Chapter 13

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A few days had passed and Y/N and Barry both agreed to not mention what Gideon had said earlier that week. It would have to wait for a later time. However, the team was making progress with testing Wally. In a matter of hours, they would know if Wally was betraying them. No one had told Joe yet, and they didn't plan to until after they were certain.

"Guys, it's done!" Caitlin exclaimed as she burst out of the lab and into the Cortex. Everyone shifted their glance to hers.

"It's positive."

"Wally, he's been lying to us all," Barry said looking at the ground. He was angry and sad, another person he trusted had yet again turned against him.

"What's he gonna do, what's he planning?" Cisco asked looking around at the team.

"I think our first priority should be capturing him, and putting him where he the pipeline," Julian said answering Cisco's question.

"I agree," Y/N said looking to Barry to see what he thought.

"Let's do it," Barry said before heading for his suit. Both Barry and Y/N sped out of the Cortex.

"He's at Joe's house," Cisco said through the comms.

"On it," Barry replied.

Y/N arrived to see Wally on the couch, he slowly turned to meet her eyes as Barry entered.

"It took you long enough to figure it out," Wally chuckled. Barry ran at him, Y/N followed. They eventually managed to take him down after a very long battle. Both stood there winded for a moment before racing back to S.T.A.R. Labs.

Barry and Y/N walked back into the Cortex after securing Wally and saw a very upset Joe. 

"Joe, it's not your fault," Barry said walking up to him.

"No, it is. I convinced all of you to bring him back, and now he's turned into this thing that isn't even Wally," Joe said sounding sad.

Y/N was about to say something but was cut off by Oliver entering the Cortex.

"Oliver?" Y/N asked looking at him confused.

"We're gonna need your help," he said looking at Barry and Y/N. "The Dominators are back."

"You mean the aliens that tried to destroy Earth. Great," Cisco chuckled sarcastically.

"What are we gonna do?" Y/N asked looking skeptically at Oliver.

"We're gonna need reinforcements. Just like last time," Barry said looking at Y/N. He was going to need her help to gather the Legends and Supergirl. "We'll be back." Barry took Y/N's hand and led her just outside of S.T.A.R. Labs.

"What do you need me for?" Y/N asked unaware of what Barry had planned.

"You ever been to Earth 38?" Barry asked.

"Yeah, hundreds of times. That's where my friend Bruce is from. As well as Kara and Clark." Y/N replied as though it was obvious.

"Wait, you know Supergirl and Superman? And who's this Bruce guy?" Barry asked.

"Bruce is my friend. He is more of a father figure and mentor," Y/N said to assure Barry that she had no romantic interest in him.

"Okay, good. Let's go get some friends," Barry said before running off. Y/N followed and soon they were on Earth 38, in National City. They ran to Kara's apartment and found her instantly.

"Y/N!" she yelled as she ran up and gave her a hug. "Oh, and you brought Barry," Kara said before hugging him too.

"You two know each other?" Barry asked.

"Well yeah. She's like my best friend, and she knows Clark too," Kara replied, she then grew curious. "Do you guys need something?" Kara asked curiously as to why they had just traveled all the way to Earth 38.

"The Dominators, they're back. Earth 1 needs Supergirl again," Barry said.

"Great," Kara said sarcastically, "Let's go."

All three arrived back on Earth 1 and traveled to one of S.T.A.R. Lab's remote warehouses on the edge of the city to see Oliver, the team, and the Legends.

"Is that the Y/N Y/L/N...the Flash," one of them said fangirling as he walked up to meet Y/N. 

"Oh god, are you guys the Legends?" Y/N asked hesitantly.

"Yeah," one of them replied. The team seemed a little offended by the tone Y/N had used.

"Great," Y/N said in a tone that said she didn't like them.

"What do you have against us?" one asked.

"You're known throughout time, and the multiverse as the idiots of time," Y/N said back. 

"I mean we've had our ups and downs, but we have prevented catastrophes," the girl in white said.

"Yeah, and caused many more, throughout the multiverse," Y/N said back harshly.

"Okay," Barry said grabbing Y/N by the shoulders. "Let's get aquainted" Barry suggested.

Y/N learned he names of the Legends, and their abilities. Y/N was talking to Ray, the Atom. When Barry came and snaked an arm around her waist from behind. Y/N smiled and turned to kiss him.

"Woah, wait are you two a thing?" Ray asked shocked by what he just saw. Y/N held up the ring and Ray's face went from shock to happiness. "Oh, I'm so happy for you guys," he said hugging them both. Then another one named Nate Heywood, Commander Steel approcahed.

"Hi, I just heard; congrats! I'm a big fan by the way," he said to Y/N. Y/N was confused as to how Nate knew who she was. 

"How do you know who I am?" Y/N asked.

"I know you from the future, I read about you and wow...just wow. The way you kick ass is just phenomenal," he said smiling from ear to ear.

"Thanks?" Y/N said awkwardly. Nate left and Y/N was alone with Barry. Barry kissed her slowly, but passionately. They had been so busy lately that alone time was hard to find; so they chose to take advantage of every second together that they had alone. They returned to the main area to see Jax and Professor Stein, Firestorm arguing about how to fix Gideon. Y/N saw them bickering and thought that maybe she could assist.

"I could help," Y/N offered. They gave her a look that said 'do you even know' and she returned a look that said 'hell yeah'.

"I created Gideon on Earth 5 and a much more futuristic version than the one on that time ship," Y/N said approaching them. She simply pushed one button on the core processor and it was fixed. Everyone looked at her a little impressed.

"You got yourself a good one Barry," Jax said. Then, Sara, White Canary approached Y/N, and the rest of the team. 

"The Dominators just landed outside the city, only a drop ship, there's probably more to come."

"Barry and I will go check it out," Y/N replied.

"Wait, we're going with," Oliver and Kara said.

"No, you said it was just a drop ship, besides if things go South, Barry and I can get out of there quickly." The rest of the team agreed.

"Let's go."

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