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 L I F E

A F T E R      Y O U


* Olivia's baby-shower dress above *

"Are you kidding me?" I exploded. "Why aren't you here? The baby shower starts in thirty minutes and I don't have anything set up!" I yelled into my phone.

Riley, Tori and I took a couple days off school to fly home for my baby shower. All of our old friends and majority of our families are back home in Nevada, so I decided I wanted my baby shower here. A lot of my schoolmates already gave me presents, because they knew I was having my baby shower at home so I didn't feel too guilty about leaving.

I am now officially five months and three weeks pregnant. In another week, I will be at the six-month mark. My due date is inching closer and closer and every day I get a little more excited and a lot more nervous.

"Will you calm down? We are almost there. The taxi took forever and we had to make a couple stops." Riley yelled through the other end of the phone.

We were all supposed to ride to the location of my baby shower together from the airport, but Tori and Riley insisted on taking their own cab. We are staying the night here tonight, and then leaving tomorrow afternoon. It's Saturday and almost one o'clock.

"Well hurry up!" I shout, before angrily hanging up the phone.

I look around at the room I am in, and sigh. I wish we could have rented something bigger, but this will have to do. There are a few tables lined up against the far wall, and an assortment of chairs lingering around the room.

I fix the strap of my dress and run my fingers through my straightened hair.

Unable to sit still, I begin unfolding the tables and moving them around the room. They aren't too heavy, and I know how much of a strain I can handle before I need to stop.

After setting up the tables around the room the way I like, I begin placing chairs around each table. I have the light blue tablecloths with me, so I begin placing one on top of each table.

Once that is done, I sit at the big chair I placed for myself at the front of the room and begin waiting.

I'm fidgeting with my fingers for another five minutes when the doors burst open.

"We're here! No need to panic!" Riley shouts with a smile. Tori is right behind him with three bags and two ginormous gift bags.

"About time! I was about to call a swat team!" I glare, standing up from my chair.

"Wow Liv, the tables look great!" Tori smiled, putting the three bags on the table and pulling out more decorations.

"Yes, and they will look even better once they are complete." I sigh, beginning to help.

I take out the small blue plastic bottles and place a few at each table for one of the baby shower games. I then take out the blue boxes of heart candies and place a few at each table. Tori pulls out a huge sign and unfolds it. The sign reads, "Gift's Here" with an arrow pointing towards the table. Tori tapes it to the wall right above the table placed at the front of the room up against the far wall. My chair sits right in front of that table, so I have easy access once it's time to open the gifts.

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