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"I never said I wanted hot chocolate"

"Trust me on this one Liddy, the hot chocolate here is just awesome!"

"What if i want something else?"

"Nope, hot chocolate now and then you can have whatever the hell you want"

"Why would I listen to you?"

"Because I am Alec Hales"

Wow. He sure is a jerk.

"What parcel is it?" I asked sitting opposite to Alec

"Nothing much....just my mom's stuff"

Alan soon came carrying two hot chocolate with him and kept them on the table. They actually looked pretty good.

"Here is it" Alan handed Alec the parcel "And Alec? I need to go out for a couple of minutes, mind looking after the cafe?"

"Yes sure!" Alec smiled.....yeah smiled.

Alan said a quick thank you and hurried out. I took a sip of my hot chocolate and damn It was actually amazing!

""Good right?"

"Brilliant!" I exclaimed.

"Told ya"

"Where were you the whole week?" I asked, don't even ask me why.

"Missed me?" Alec smirked.

"Nah....just wondering why you are back"

"It was some family thing, functions and stuff"


"Did you just change your school or town?" Alec suddenly asked out of nowhere.

"Town" I replied quietly.

"Why?" and I had no reply to that.

"Breakup?" Alec suggested "or fight with parents? Your parents are still back there?"

It's like all of a sudden my heart stopped beating. Everything around me went blurry and past images its way into mind, once again. Once again, I could hear her cry. Once again I could hear my mom scream for mercy. Once again, I found myself hiding in the closet, my hands over my mouth, trying to stop myself from crying out loud.

"Lydia!?" Alec's voice snapped me back to senses. I could feel my eyes burning which meant tears had won again.

"Hey" Alec dragged his chair next to me and took my hand "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" I said pulling my hand away and wiping my tears ready to force a smile.

"You okay? You don't look okay"

"I am okay Alec" I smiled.

"Is it something I said?" his eyes were filled with concern.

"No Alec, I am perfectly okay.....bad memories"

"Was it the one where I said you weren't my type?" Alec Hales was back.

"No that's a happy one" I smiled as Alec sighed dragging his chair back "Whatever you say Liddy"

"Excuse me?" a voice interrupted. I turned to see a man standing there with a small smile "Alan's here?"

"No" Alec replied.

"So the cafe is closed?" the man looked confused just like me about life.

"Yes" Alec replied lazily but I interrupted "No, its open"

"Its not!" Alec glared at me

"It is" I replied back with the same glare.

"So is it or is it not" the man asked looking even more confused

"It is!"

"Not!" Alec quickly got up and pulled me to the corner.

"What are you doing?" he hissed.

"What are you doing? Alan told you to take care of the shop, you can't reject a customer!"

"Alan told us to look after not take care"

"What difference does it make?!"

"A lot?"

"Shut up!"

I turned back to take his order but there was no one there. He was gone.

"Look what you have done!" I snapped at Alec who was back to being the smirk master.

"I did nothing" he said innocently.

"I hate you!"

"No you don't"

"Hey Alec" a new voice greeted. On seeing him, Alec's smirk changed to a frown "Hey Justin"

"Hey beautiful" Justin walked towards me taking my hand.

Does everyone and anyone related to Alec HAS to be a flirt?!

"Hey" I said and before I could pull my hand back, Alec pulled me.

"We gotta go Justin" Alec snapped at Justin who just stood there grinning.

"But what about the cafe?" I asked.

"Justin will take care, won't you Justin?"

"Yes, I don't really have a choice now do I Hales?" Justin laughed .

"Yeah Goodbye Justin, if you die today, I will miss you" Alec said pulling me along with him to his car.



"I can walk"

He glared at me for about 10 seconds and then he let go of my hand.

"What's wrong?" I questioned once we were in the car.

"Justin's an asshole......Alan's nephew"

Okay. Explained enough.

"I cant stand that guy"

"Yeah just how I can't stand you" I muttered.

"Stop lying Liddy, I know you are a bad liar" Alec smirked "You love my company"

"Oh Alec! you seriously need to stop living in your dream world all the time"

"Forget my dreams.I bet your dreams always involve me"

"Yeah....always killing you"

"You know you love me" Alec sang.

"You know I don't" I added.

"You won't be able to resist my looks for a long time, you will have to eventually fall"

"We will see Alec"

"Yeah we will"


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