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"What the hell do you want?" I glared at Alec who was continuously tapping my shoulder with a pen.
"Do you have a pen?" he asked,smirking.

"Alec, this is probably the tenth time I am telling you NO!" I hissed "And what are you tapping me with if you don't have a pen?"

"This is not a very good pen" he smirked "You sure, you dont have a pen?"

Why can't something like the Ghost Riders actually exist? I would seriously beg them to take Alec with them and never give him back.

"Do you have a pen?" I turned towards Isaac expecting some sort of help but Isaac looked too lost in doing math.
How can someone show so much interest in math?

I am seriously surrounded by idiots.

Mark was too busy or probably deaf with his earphones on and Ryan.......well he was just sleeping.

"Do you have a pen?" Alec asked again

"Alec" I somehow controlled myself from punching him the Hermione style "Ask me that question again and I will smack your head with a hammer"

I turned back and continued my work congratulating myself as another tap did not come but for just 1 minute.


"Do you have a hammer?"

"What? No!"

Was he dumb?

"Good, then do you have a pen?"

Okay, he was dumb.
I turned to Isaac and shook him out of his math world.

"Give me a pen" I stated and Isaac obeyed obviously looking confused, taking the extra pen from Isaac, I threw it on Alec's face and trust me, his reaction was just priceless!

I congratulated myself and began working..........for just 1 minute again.

That was it. I lost my control.

"What the hell do you want!!??" I screamed and then immediately regretted it.

The whole class turned to look with Mrs. Lily glaring at us.

She slowly began walking towards us like a hungry lion and my bad luck, no ghost rider showed up, no zombies attacked and no Nico Di-Angelo shadow travelled here to take me with him.

"What is going on over here?" Mrs. Lily snarled stopping right next to Isaac who was looking forth me and Alec.
Mark was still in his musical world and Ryan was still asleep (Don't ask me why Mrs. Lily was ignoring them) and Alec, take a guess as to what he was doing?

Yeah, he was smirking.

"Actually, Alec was annoying me by continuously tapping me with a pen asking for a pen" I blurted out without thinking and the whole class burst out laughing.

Great, just great!

Mrs. Lily looked at me as if I was telling a story about an elephant who had started flying.

"Why would I ask for a pen when I already have two pens?" Alec picked up both the pen innocently.

Trust me! It took me all my strength to not kill him on the spot.

"Yeah, why would he?" Mrs. Lily asked me as if I was supposed to come up with a briefly explained answer.

"I don't know, he was annoying me again and again so I yelled" I said.

"Okay, I believe you" Mrs. Lily said calmly.

I was expecting her to yell at me and give me detentions but when she started walking with a smile, I realized she wasn't joking.

"You mean......you actually believe me?" I asked doubtfully.

"Yes dear, I do" with that she started walking again.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you the same story!" This time it was Alec.

"No, I wouldn't" Mrs. Lily smiled

"Then why her believe her? Why not give her a detention or something?" Alec whined

"Let's remind you why I wouldn't believe you. Who are you?"


"Who are you?"

"I am Alec........Alec hales"

"And that is exactly why I wouldn't believe you"

Oooooooooohhh Burn!!

"Want some ice Alec?" I smiled innocently receiving the a death glare from Alec.

Mrs. Lily just casually walked back to her seat and continued with the sum and so did I.

After that I only turned back when I saw a pen being thrown at Isaac 

"Ouch! What the hell man!" Isaac whined.

"None of these pens work!" Alec muttered.

After a brief minute of searching Mark's bag and trying to wake Ryan up, Alec turned towards me


"What?" I snapped.

"Do you have a pen?"



Okay, I know I am late........very late.

And I am extremely sorry for that but don't blame me, blame studies.

And so finally I updated a long chapter!!!

So I just want to know if the story is going well?

I know I am not 'that good' but I have put my 100% in this and I just hope you guys like it.........but if  you don't like something about it, please let me know.

So I will try to update the next chapter as fast as possible so until then....................


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