Chapter 16

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Barry woke to the sight of bright sunlight beaming in through the window. He rolled over to check the clock on the nightstand, as he did so Y/N put her arm around his waist pulling him closer. Barry smiled and rolled over to face her, he snaked his arms around her and pulled her close to him. He gently began tracing shapes on Y/N's back and he saw a smile grow on her face as she nuzzled into his chest.

"Goodmorning," he said in a raspy voice. He trailed kisses from the top of her forehead all the way to her lips.

"Morning," Y/N said smiling against his lips, Barry kissed her. Then his phone began to ring, he rolled over to grab it; it was Cisco.

"Hey Cisco, what do you need?" Barry asked half asleep.

"It's Wally! He escaped, and he's coming for you," Cisco said out of breath. Barry shot out of bed,

"Y/N! Wally escaped and he's coming," Barry said pulling her out of the bed.

"I'm up, I'm up," Y/N said rubbing her eyes. They both heard a crash downstairs, both crept down the stairs to find Wally standing in the living room.

"'re awake," he said turning to face them.

"What do you want?" Y/N asked sounding pissed off.

"I want you to suffer...the way I did." Wally was about to run at Y/N, but instead, he collapsed to the ground. It looked like something was happening to him from Y/N and Barry's perspective, then he just ran off. He didn't even get close to touching either of them.

"That was weird," Y/N said looking back at Barry.

"This city is weird," Barry replied.

At S.T.A.R. Labs:

"How did Wally get out?" Joe asked looking at the pipeline footage on the screens.

"We don't know," Cisco said. "I've checked the power to the cell, the footage, everything was fully functioning. He was there one second, he wasn't the next."

"Well, either way, we have to find him before he hurts somebody," Julian said.

"I'm gonna head to the station and see if I can find anything there," Barry said heading for the exit.

"I'll go too," Joe said following Barry.

About an hour later:

Barry had just been called into Singh's office. He arrived to see Singh with a serious look.

"Allen, you can contact the Flash right?" he asked sternly.

"Uh...yeah. I think so," he replied.

"Get the Flash here, meeting in five," Singh said before exiting. Barry stood there before texting Y/N to meet him at the station as the Flash. He was lucky Y/N could come, Barry would have to remain as Barry Allen for this meeting. Singh walked back in about five minutes later.

"Where's the Flash, you were supposed to contact-" Singh was cut off by Y/N entering his office, she distorted her voice, but not her face, Singh didn't know her that well.

"You wanted to talk?" Y/N said crossing her arms.

"Yeah, it's about Kid Flash coming back from the dead and turning evil," Singh said. He wasn't happy, and the people of Central City grew curious.

"I'm handling it," Y/N in response.

"And where's your scarlet friend?"

"He's on a mission. You're lucky I decided to show up," Y/N back harshly. She didn't appreciate the way Singh was talking to her.

"Look, the people of Central City are beginning to doubt the Flash. They cannot find out that it's Kid Flash under that mask. Deal with this quickly," Singh said. Y/N could tell he meant no harm. He was just worried for the city and defending what the Flash meant. Y/N nodded and then sped out of CCPD and down to S.T.A.R. Labs to continue her search for Wally.

Y/N was at S.T.A.R. Labs working with Cisco on a way to track Wally, Y/N enjoyed working with Cisco, he was fun. Y/N was talking with Cisco when Barry called,

"Wally, I found him," Barry said through the phone.

"Where is he?" Y/N asked as she grabbed her ring.

"CCPD," Barry replied. Y/N ran out of the Cortex and to the station to find Wally, Barry was there as the Flash. Wally turned to face them both.

"Catch me if you can," he said before running out. Y/N easily caught up with him on the street and brought him to the ground. Barry wasn't far behind and managed to get a few hits on Wally. Y/N noticed he wasn't fighting back. He stood up,

"You're fast, but not fast enough," he said as he ran at Barry faster than Y/N had ever seen him move. Barry slammed into a nearby building, he was hurt. Y/N went running to him, but Wally beat her to it and tripped her. He continued to beat on her, but Y/N's focus was helping Barry. She tried to fight Wally, but he was fast, faster than her and Thawne. Wally stopped for a moment as Y/N fell to the ground.

"You had enough?" Wally asked putting his foot on her chest.

"I can do this all day," Y/N said pushing his foot to the side and having him fall next to her. Y/N tried to fight him but Wally recovered too quickly. Wally grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against a wall.

"You are going to suffer a hell far worse than mine," he said opening a portal to the speed force and dragging her in with him. He threw into some room she didn't recognize. He dropped Y/N on the ground and ran back out through the portal.

At S.T.A.R. Labs:

Barry limped into the Cortex after his fight with Wally, he thought Y/N was already here. He walked in and the team seemed surprised to see him.

"Barry!" Caitlin said as she went to help him walk into the medical lab.

"Wally, he's fast. Faster than Y/N; where is she?" he said sounding winded as he laid down.

"Barry, Y/N's gone," Cisco said putting his hand on Barry's shoulder.

"What? Where is she?" Barry asked trying to sit up. Cisco and Julian held him down so Caitlin could patch up his wounds.

"We don't know, Wally took her somewhere, we can't track her," Cisco said.

"No, we have to find her...I have to find her." Barry was worried, but was also in pain, his breathing was heavy, soon he blacked out.

"Maybe now he can relax," Julian said noticing that Barry had passed out.

"He'll be fine in a few hours, but in the meantime, we need to find Y/N. Preferably before he wakes up," Caitlin said to Julian and Cisco.

The next day:

Barry was still out, Caitlin had given him some sedatives to help him relax. The entire team had scoured the city for Y/N and even went beyond the city limits.

"She is nowhere on this Earth," Cisco said. He was becoming frustrated that there was no trace of her anywhere, it didn't make sense.

"Maybe you could vibe her location," Julian suggested to Cisco.

"That actually sounds like a pretty good plan," Joe said.

"One problem, we need something of hers," Caitlin said. Cisco then remembered something, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring.

"This is Y/N's dad's ring. She had me working on making it a part of the Flash ring she's making for Barry," Cisco said twirling it in his fingers, "She wore it every day, it should work."

"Only one way to find out," Julian said. Cisco's eyes rolled back as he went into a vibe. He appeared in the speed force. "Of course," he thought to himself as he began looking around. He eventually found Y/N in what appeared to be an empty room, but she was crying. She looked liked she was in pain, but Cisco couldn't see anything. Then he remembered the prison in the speed force that was created for Savitar, it was empty...until now.

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