Chapter 17

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Cisco came back from his vibe and explained to the team what he saw. Later that day Barry woke up, and the team had to explain to him what Wally had done with Y/N. Barry remembered how difficult the prison was the last time so he traveled to get the help of a fellow Flash, Jay Garrick.

Two days later:

Barry and Jay had just arrived back at S.T.A.R. Labs after traveling to Earth 3. Barry explained what had happened to Y/N, and Jay agreed to help.

"So, how do we plan to get her out?" Jay asked looking at Barry's team as they stood before him. 

"The prison no longer needs and occupant, but if given one it has the same effect on that person. It sends them to their own personal hell," Barry explained.

"How long has she been in there?" Jay asked.

"Today is day three," Caitlin said. Jay felt awful for Y/N, he had never met her, but he knew how brutal that place in the speed force was. And after Barry had explained her past he knew that it would use that against her.

"Well, into the speed force we go, Barry," Jay said before speeding off, Barry right next to him. Finally, they had reached the speed force. About an hour passed as they searched for Y/N.

"Barry, you helped create the speed force, try asking it where Y/N is," Jay said. Barry seemed a little skeptical of this at first, but once he asked it showed a path to where she was. Barry and Jay arrived at a door, Barry could see Y/N crying on the other side. He kicked the door down at ran to Y/N. He collapsed on the floor next to her, she had tears running down her face.

"Y/N," Barry said cupping her face in his hands, wiping away her tears with his thumbs. She looked terrible, and he felt terrible for not being able to protect her from Wally, he was blaming himself for all of this.

"Barry?" she said in a weak voice before rushing into his arms. "You found me."

"Did you ever doubt I would?" He held her tightly in his arms, she was shaking like a leaf. Y/N cried into Barry's shoulder for a while before he spoke again.

"Let's get you out of here," Barry said picking her up and running her back to Earth 1. Y/N arrived back in the Cortex with Barry's arms still around her. Barry noticed how scared she was, he noticed she was clinging to him, he didn't mind and pulled her closer. The team looked at Barry the gave a reassuring nod. They saw how shaken up Y/N was, she needed time.

Barry loosened his grip and led her into the medical lab and Caitlin checked her vitals. She slipped Y/N a sedative so that she could relax. Barry stayed with her until she fell asleep, he then headed back out into the main part of the Cortex.

"Thank you," Barry said giving Jay a quick hug before he left to go back to Earth 3.

"Anytime, I hope Y/N starts feeling better," Jay said before zooming out. Barry's smile faded as he snapped back into reality.

"Barry, don't force her to tell you what happened, just give her time," Caitlin said. Barry could tell that Y/N was shaken up. When she saw him she nearly jumped out of her skin, and the way she gripped onto him. He could imagine what kind of hell she must have been in.

"Guys, you don't understand. Whatever she saw, she looked worse than when I saw Wally in there," Barry said looking at them.

"With her past, it probably reminded her of her parents and everything she has lost. That's a lot for one person to handle," Julian said putting a hand on Barry's arm. "Time heals us all."

Barry nodded before heading back to be by Y/N's side. Barry was growing tired as well until he saw Y/N move, she began panting, under her breath, he could hear her yell his name. She was having a nightmare, Barry put his hands on her shoulders and stood over her as he shook her awake.

"Y/N, Y/N can you hear me?" he kept repeating until she finally burst awake and sat up, she looked as though she was about to cry. "Hey, don't cry," Barry said hugging her. He held her in his arms, gently tracing circles on her back. "Come on, let's go home." 

Once they arrived Barry carried Y/N upstairs, he laid her on the bed and covered her with a blanket, he crawled in next to her. Later that night Y/N had another nightmare. She woke up covered in a sheet of sweat, her heart racing. Barry woke and sat up as well.

"Sorry, I woke you up," Y/N said burying her face in her hands.

"Hey, you don't ever have to be sorry," Barry said pulling her hands away from her face and wrapping his arms around her. With his cheek pressed against her head, he asked,

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Barry asked Y/N didn't respond. "Look, I know it's hard, but it's better to let things out than bottle them up," Barry said pulling away and looking at her teared filled eyes. 

"I saw you, and my family. Thawne shoved his hand through your heart, and I was powerless to stop him...I wasn't fast enough," Y/N managed to get that much out before she began sobbing again. "It just played over and over again endlessly," Y/N sobbed. Barry somehow felt responsible for all this, he felt as though he should've been faster, that he should have saved her. "It'd should've been me in that prison," he thought to himself.

Barry saw the pain in her eyes, it pained him to see her like this. He gently pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her a little snugger, and kissed the top of her head. "I'm still here, and I'm not going anywhere," he said. Y/N was still shaking like a leaf in his arms, he instinctively pulled her as close as possible. He reached for her hand and put it on his chest over his heart. "You see, it's still beating," he said trying to comfort her.

She let out a brief smile before wrapping her arms around him tightly, "I just can't handle the thought of losing you," Y/N said tucking her head under his chin.

"You'll never have to," Barry said pulling her as close as possible, "I promise." He understood her pain, and why she was afraid. He knew she needed time, and he was going to give her all the time she needed.

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