Chapter 5

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The entire team was sitting in the Cortex. Everyone had been brainstorming ideas about how to get Wally back, and safely. Silence spread throughout the team as everyone was deep in thought. It had been a few hours until Barry finally spoke up.

"Wally turned back after I reminded him of his trust he had in me. Maybe we just need someone important to him to bring him back."

"Like his father," Y/N said turning her glance to Joe.

"I don't know about that," Joe said shaking his head. He was hesitant to see Wally in the flesh again.

"Joe, you just have to distract him long enough for us to catch him, then we bring him back here and figure out what to do with him," Y/N said getting up and putting a hand on Joe's shoulder. "He needs his father Joe."

"She's right, Joe we need you," Barry said getting up and standing by Y/N. They continued to stare at Joe until he finally caved.


"Great, now we can start working on tracking him down, and apprehending him," Cisco said turning to his computers. The entire team assisted in the search until Y/N's phone rang. She ran to the hall to take the call. Barry was curious, so he followed her. Barry caught up just as she ended the call.

"Who was that?" Barry asked walking towards Y/N.

"Oliver, he needed advice," said walking up to Barry and kissing him briefly. Barry wrapped his arms around her and pulled away.

"Didn't you help him just the other day?" Barry asked looking down at Y/N and raising a brow.

"Yeah." Barry continued to stare at Y/N...she finally gave in after a few minutes.

"What?" Y/N asked as Barry continued to stare.

"Oliver would never ask for help, let alone advice," Barry said looking at her. Y/N let out a sigh...

"Oliver and Felicity are getting back together. Oliver wanted advice on how to reask her to be his girlfriend. Oliver may be tactically smart, but he is a love dummy," Y/N said smiling at Barry. Barry chuckled before leaning into another kiss.

Later that week:

A few days had passed, and there were still no signs of Wally. Y/N and Caitlin were able to create a serum the would restrain him from using the speed force. Joe and Barry had gone over the plan to distract Wally hundreds of times. They were all convinced the plan would work. But they didn't know that Wally too was preparing.

Barry and Y/N were at the apartment. Y/N was asleep in Barry's arms. They had been watching a movie. Barry's phone buzzed and woke him up, Y/N began to open her eyes. Barry got up and brought Y/N to her feet. He managed to say one word before speeding out of their apartment.

"Wally." And just like that, he was gone, in a flash. Y/N raced after him, she got to the location and found Wally standing there, it was an old abandoned part of town, luckily no one was around. Barry arrived and went to Y/N's side, Wally's back was to them. Joe was on standby in the S.T.A.R. Labs van not far away.

"Wally?" Y/N asked taking a few steps toward him. Barry grabbed her hand and shook his head. It was a sign to say that she shouldn't go closer. Wally slowly turned around.

"Back for round 2 so soon? Prepare to die." Wally's voice was deep and distorted, and he was faster than the last time. He threw lightning at Barry, but Y/N came up from behind and managed to knock him to the ground. Y/N tried to inject him with the serum, but he knocked it out of her hand and then proceeded to knock her off her feet. Y/N slammed into a nearby vehicle. Barry grabbed the serum at ran at Wally from behind, Wally caught Barry's leg and was about to inject him with the serum when Joe ran up to him.

"Stop! Wally, I know you're in there somewhere...come home. We can help you, but you have to let us," Joe said walking towards him and put a hand on his son's shoulder. 

Wally's eyes returned to normal for a moment, but not long enough. He ran over to Y/N and stabbed her with the serum, her eyes grew wide as she became helpless against his attacks. He then found an old pipe and would have stabbed her through the heart with it had Barry not come up from behind and shoved him. The pipe still managed to get in her shoulder though. Barry knocked Wally out and ran to Y/N. Barry laid her flat on the ground as Cisco and Caitlin came bursting out of the van. Y/N eyes were wide, and she thrashed in pain, tears forming in her eyes. Barry tried to calm her down, but both of them could tell it wasn't working. 

"Hey! Look at me, okay? Stay with me Y/N, stay with me," Barry cried. Y/N's eyes shifted from person to person until everything went black.

Joe looked down at his son, and what he had become. He still knew that the real Wally, his Wally, was in there somewhere. And that they would do everything in their power to help bring him back.

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