blood was on his hands.

Joe and Wally took Hartley down to Iron Heights. In the meantime, Cisco still tried to reassure Barry that Y/N was fine and that her vitals had stabilized. Barry sat by her side most of the day, only leaving when it was needed. He was a mess, the whole team could see it. Y/N had been out for three days, and Barry refused to go home during those three days.

Joe was finally able to convince Barry to go to his house and freshen up and get some much-needed rest. Barry came back a few hours later, he briefly talked to the team before returning to Y/N's side. The team was curious as to how Hartley got out and found out where Cisco had his gloves stowed away.

Finally, six days later Y/N woke up. At first, the bright lights hurt her eyes, she then looked around the room and saw a very sleepy Barry. She gently squeezed his hand, as he burst awake a smile grew on his face. He immediately got up and hugged her, careful to be gentle. He then pulled away and planted a short, but passionate kiss on her lips.

The rest of the team noticed that Y/N was awake and entered the room.

"You really scared us there for a second," Cisco said giving Y/N a hug. Y/N smiled before noticing the condition Barry was in.

"Barry," Y/N said turning her attention to him.

"Yeah?" Barry asked. He had assumed that she needed something.

"You look like crap," She said observing him.

"Gee, thanks, sweetheart," Barry said forcing a smile. He knew that he was a mess, he just hoped that she wouldn't notice.

"When was the last time you went home?" Y/N asked looking into Barry's eyes for an answer.

"I haven't gone home. Because it's not home without you," Barry said squeezing Y/N's hand gently, and smiling as he stared into her eyes.

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