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L I F E 

A F T E R    Y O U 


"Get up you slacker!"

Ladies and gentlemen, meet my stubborn boyfriend, Landon Cavalier.

"Mom, is that you?" He groggily mumbled against his pillow.

I rolled my eyes in response.

He never wanted to wake up in the morning. He was honestly a big, lazy, man-child.

I innocently smiled as I walked over to the window and pulled back the violet curtains, letting the sunlight enter our bedroom in full force directly onto Landon's face.

He angrily popped one eye open. "It's too early to adult!" He whined, finally starting to sit up in bed.

"Well, this is college hun and your morning class starts in an hour." I sighed.

We were in our first semester of freshman year at the University of Florida. School started two weeks ago, and me trying to get him up had become a regular hassle.

A very annoying, regular hassle.

"Landon, I'm not going to do this every day. Pretty soon I'm going to start letting you sleep right through your classes and when you start to flunk out, I don't want you coming to me saying that it's my fault." I shrugged as I walked over toward the kitchen to start a small pot of coffee.

"Relax Olivia, I'm not going to flunk out. I mean, look at me." He winked in my direction.

"Yeah, you're a real dream." I said sarcastically, causing a pillow to be thrown near my face.

"Just get over here." He laughed, holding his arms open to me from the edge of the bed.

I rolled my eyes with a smile as I slowly walked over to him, lowering myself down to straddle his waist as he wrapped his arms around my petite frame.

I placed my hands around the back of his neck and leaned in, softly relaxing my forehead against his.

"It's you, Olivia." He whispered.

"It's you, Landon." I whispered back before crashing my lips against his.


College was exactly what I expected. I mean, I had watched all the movies.

Crazy dorm parties where you're up until two in the morning drinking, and then casually walking to class with coffee at eight in the morning as if nothing happened the night before.

I really didn't see how they did it.

I looked like somebody from the walking dead if I didn't get at least seven hours of sleep every night.

Landon and I were originally from Henderson, Nevada but we moved to Florida for college because we wanted a change of scenery. I had known Landon for as long as I could remember, since we had grown up together. We were best friends before we started dating in our freshman year of high school.

It was a very risky move, because we didn't want to ruin our friendship, but it was also the best decision that we've ever made. I couldn't have been happier.

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