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"So that's it! Everything is ready and we are playing treasure hunt!!" Mark exclaimed

"Can we not?" I groaned. I was too tired to walk at all.

"Shut up Lid bear"

"What's Lid bear?" Alec raised his eyebrow at Mark

"My new nickname for Lydia"

"Mine is much better" Alec smirked at me and I just rolled my eyes.

"So the game is" Liam stood up taking the lead as Alec and Mark started arguing on who's nickname was better.

"There will be two teams which are already made by Uncle Henry here"

Uncle Henry waved at us from the other side of the room.

"So the two teams basically collect clues which will lead to a place where there will be a flag, you get the flag and come to the swing area in the garden. The team that reaches first wins"

"Who prepared all the clues and hid them?"
I asked

"Mark and the leaders of the devils. Apparently they have been preparing since yesterday" Liam said pointing towards the twins behind us.

"Are all the clues in the house?" Cole asked and the twins grinned maniacally.

I am not even going to lie, these two actually scared me.

"Nope" they laughed together and I saw Cole's smile disappear.

"Don't worry Cole, all in places where your legs can take you" Liliah laughed

"So what are the teams?" Ryan questioned

"Well look kids, I made the teams based on chits so don't kill me if you don't get who you want" Uncle Henry spoke up.

He took out a list and smiled broadly.

Please no Alec. Please no Alec.

"Isaac, Mark, Lydia and...."

"Please let it be Liam or Alicia or Satan or Ryan. Just not Alec. Please.


Well shit.

"Second team is Alicia, Liam, Cole and Ryan"

"Hey, I wanna be with Alicia!" Mark whined making Alicia blush but she quickly hid it.

"Nope, I am good" she smiled innocently.

"Can I change my place with Alicia then?" I asked hoping for a yes.

"Yes!" Mark and Cole beamed.

"No!" Alec, Isaac and Alicia snapped...together.

"Sorry kiddo, no changing teams" Uncle Henry smiled, walking away.

"Sucks that you are not in my team princess" Cole whispered in my ears.

"Well actually, it a good thing Satan"

"You hurt me again Princess" he wiped a fake tear.

"Good" I laughed

Someone clutched my hand real tight. I almost forgot that Alec was sitting next to me.

Why was his pissed now?

"So princess-"

"Can we just start the damn game!" Alec stood up suddenly, dragging me along.

We were still holding hands and for some reason I didn't want him to let go.

"YES!" Mark jumped up and down excitedly and ran out pulling Alicia along.

We all followed him out with Alec pulling me along.

Such gentlemen.

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