Chapter 7

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Y/N and Barry both walked into the pipeline and approached Wally's cell. Barry still wasn't happy about Y/N being the one to go in the cell with him. He considered protesting, but he knew that Y/N was stubborn just like him.

"You sure he's sedated Cait?" Barry asked. He was nervous for Y/N after what he did the last time.

"Yes," Caitlin said into the speaker.

"Here we go," Y/N said entering the cell. Y/N flipped Wally over and injected Caitlin's device into Wally's chest. The tube filled with yellow electricity. Y/N quickly exited the cell and closed the door. 

"It worked," she said with a smile.

"Did you think it wouldn't?" Barry said oddly because she doubted the team's ability.

"I expected it to be harder than that," Y/N said shrugging her shoulders.

Barry and Y/N entered the Cortex to see a happy team.

"Hey, we didn't die!" Cisco said throwing his arms in the air.

"That could still happen," Y/N said.

"Of course it could it could." Cisco forced a smile. Joe seemed happier.

"Does this mean Wally, the real Wally is back?" He looked eager for a good response.

"Hopefully," Barry said putting his arm around Y/N.

"Thank you, thank all you of you for helping," Joe said hugging each team member. "I know this might not work, but I'm glad you tried...for me, and Wally.

Later that night:

Barry and Y/N had arrived home after a long talk at S.T.A.R. Labs with the team. Y/N had disposed of Wally's speed and threw it into the time stream where no one could ever use it again. Y/N was exhausted and entered their room and went to the closet to change. She came out in Barry's S.T.A.R. Labs sweatshirt.

"You tired?" Barry asked standing in front of her.

"Very," Y/N said collapsing on their bed.

"How tired?" Barry asked getting on the bed and hovering over her.

"That depends," Y/N smiling as she leaned forward and kissed Barry. They continued to kiss as Y/N pulled on the hem of his shirt. Barry responded and broke their kiss, but only for a moment to remove his shirt. Barry kissed down her jawline, to her neck, and then back to her lips. Their powers connected, and empowered every touch. Electricity sparked off of each of their bodies. Barry then flipped them over so Y/N was on top, her hands drifted across his bare chest. They felt his toned abs, and Barry tugged on her sweatshirt. Y/N took it off as Barry sat up and wrapped his hands around her bare back. He eventually found the clasp of her bra and took it off.


Imagine the rest, I'm not that type of writer, let me know in the comments if you want that stuff, I could make like an extra book or something with stuff like that.


The next morning:

Barry woke to the streams of sunlight pouring in through the bedroom window. He looked down and couldn't help but smile as Y/N slept on his chest. He looked over at his alarm clock, they had to be at S.T.A.R. Labs in 2 hours. 

He decided to wake up Y/N with gentle kisses all over her face. As he did so a smile grew on her face until she eventually opened her eyes.

"Goodmorning," she mumbled as she tucked her head neatly under his chin.

"Goodmorning," Barry hummed kissing the top of her head and wrapping his arms around her a little bit snugger. "We have to be at the lab in 2 hours."

"No," Y/N grumbled as she snaked her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Let's just stay here, like this," she said as she nuzzled her head back into his chest.

"I would love that, but they're depending on us to be there," Barry said as he rested his cheek against the top of her head.

"You said we have 2 hours right?" Y/N said looking up into Barry's beautiful green eyes.

"Yes," he said as he kissed her forehead gently.

"Then we have at least another hour just like this," she said gently tracing shapes on his shoulder.

"I'd love that," Barry said pulling her closer to him.

At S.T.A.R. Labs:

Y/N and Barry entered the Cortex to see Caitlin and Cisco observing Wally down in the pipeline.

"How's he doing?" Barry asked peering over them to see the footage.

"Perfect, he's in perfect condition, and there is no sign of the speed force in his system. He's been asking for you all day," Caitlin said looking at Barry.

"Okay, tell Joe to get down here. Y/N, will you come with me?"

"Yeah, of course," Y/N said walking out of the Cortex with Barry by her side, their hands perfectly intertwined.

As they entered the pipeline Wally suddenly stood up, and a smile grew on his face as he saw Barry.

"Barry? Who's this?" Wally asked looking at Y/N, and their hands.

"Uh, Wally do you remember anything?" Barry asked walking up to the glass, Y/N decided to stay back up a little ways.

"Umm, I remember losing Iris, then running after Savitar. He threw me somewhere, and then it all went black. Until I woke up here, by the way, why am I in here?" Wally asked gesturing to the cell. Barry walked and opened the cell door. He gave Wally a hug and explained what had happened to him. Wally stumbled, he was in shock about all the horrible things he had done, and he had lost his speed. 

Wally stood up and walked over to Y/N and gave her a hug. 

"I am so sorry for everything I put you through." He pulled away to see her face.

"It's okay Wally. That wasn't you, this is the real Wally West right here," Y/N said pointing to his heart. Wally took a step back and saw the two rings on her finger. He focused on her ring finger, more specifically her engagement ring.

"Who's the lucky guy?" He asked looking back up at her. Y/N walking over to Barry and he put an arm around her.

"Barry is," Y/N said looking back at Wally.

"Oh, right, I forgot how much time had passed. Where's my dad?" Wally asked looking at Barry.

Barry could tell that Wally was upset of how he had moved on. And how he hadn't been here for his father for Iris's death.

"Joe was at the station, he should be on his way now."

"I feel awful. When he needed me I wasn't there for him, and he had to suffer the loss of both his children," Wally said choking back tears.

"Wally it's okay, it's okay. What matters is that you're here for him now," Y/N said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"What am I gonna do. I mean everyone thinks Wally West is dead, and I no longer have my speed," Wally said looking down.

"Wally, your speed wasn't what made you a part of this team. You can still help, and put those engineering skills to work. You are still a part of this team; speed or no speed," Barry said trying to lift Wally's spirits.

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