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"So how was your day so far? " Liam asked me "It was Fine" I replied honestly. I had been late for school due to the Mr. I-don't-apologize-to-anyone but the teacher didnt give me a detention because it was my first day.

"Its because its your first day, our school is not that bad though" Liam said putting an arm around my shoulder.

As i had met them just a few weeks back, it was kind of hard to believe that they were the one of the few people in my messed up life that I really didnt wanna lose.

At first I was scared about moving here. It was a lot for me.... I was broken, completely. They told me that they had a house here that I could use and I agreed without any questions.

When I moved here I realized that they didn't exactly add a line when they were describing the house 'the house was already being used by someone' Alicia. At first I had thought about moving to a new flat but they said that this one was perfect because it didn't attract much attention and me living alone wasn't really safe. I did tell them that I didn't want to risk Alicia's life but they said something ahout having it all under control.

They said that last time too.

Without any further arguments, I stayed.
Alicia was easy going and fun. Liam was her childhood friend and lived nearby. I didn't want to get too close to them but it was nearly impossible, they were just too good.

They weren't really the popular kids of their school, though i knew that a lot of girls had a crush on Liam, but like every other guy, he just ignored them. Alicia on the other hand was the girl everyone wanted to befriend but didn't. Yeah, So thats how i met my two bestfriends here.

"Hey!" Liam bought me back to earth "lost?"

"Nah, just thinking"

Just then something caught my attention. In the corner of the corridor was a guy surrounded by girls as if he were Harry Styles.

"Who's that? " I asked

"Alec" Alicia said "Its Alec Hales"

"Who? "

"Alec... Alec hales?" she replied looking at me as if I were crazy.

"Oh Alec Hales.... I definitely know him, how can i not? " I said sarcasm dripping in my voice.

Since his back was faced towards me and also he was surrounded by girls I couldn't see his face.The other 3 guys around him were all too busy laughing to notice that girls were trying to get their attention too or maybe they were just ignoring everyone.

"Now Allow me to introduce you to the golden boys of Lestwood" Alicia said dramatically finally looking up from her phone.

"That in the corner is Ryan Carter" she pointed towards one of the guys "With his blue eyes and black hair, girls fall for him every second. Looks like an angel but trust me..... He is Lucifer in disguise, captain of the basketball team. He is in love with only 3 things, basketball, his car and getting laid"

"Next comes Mark, the computer genius hottie" she pointed towards they guy who was laughing a lot..... a lot "The sparks in his green eyes and his messy black hair are what makes him the greek god of our school...... His pranks are pretty awesome but only if they are not for you"

Next Alicia pointed towards the guy who was the only one who wasn't laughing as much as the others "Then comes Isaac, the prince charming of every girl. He has almost every girl swooning at his feet. The sweetest and cutest of the group. His british accent and looks are just the bonus points"

"Lastly Alec Hales" she looked at the one surrounded by girls....a lot of girls "the guy who makes every girl fall for him the moment they see him. From being a hottie to being a badass, he is always first. Everyone loves him but he doesnt pay attention to anyone but his group of friends. From basketball to football, somehow he is the best player in every game. In short, Anything happens at Lestwood, the guys are responsible" Alicia went back to her phone.

As they turned and started walking, I could see girls blowing kisses towards them, Mark turned back and blew a kiss back at a girl, Who screamed a bit too loudly.
He winked at her and turned back to walk once he received a punch from the guy beside him, Isaac maybe.
"Seriously?" I sighed looking at the girls who looked like they were close to getting a heart attack.

"Yeah, the common scene of our school" Alicia sighed as we walked towards our next class.

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