Chapter 8

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A few days later in the morning:

Y/N's eyes fluttered open when she felt the gentle heat from the rays of sunlight streaming through the window. Barry's arm was tight around her waist as he slept. She gently rubbed her eyes, and reached over for her phone, picking it up off the nightstand and checking for any messages before she felt Barry stirring behind her. Y/N looked over to see him as his eyes slowly opened, his dark green eyes meeting hers in a gaze.

"Good morning," he murmured in a raspy voice, pressing his lips against the back of her ear.

"Morning," Y/N hummed, placing her phone back on the nightstand before turning in his arms so her chest was pressed against his. Barry tightened his arms around Y/N and cupped the back of her head, his lips meeting her forehead in a gentle kiss.

"Sleep well?" Barry asked, Y/N's hair gently brushing between his fingers. Y/N hummed softly at the feeling and nodded, reaching up to press her lips to his jaw.

"I did, and you?" Y/N whispered, her lips being tickled by the scruff on his face.

"You're here, aren't you?" Barry smiled. Y/N smiled back, softly nuzzling her nose gently against the bottom of his chin.

"What am I some kind of teddy bear?" Y/N teased, gently messing with the fabric of Barry's shirt. He hummed, nuzzling his nose into her hair.

"You're my teddy bear," He whispered, kissing her temple. Y/N smirked.

Her hand reached up to brush through his perfect hair. He chuckled, shaking his head as he rested his forehead against hers. She smiled into his shirt as she planted a soft kiss on his chest. Y/N sighed softly, hugging his waist. "Let's just stay here all day..." Y/N whispered, squeezing him gently.

"I can live with that..." Barry hummed, snuggling his head gently against hers. Y/N hummed softly in content, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on his hip.

"Hey, Barry?" She whispered, her eyebrows raising. Barry hummed in response, his fingers traveling slowly and soothingly up and down her back.

"Yeah," he murmured.

"I love you. So much..." Y/N whispered, his warmth spreading throughout her like a wildfire.

"I love you too..." Barry hummed, kissing her forehead once more as his nose gently and tenderly brushed against her soft skin. "God, I love you so much." The way Barry Allen felt about this girl was something he had never experienced before. Every time he saw her his heart did a thousand cartwheels, and a feeling like no other settled into the pit of his stomach. At first, it freaked him out. But the more he felt it, the more comfortable it became. The more he wanted it.

"Y/N?" he murmured into her hair.

"Hm?" Y/N hummed.

"I love you so much," he whispered kissing her head.

"I love you more," she replied.

"Not possible."


Do you guys like this cute cuddly stuff? I really like writing it so let me know, either by voting or by commenting.


A few hours later at S.T.A.R. Labs:

Joe had called for the team to celebrate the recent reunion.

"I'm so happy we could all be here to celebrate bringing Wally home. And this doubles as an engagement party for the happy couple," Joe said raising a glass and gesturing to Barry and Y/N.

The party was nice considering that when they got engaged the happiness was short lived due to Thawne. Barry and Y/N both had a nice time with the team celebrating.

At CCPD the next day:

Y/N was getting bored the lab so she decided to go see Barry. She walked into CCPD and talked to Joe briefly and then headed up to Barry's lab. She expected to see Barry, but instead, she saw a blonde haired man arranging his things at a desk across from Barry's.

"Uhh..." Y/N said in confusion as she entered Barry's lab.

"Oh, hello. I'm Julian, Julian Albert. You must be Y/N, Barry had told me so much about you," he said walking up and putting his hand out.

"Hey Y/N," Barry said walking into his lab and hugging her from behind.

"Hey, Barry. Care to explain who your new friend is," Y/N said turning and raising her eyebrows at Barry.

"Oh, umm. Julian was a member of team Flash, but after Savitar happened he was transferred to Keystone. But he just transferred back and is rejoining the team. I'm sorry I should've told you sooner," Barry said.

"So he knows," Y/N said hinting about his role as The Flash.

"Yeah, he doesn't know about you though."

"Know what about you?" Julian asked feeling left out of the loop.

"Uh...I'm the Flash, the new one in the white suit. Yeah, that's me," Y/N said forcing a smile. She was still unsure of this new Julian guy, but Barry trusted him. "I should at least give him a chance," Y/N thought to herself.

" So um how do you two know each other?" Julian asked pointing at both Y/N and Barry.

"We are engaged," Barry said awkwardly. He then walked back over to Y/N after setting something on his desk and wrapped his arm around her.

"Congrats mate!" Julian said hugging the both of them.

"It's good to have you back," Barry said smiling at his friend.

Then Julian heard about how and why Y/N was on Earth 1, and he was also filled in with Wally's situation, as well as Thawne. Y/N found out that Julian studied in meta-humans; she thought this was a valuable quality for the team.

Back at the apartment:

Barry and Y/N were both cuddled together on the couch.

"So, what did you think of Julian?" Barry asked looking down at Y/N who was very happily snuggled into his arms.

"He seems nice; his meta-human expertise seems valuable," Y/N said nuzzling deeper into Barry's embrace, she tucked her head neatly under his chin.

Barry laid a gentle kiss on her forehead. Y/N looked up at him and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. She then yawned and tucked herself back into Barry's arms. Barry woke up a few hours later, Y/N was still fast asleep. He got up as carefully, and as quietly as he could. Barry then picked Y/N up bridal style and began carrying her upstairs. As he set her down under the covers he saw a slight smile form on her lips. He kissed her one last time before laying down next to her.

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