#16, YAY LIFE!

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I wanted to bury myself 1000 km deep under the sand or shift to Antarctica. Whatever I thought about it, I always came to one conclusion, I needed a doctor.
I mean what could be worse than kissing the smirk master, almost kiss but whatever.
Uggh....life seriously needs to chill and give me a break!

And to make everything even better, I had to go to Alicia's house with Liam and the others. It was almost 7 and we were waiting for Alec to pick us up.

"Lidya?" Alicia called out.


"You okay?"

I looked up to see her staring at me with her eyes narrowed.

"Yes, why do you ask?" I replied as happily as I could.

"I dont know, you seem....awkwardly tensed" she shrugged

"Awkwardly tense?" I laughed

"Yeah, everything okay right?" She asked, a little more serious this time.

"Yup!" I forced a smile "perfectly fine"

"You are lying" she bluntly stated "and stop forcing a smile"

It always weirded me out as to how Alicia could always read my mind. I could read her's too,but only at times but she could always tell if I was lying or when I was forcing a smile.

"Uggh!! Why do you know me so well?"

"Best friend telepathy" she grinned "now tell me"

"Okay so don't jump and don't scream" I started

"You are freaking me out...what is it?"

"I almost kissed someone I shouldn't have yesterday, almost but still"

After about 5 complete seconds, a scream took over every other noise in this universe.

"OH MY GOD!" Alicia jumped up and down screaming maniacally "FINALLY!!"


"Finally?" I asked. What was she talking about?

"You finally kissed him!" She screamed

"Stop screaming and tell me what the hell do you mean by 'finally'?"

"Oh come on, I have shipped you and Isaac for so long!!" She screamed again.

Isaac? Wait...what the hell?


She stopped screaming when she saw my confused face.

"It's not Isaac?" She raised her eyebrow as if dissapointed.

"No it's not and why would you ship us?"

"Because you guys are so cute and he obviously cares a lot about you so why not" She stated casually "If it's not Isaac then...Holy shit! Its not Ryan, Is it? Oh hell no, I do not approve, he is a huge player and-"

"No Ali, its not Ryan either!" I stopped her before she could go any further.

"Mark? But he is so annoying and-"

"Not him either"

"Please don't tell me its Liam"

"Its not Liam"

It took her almost one minute to finally get who it was and when she did realize, she took a step back dramatically with her hand on her face.

"Are you telling me that its who I think is is?" She gulped

"It is" I sighed

Alicia was looking at me as if I had grown an extra head or suddenly sprouted wings. After about a couple more seconds, another scream followed.

"YOU KISSED ALEC HALES?!" She was grinning broadly, jumping up and down again.

Definitely not the reaction I was expecting.

"Almost kissed and yes"


"Yeah...unfortunately that one"

"That is so amazing!! You guys would be so cute together!!" She continued screaming "Definitely was not expecting it to be him of all people, I thought you were into the good guys, someone like Isaac but Holy crap Alec is really hot too and he is like the bad boy of the school and you guys would be perfect together and if he ever breaks your heart, I will actually murder him and even his beautiful face wouldn't be able to stop me that day but I am actually so happy for you Lidya!! I mean Alec Hales!!"

"You done?" I asked calmly "we almost kissed Ali, we are not getting married, calm down!"

"Almost kiss leads to a proper kiss and that leads to the bad boy falling in love with the good girl which leads to him changing and that leads to him finally winning her heart and then they date and then they married and have 3 beautiful kids and heyyy, I am going to be the Godmother!"

What am I going to do with her?

"You read too much Wattpad" I pointed out and before she could start naming out childrens, I heard a car's horn downstairs.

Alec was here.

Thanks Life.

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