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I was standing there with my arms around Alec as he hid his face in the crook of my next, breathing softly sending weird electric shocks throughout my body.

"You are safe" he repeated again as if trying to calm himself down with those words.

"I am fine Alec, don't worry" I replied, rubbing circles on his back.

"Where did you go?" I could literally feel his breath on my neck and I swear if it weren't for his arms holding me, I would have fallen down.

"I went...for a walk and then I got to talking to someone and lost track of time"

"You completely freaked me out"

"I am sorry"

"Please don't leave again"

His words hit me so hard and my heartbeat increased instantly.

Please don't leave again.....

But I will have to leave at some point, I'll have to leave him and everything here.

I didn't know how to reply to that so I just kept quiet.

"Liddy?" My heart fluttered at the name "You didn't reply, you won't leave like this again right?"

"I'll try" I managed, trying to keep my voice from breaking.

"I won't let you leave"

And that ladies and gentlemen was how my entire world collapsed.



I turned back to see Isaac standing there with a chocolate bar in his hand. After Alec left, I decided I needed some air to be able to breath again so I came down to the garden and sat down, trying to figure out life.

"Izzy! My saviour! I am so happy to see you!!" I exclaimed snatching the chocolate from his hand as he sat beside me.

"Well that was actually Mark's but sure" he smiled

"Where is Mark anyways?"

"With Alicia"

"Of course" I laughed "he really likes her right?"

"A hell lot, since 5th Grade"


5th Grade?! But I thought the boys didn't know Liam or Alicia until....


"Mark has had a crush on Alicia since 5th Grade. He kept calling her the 'girl with gorgeous hair' for an entire year until he finally grew some balls and asked her name" he grinned "Remember the day when we sat at your table?"

"Yes of course"

"Well we came because first, I wanted to sit with you and second Mark had been planning on talking to Alicia and sitting with her for a really long time but he would get nervous last minute and back out"

Mark gets nervous?! This was honestly like some Wattpad story....

"But then you came along and we became friends and as I was coming to your table, I noticed Alicia there so I dragged Mark along with me"


"So you are telling me that if in Mark and Alicia get together, it would be because we became friends?" I grinned at him and his face immediately lit up like a 5 year old who was told he would be getting extra piece of cake for desert.

"Holy....yes! Mark owes me big time" he laughed and I joined him.

When I stopped laughing, I found him staring at me with a really cute smile.

How was he so cute?
How does he even deal with his own cuteness?!

"What?" I smiled

"Nothing, you are just really beautiful"


"Umm well you too"

'Really nice Lydia....Really nice'

I mentally face plamed myself but hey, its not everyday that the cutest guy in the world calls you beautiful!

He burst out laughing "You really don't know how to receive compliments right?"

"Shut up" I blushed

"Alright, sorry" he stopped for a second but then he burst out laughing again.

What was so funny?

'Probably your face' my inner voice rolled her eyes.


"Hey! Its not everyday that the cutest guy in the world calls you beautiful!" I defended but then immediately punched myself (mentally) when I realized what I had said.

Why the hell am I so stupid??!!

He immediately stopped laughing and smirked at me with amusement in his eyes.

I thought smirking was more of Alec's thing.

"Did you just call me the cutest guy in the world?"


I swear if you kept a tomato next to my face right now, you wouldn't spot a difference.

"You did" he grinned "you just called me the cutest guy in the world!"

"Don't flatter yourself Izzy, that title belongs to Dylan O'brien"

"Who?" His face scrunched up in confusion.

"Nevermind" I sighed

"Anyways I gotta go" he said jumping up

He started walking but then turned back after a couple seconds.



"I think you are the cutest girl in the world too"

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