Chapter 18

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Y/N eventually calmed down and fell asleep in Barry's arms. Barry wanted to sleep, but he was too shocked about what Y/N told him. Barry worried about losing Y/N, but he had never visualized it. She had seen it, it would have seemed real to her, and the speed force had made her live through it over and over. Barry spent the entire night pondering over the thought.

"Morning," Y/N said still wrapped in Barry's arms. Barry looked down at her, she seemed to be doing a little better.

"Good morning," Barry said kissing her forehead. Her hands were gently tracing shapes on his chest.

"Thank you," Y/N said looking up and meeting Barry's eyes. Barry stared at her a little confused with a smirk.

"For what?" he asked looking down at her.

"For helping me last night, and always being there when I need you," she murmured whilst gazing into his eyes.

"You never have to thank me," Barry said leaning into a kiss. He pulled away and stared into her eyes, he was happy she was feeling better. She broke their gaze and snuggled back into his chest.

A few days later at S.T.A.R. Labs:

Y/N sat in one of the chairs next to Cisco at his array of computers as he worked on something. The alerts went off and Y/N sprung out of her thoughts and to the computer screens. Barry's voice rippled through the comms as he headed to the scene. 

"Aren't you gonna help?" Cisco asked looking at Y/N with confusion.

"I'm gonna sit this one out," Y/N replied. She was still a little uneasy after coming out of the speed force. She would return to be the Flash, she just needed a little time. It was getting late, and Y/N was growing tired. It got to the point where her eyelids felt like weights that she could no longer keep open. She drifted into a deep sleep right there in that chair.

Barry ran back into the Cortex after taking down another meta-human, he looked at Y/N as he put his suit away. He couldn't help but smile at how peaceful she looked.

"Dang, she fell asleep fast," Cisco said turning to see her.

"She needs it, she hasn't been sleeping well lately. She keeps having nightmares about what happened in the speed force," Barry said as he knelt down next to her.

"Do you blame her? I vibed her earlier, and what she saw, and the overwhelming amount of fear she felt. It was unlike anything I've ever seen. To be honest, I don't even know how she functions on a daily basis," Cisco said.

"Y/N's strong, stronger than all of us. She's been through a lot in her life, and I want nothing more than to take away all the hurt that she feels," Barry said putting a hand on her leg. He gently picked her up and sped her to the apartment. As he set her down on the bed Y/N began to wake up. Barry was about to walk away when Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Stay, please," Y/N said, her eyes still closed. Barry knew that he made her feel safe, which was all he ever wanted for her.

"Yeah, of course," Barry said laying down next to her. She scooted close to him and rested her head on his chest. Barry wrapped his arms around Y/N, he held her tight and kissed her forehead before she fell asleep, her steady breaths pulling Barry to sleep as well.

Barry woke up the next morning with Y/N still wrapped tightly in his arms. Y/N felt Barry wake up, but she didn't want him to leave. Y/N wanted nothing more than to just spend the entire day with Barry just like this. She opened her eyes when Barry laid soft kisses on her face to wake her up.

"Morning," Y/N said still half asleep.

"Goodmorning," Barry said kissing her forehead, "I'll be right back," Barry said. He raced to Jitters and got them both coffee and breakfast. He came back into their bedroom to see Y/N sitting up, she was still sleepy, but Barry thought it was cute. He took a seat next to her and handed her the bag from Jitters.

"You know me so well," she said opening the bag and looking at what Barry got her. She kissed him before diving in. Barry smiled, he was happy that she was getting back to being herself.

Later that day at S.T.A.R. Labs:

Barry and Y/N were talking in the Cortex while Cisco worked in his lab, and Caitlin was in her lab. The alerts went off,

"Fire downtown at 6th and Corby," Barry said running to his suit. Y/N ran after him and activated her ring, Barry stopped at the exit of the Cortex.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to," Barry said looking into her eyes.

"Have to get back on the horse eventually, besides, Central City needs the Flash, both of them," Y/N said racing off to the fire, Barry just behind her.

They both came back into the Cortex with smiles on their faces. Barry was happy because Y/N was getting back to being her normal self. And Y/N was happy because she forgot the feeling of saving people and the rush of happiness it gave her.

"The dynamic duo does it again," Cisco said giving Y/N a hug. He knew how hard it was for her to get back out there. All was well until the computers began beeping again. 

"What is it?" Barry asked walking closer to Cisco as he typed on the computer.

"The pipeline, someone is breaking into Thawne's cell," Cisco said wide-eyed.

Y/N had never run out of the Cortex faster, she had worked so hard to finally get Thawne, no one was going to ruin that for her. Y/N sped into the pipeline to see Wally and Thawne both smirking at her as she looked at them with disgust.

"I told you, I always win," Thawne hissed. Barry sped in but kept his distance.

"It was you, you've been controlling him this whole time," Y/N said pointing at Wally. Wally then disappeared, he ran out of the pipeline, Barry chased after him while Y/N remained focused on Thawne.

"Did you honestly think I was just going to stay in that cell forever?" Thawne asked. "I would die before I let you keep me as your prisoner. And I wasn't the one controlling him, that was the negative speed force." Y/N stepped forward closer to him.

"Don't think I won't kill you," Y/N spat face to face with him.

"Haha, see that's where you're wrong," he countered. "You couldn't kill me in the future, you can't kill me now," Thawne said laughing in her face. Y/N couldn't take it anymore and punched him in the jaw, he fell off the bridge and fell deeper into the pipeline. He got up and pulled on his mask.

"Catch me if you can," he said before racing out of the pipeline. Y/N followed right by his side, they fought back and forth across the city, until he led her to the waterfront. He stopped and Y/N took advantage of that and continued to attack him until she pinned him against a wall by his throat.

"Do it! Kill me, either way, I win," he managed to say through clenched teeth. "I've managed to control your life for so long, you won't be able to get along without me," he chuckled as blood ran across his face. "You can't do it," he snickered.

"I won't have to," Y/N said backing away. She whistled as a portal from the speed force opened, two time wraiths came out and attacked Thawne. They carried him away and back to the pipeline. Having control of time wraiths was a perk of creating the speed force. Y/N took a moment to breathe before racing to find Barry.

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