Chapter 3

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A few days later:

Barry and Y/N both agreed that it would be best to tell Joe together about Wally being back from the dead. They knew Joe would be shocked about it, so they decided to tell him first, and then the team later.


Joe walked into Barry's lab, and he saw Y/N and Barry both standing there, with serious looks on their faces.

"Joe, there's something we need to tell you," Y/N said gesturing to the chair. Joe sat down, and then Barry continued,

"That speedster we've all seen around's Wally."

Joe sprung out of the chair, he began shaking his head.

"No, no that's not possible," Joe said in disbelief. He was happy at the thought of his son being back from the dead, but he was also worried that it might not be the same Wally that he had said goodbye to 3 years ago. He didn't want to have to let go of Wally for the second time.

Y/N and Barry both went into detail about how, and why Wally was back.

"Joe...there's something else. There might be a way to get the real Wally back."

Barry and Joe looked at Y/N brown knit with confusion.

"I know it sounds crazy, but if we take his speed away, and get the speed force out of his system then it might bring back Wally West. He would no longer be a speedster, but he'd be alive," Y/N said.

The three spent the next hour or so discussing what the right thing to do would be. They informed Cisco and Caitlin and decided to head to S.T.A.R. Labs to devise a plan.

At S.T.A.R. Labs:

Caitlin agreed with the plan, she too thought that removing the speed force from Wally would, in turn, bring him back. Cisco was nervous that Wally would end up being evil.

"First Girder, now Wally. This might as well be The Walking Dead for meta-humans," Cisco said throwing his arms in the air.

"We know it's a long shot, but it's the only plan we've got," Y/N said trying to convince the team.

"There might be someone we could talk to about this," Barry said raising a brow at Y/N. She knew he wanted to talk to Thawne, it would be difficult, but effective.

In the pipeline:

Y/N seemed nervous so Barry grabbed her hand as they entered the pipeline together.

"Oh look at that, the two speedsters in love," Thawne said as he stood up and observed Y/N and Barry.

"We need your help," Y/N said walking up to the glass cell that contained him.

"Well, those are four words I never thought I'd hear you say," Thawne snickered.

"I'm being serious." Y/N was speaking in a serious tone. Thawne was getting on her nerves.

"What made you think I wasn't being serious?" Thawne said in a mocking tone. He was pushing it with Y/N's emotions.

"We need your help," Barry said cutting into the conversation.

"It's Wally-" Y/N was cut off before she could continue.

"Wally West, the late Wally West actually. Your last apprentice right Flash?" Thawne said shifting his stare from Y/N to Barry. "Let me guess you want to bring him back from the dead."

"He's already back." Thawne looked at Y/N as she said that.

"And what do you want me to do. You want the real Wally back...he's gone."

"What if we take his speed away, what then?" Y/N asked taking her hand away from Barry and crossing her arms.

"You risk killing him, and upsetting the Negative Speed Force."

"Okay you are being of no use," Y/N said irritated, she grabbed Barry and began heading for the exit. They could both tell that Thawne was holding something back.

"Wait! You have the possibility to bring him back, but you risk rupturing time. Wally is meant to be dead, time would have to create new memories and experiences for him. There are untold risks."

"Look at that, you were finally useful for once." Y/N said once again about to leave before Thawne stopped her.

"No, you can't do this. You could not only kill Wally but all of us. The Negative Speed Force will kill us all if we upset it."

Y/N could no longer take him and left the pipeline with Barry in hand. Joe, Cisco, and Caitlin had all been listening to the conversation in the pipeline from the Cortex.

"So what's our plan of action?" Cisco asked turning away from the screens to face Barry and Y/N.

"I don't know. We have the chance to bring him back, which could also kill him. But we could also bring him back successfully, but risk destroying time in the process and having the Negative Speed Force kill us all," Y/N said looking around at the team. She needed some time to think about everything that was happening and went in the hall. As she sat down Barry came and sat next to her.

"What are thinking?" he asked nudging her.

"I don't know. I mean the risk, we do it wrong we all die, we do it right we still might die," Y/N said looking at Barry. But Barry had no idea what to think. He too was worried, either way, the risks could potentially be catastrophic.

"I think we need to tell Joe that this might not be a good idea," Barry said looking at Y/N.

"I feel bad, I mean we told Joe that there is a possibility to bring his dead son back to life, and now we have to tell him that we can't. I feel horrible giving him that false hope. And who's to say that even if we do bring back Wally successfully that he won't betray us."

"He wouldn't do that," Barry replied interrupting Y/N. Barry had faith in Wally, he was once a good man and could be again.

"See Barry, that's the difference between us, you always see the good in people. The light in the dark. I see the lies, and the things that people hide Barry." Y/N shook her head back and forth. "How did I get so lucky as to have you?" she asked looking at Barry and leaning against him.

"Maybe the universe is with us," Barry said resting his head on hers and putting an arm around her. Y/N and Barry sat there in silence; each just enjoying the presence of the other. It was a good silence, it was peaceful; therapeutic almost.

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