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"Make out with Alec for 2 whole minutes"

My heart literally stopped beating and I mean Literally!

Alec? Make out? 2 minutes?

"Not happening" I blurted out.

Isaac was looking from me to Alec and back to me. Alec however was staring at me with a weird expression on his face. It was a mix between 'I am going to kill him' and 'this sounds fun'

"Its a dare Lydia, you need to do it" Cole smirked. I wanted to punch him so hard and break all his perfectly white teeth.

"I quit"

"Can't quit, thats the rule"

"Screw your rule"


"I am not doing it! Not him!"

"It's okay" Alec interrupted taking all of us by surprise "If she doesn't want to, then its okay"

There was something about his voice which made me actually want to do it. He sounded hurt?
Probably my stupid imagination.

"Come on Lydia...and Alec, you have kissed so many girls before, its not big deal. Just do it and its just a kiss anyways" Ryan said lazily.

"Ryan-" Alec started but Cole interrupted him.

"Exactly Lydia, its a just kiss. Come on!"

"Alicia put some senses into your cousin!" I whined

"Sorry Lydia" Alicia smiled sheepishly "We all promised we wouldn't back out"


"Liam help me please"

"Sorry bestie, its the rule"


"Just get done with it" Mark sighed

Out of absolutely no where, there were 'Do it' chants from Cole, Mark and Ryan slowly followed by Liam and Alicia joining. I looked at Isaac hoping for some help but that dude was too busy in observing how green the grass was.

Alec was of no help either, he was just staring at me blankly.

"Fine I'll do it"


Alec looked at me as if I had just blurted out some evolution theory in Japanese. Isaac was still interested in grass and the others were all smirking.


"You don't have to" Alec stated

"Its alright Alec, its no big deal. Its just a kiss anyways" I said not believing the words coming out of my mouth

"Yeah" he smiled weakly and stood up, slowly walking towards me and I immediately regretted my decision.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

My heart was about to pop out of my chest and my throat was super dry.

What the hell was I thinking?!
Why do I always make shitty decisions?!

"Setting timer for 2 minutes" Cole laughed.

I swear I am killing him tonight.

There he was, the smirk master standing at just a little distance from me but not smirking. He slowly put his arms around my waist and pulled me even closer to him.

How the hell do you breath again?

It's like there was some weird sort of electricity running throughtout my body. What kind of black magic was he doing on me?!

"We don't have to if you dont want to Liddy"
he whispered sending a hurricane of chills down my spine. I could literally feel his breath on my lips and his eyes, they looked so beautiful. I was literally melting.
It was wrong. This shouldn't happen but then why did it feel so right?

"Its fine Alec, we will probably forget about it by tomorrow" I managed, praying for what I had said to come true.

"Yes we will" he said, staring right into my soul

"START" I heard Cole scream and before I could even react, Alec crashed his lips on mine and time literally stopped. I put my arms around his neck and he pulled me even closer to him until there was absolutely no space left between us. It was really slow and gentle and it felt heavenly.

I couldn't hear anything and the only thing I could feel was Alec's lips on mine, kissing me passionately yet gently. It was like walking on fire yet I felt cold. We broke apart after sometime and I slowly opened my eyes to see something flickering in Alec's eyes as he continued staring at me.

"1 more minute to go" someone announced and it kind of made me happy although I knew I would regret it later.
I couldn't this to myself but most importantly I couldn't do this to Alec. But before I could stop him or even think further, he kissed me again.

This time his hands moved to my face, cupping it gently as he continued kissing me.

He sure had a lot of experience in this. He was so skilled.

After about some seconds, I felt his tongue in my lips, asking for entrance and I was just about to let him in when Liam's voice bought me back to earth "AND CUT!"

I quickly pulled away stepping as far as I could from Alec. Every inch of my skin was burning and Alec was still staring into my soul with his beautiful eyes.
I could only look away when Mark grabbed my hand and started a little weird dance with the others around him.

The only thing going in mind right now was WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??

JUST A KISSWhere stories live. Discover now