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"Your fault!"

"No, your fault!"

Mark and Ryan were continuously arguing from the time we got kicked out of the movie theatre. Yeah, you got me right, we got 'kicked out' and guess who's fault was it.

"You screamed!"

"Because you told me Too!"

"No!! I said, Mark please don't scream nd you said 'don't tell me what to do' and then screamed!"

"Yes and that's because you don't tell me what to do when I am angry!"

"You need a doctor!"

"You need to shift to the mental asylum!"

"Mark you....."

"Shut up!" Isaac interrupted Ryan shutting the two of them for only some seconds.

"Ryan you suck!"

"Mark....please I am not a mirror!"

"Can you both just shut up!" I finally yelled.We were sitting in Mc Donalds and I was not in the mood of getting kicked out of here also.

"Yes please just shut up! Mark why did you scream?" Isaac asked.

"Because Ryan wasn't sharing his popcorn!" Mark whined.

"Alec why did you jump yelling 'Popcorn' during the most important scene?!"

"Because Liddy wasn't sharing her popcorn!"

"I don't share my popcorn!" I stated.

"Neither do I" Ryan smirked giving me a high-five.

"Idiots" Mark muttered and Alec said something too but I couldn't really hear.

"You guys are so mature" Isaac rolled his eyes "Alicia...how are we going to your get together?"

I guess Isaac was literally the only one out of us who was actually eligible to be called a high school student.
Liam had his earphones plugged in and Alicia was sitting just there blankly staring at everyone.

"Okay honestly, I thought Liam would drop us but now all of us won't fit in his car, we can take two cars?"

"Its okay, I will handle that" Alec interrupted.

"Alec, we all won't fit in your car..."

"Don't worry about the car Liddy...I will pick up you and Alicia at 7 tomorrow morning?"


"By the way, you guys know Mr.Brennet got a new name today?" Ryan laughed.

Mr.Brennet was the physics teacher of our school or you could say the laughing stock of our school.
He was short,plump and had a really round face with not much hair. And you know how that goes in a high school. The poor guy had millions of names, Mr.Roundy, Flamingo(long story), Smalley and other really horrible names. I actually felt really bad for him.

"What name?" Alec asked.



"So apparently Smurfy was in the Art class today for some reason and this super awesome dude, whose name I don't know unknowingly poured this whole can of blue paint on him and that's how the name came into being" Ryan laughed taking a bite of Mark's burger.

"Mine!" And it took Mark seconds to snatch it back from him.

"Oohhh Alec Hales!" A squeaky voice interrupted.

I looked up to see Cali standing there, the district bad girl. I am not going to disagree with the fact that this girl was amazingly beautiful. Strawberry blonde hair, deep blue eyes and perfect model figure. At first I was surprised that none of the golden boys were dating any of the queen bees. But then it came to my notice that they never really dated....they were all players, maybe not Isaac but he seemed the least interested one.  

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