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"I don't believe it, your first day and you already picked a fight with Alec Hales!" Alicia cried collapsing on her bed.

"I didn't pick a fight with him!" I objected "I just, Stepped on his foot.....and then punched him..... and pushed him and then...Shit! I think I did pick a fight!"

"Happy realization sweetheart"

"But he cant do anything..... I mean, I have my rights!!" I exclaimed.

He really won't be able to do anything, right?

I mean,first of all I am going to avoid him all my life and unfortunately the one class I have with him, I will sit away from him.So I will be in the safe zone.....right?

"Hello girls!" The door burst open revealing a super-happy Liam.

"Hey" we greeted back lazily.

"Why so sad?" He asked jumping onto the couch.

"We were actually pretty happy until you came" Alicia sighed

"Yeah.... I am sorry,I usually tend to forget that you guys can't handle my hotness" he replied receiving a pillow on the head from Alicia which he threw back.

"Anyways I have a news which will cheer you up!" He exclaimed "Charlie is throwing a party tonight and we are going"

"Awesome!!" Alicia jumped up all of a sudden.

"Yeah so get ready by 7, I will pick you both up" he stated.

"Okay....hold your horses" I quickly got up "I never said I am coming"

"Who's asking for your permission?" Liam stated casually "You are coming and that's it"

"No I am not!"

"Oh its okay Lydia, you don't have to be scared of Alec" Alicia said nervously.

Wait..... What?

"Hey! I never said I am sacred of Alec!!" I objected.

"What about Alec?" Liam raised his eyebrow.

"Oh that...... "

And that's how gentlemen,the story of my life was told by Alicia to Liam who was listening attentively with his facial expression changing every second.

After a couple of minutes when everything from the punch to the pen was told,Liam did something that took both me and Alicia by surprise..... He started laughing!

Yeah I have got really great friends.

"That's freaking awesome!!" He laughed.

"Lydia, you are like the first girl to not only give Alec the cold shoulder but also punch him, he's probably pissed off right now"

"Thanks Liam, very comforting" I snapped.

"No seriously! It's bloody awesome!"

"Shut up Liam!" Alicia snapped while Liam continued laughing.

"There is no need to be scared"

"I am not scared! I just have a couple of reasons" I objected

"Yeah what?"

"First of all I have to study and second today was my first day so I really dont want to go to a party, I dont even know people except for you guys"

"Your first reason is dumb" Alicia stated

"Your second reason in also
dumb" Liam added.

Yeah sure.

"Please Lydia?" Alicia made her best puppy face which i must say was pretty hard to resist.

"Why the hell are we even asking her? Listen Lydia" Liam pointed his finger at me "I am picking you both up at 7....now its up to you too decide whether you wanna go there walking on your 2 legs or you want me to pick you up in your horrible looking dress"


"My dress is better than your face.....and you can't force me!"

"I can and by the way I would really appreciate if my beautiful face would not be compared to the dress of yours"

"Please Lydia and besides Charlie throws pretty decent parties" Alicia said with her puppy face on.

"Why are you asking-"

"Shut up Liam, you are not helping!" Alicia snapped "pleasy pleasy?"

Remind me again why I am friends with them?

"So I will pick you guys up" Liam stated getting out of the room.

"I still didnt agree!" I cried which Liam just ignored.

Best friend goals guys.....

"Charlie throws decent parties.You are coming right?"


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