Chapter 12

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Julian was growing suspicious of Wally. Just before Hartley broke out of the pipeline Wally disappeared. He was nowhere to be seen the whole time, and before Hartley escaped the cameras went out. Only the team knew that the controls were hidden in Cisco's work lab downstairs. Julian was about to tell Y/N of his suspicions when she left to stop a meta, and then help Oliver. Julian was looking for Y/N and found her in the lab downstairs working on something.

"Y/N?" he asked knocking at the entrance. Y/N turned to see Julian walking towards her.

"Yeah?" she asked looking away from her work.

"There's something we need to talk about," Julian let out a sigh before continuing. Y/N gave him an odd look, she noticed he was acting weird. "It's Wally, I think he let Hartley out of the pipeline and gave him his gloves before he came and almost killed you in the Cortex."

Y/N let out a sigh of relief, "I thought the same thing, the other day I swear I saw his eyes turn red for a second," Y/N said relaxing a little. She was happy that she wasn't the only one that had noticed Wally's strange behavior.

"What now?" Julian asked. Y/N was unsure, she hadn't really thought that much into this.

"I think we should tell Barry and the team, but not Joe, not until we are certain that Wally really is betraying us all."

"I agree," Julian said. Y/N looked up and saw Barry walking into the lab, he walked up to Y/N and gave her a quick kiss.

"Agree with what?" Barry asked looking between Julian and Y/N. Julian went into detail about how Wally had been acting strangely. As well as the whole situation with Hartley breaking out of the pipeline. Barry took it in and agreed.

"But we tested for the speed force in Wally's system...there was none there. How is it controlling him if it's not in his system?" Barry asked.

"We tested for the speed force, not the negative speed force," Y/N said back.

"We could run another test, but he might be curious as to why we are testing him," Julian suggested.

"Just tell him it's an idea about how to give him his speed back," Y/N said. Y/N knew how much the real Wally adored his speed.

"It's not a bad plan, I'll go inform Caitlin and Cisco," Barry said before exiting the lab.

In The Cortex:

Barry had just finished telling Caitlin and Cisco about Wally. Cisco agreed, he had been suspicious the entire time of bringing Wally back. Caitlin was skeptical at first, but they eventually convinced her.

"Cisco, it'd be great if you could vibe him for us," Barry said. Cisco nodded in agreement.

"Cait, Julian is gonna help you run those tests on Wally. Call me and Y/N once you guys get some information," Barry said walking out of the Cortex and back to the station. Barry arrived and was instantly swamped in work from Singh and other cases. It was going to be a long night for him.

About three hours later Barry was still hard at work. It was nearly 8:00 and he still had a long ways to go. Super speed was helping, but most of it just took time. Y/N was back at the apartment, Barry told her he would be at the lab most of the night. She glanced at the clock and noticed how late it was.

Barry was surrounded by his work when he heard footsteps coming towards him. He looked up to see Y/N carrying a bag from Big Belly Burger.

"You are a life saver," Barry said getting up and quickly kissing her before hugging her tightly.

"You've been working hard, you deserve a break," Y/N said kissing him one more time before sitting down to eat with him. They discussed the problem with Wally, Barry informed her of what Cisco and Caitlin were doing at S.T.A.R. Labs to help. After they finished eating Y/N decided to stay and help Barry finish up with everything.

The next day at S.T.A.R. Labs:

Y/N and Caitlin were talking in the Cortex.

"We can't figure out how to test for the negative speed force if we don't have a sample to compare it to," Caitlin said sounding frustrated.

"I know someone that might be able to help," Y/N said before launching her suit out of her ring. She grabbed the emblem off and left the room. Caitlin followed as she went down the hall towards the time vault.

"It's in the same place as Earth 5," Y/N said opening the door and walking in. She pulled a piece off of her emblem and attached it to the console that contained Gideon.

"How is this going to help?" Caitlin asked walking forward slowly. She was a little scared, last time she was in this room Wells nearly killed them.

"Just watch. Gideon, can you sync to this older version of yourself?" Y/N tapped a few buttons until Gideon replied.

"Yes, accessing the database now," she replied. Soon the room lit up with information.

Gideon, we need information about the negative speed force. More specifically, how to test it," Y/N instructed, Gideon, did as she said. Gideon projected many files about the negative speed force and enlarged one about testing it.

"We should find Barry and tell him about his," Caitlin said before Gideon continued.

"Barry Allen, director of CCPD, CSI division, husband to Y/N Y/L/N, father of-"

"Father?" Y/N asked shocked by that last statement.

"Yes to-"

"No, no shut up, don't tell me. You know how knowing too much about the future is dangerous Gideon." Y/N wanted to forget what she said. Photographic memory was a blessing and a curse at the same time.

"Uhh...congrats?" Caitlin said confused. Y/N shook her head and left the room, she was trying to get that last part out of her head. She was walking into the Cortex and ran into Barry.

"Hey, I've been looking everywhere for you," Barry said smiling at her.

"Uhh...yeah. I gotta go," Y/N said before speeding away from Barry. Barry stood there confused until Caitlin walked into the Cortex and informed Barry of what Gideon said about their future. Barry felt nervous, shocked, and a little scared. This was exactly why they weren't supposed to know about their futures.

He went to find Y/N, she was on top of the Wayne Tech building, her favorite spot. She sat on the ledge overlooking the city, Barry sat next to her.

"Did Caitlin tell you?" she asked looking down.

"Yeah, she did," Barry said looking out at the city at night. "Look Y/N, I know it's scary, but I love you, and I want a family with you."

"Barry, I want a family with you too. But how are we supposed to raise a child when our job is running around the city right into danger the minute something bad happens," Y/N said looking at Barry. "Barry this child will be born of 100% pure speed force energy, that's more than you and I both have coursing through our veins. This kid will have a target on their head, everyone will try to steal his/her speed, and will try to kill them," Y/N said tears watering in her eyes as Barry met her gaze.

"I know, but that might be a risk we have to take. Besides, this kid will have both of the Flashes protecting them. And if what you said is true, and it's born with speed, then they'll be able to protect themselves too," Barry said cupping her face in his hands and gently rubbing her tears away with his thumbs. He kissed her softly and passionately.

"I love you Y/N, and I'm willing to give this a shot if you are."

Y/N smiled. She and Barry agreed that now wasn't the time, but once they dealt with Wally that they might try to start a family.

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