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L I F E 

A F T E R    Y O U 


I woke up from my nap with my phone buzzing repeatedly on the nightstand. I looked beside me and all over the apartment and noticed that Landon still wasn't home yet from hanging out with Riley.

They mentioned going out on the town to have some "guy" time. Whatever that means.

I looked at the clock and it was three o'clock in the afternoon. Who was blowing up my phone?

I grabbed it off the charger and noticed I had seventeen missed calls from Tori and twenty text messages from her as well.

Sensing the urgency, I was about to call her back but my phone started ringing again.

Tori's face appeared and I instantly answered it.

"Tori, what's going on?" I asked.

"Olivia! Finally!" I could tell something was wrong almost instantly when I heard the sound of her voice.

She spoke with a muffled voice and she was sniffling. Why was Tori crying?

"Hey... calm down hun. What's going on?" I asked again, this time my anxiety flaring up.

"Olivia... I... FUCK!" She screamed. At this point, I was really getting worried.

"Tori!" I screamed back as I stood up from my bed. "What's wrong?"

"It's Landon and Riley!" She choked out, unable to finish her sentence.

My heart dropped and I could feel myself becoming dizzy.

"Tori, what happened?" I said sternly.

"They... they were in an accident." She finally said, uneasy.

My heart sunk and I dropped my phone. I slowly sat down on the edge of the bed with my hands on my knees. It felt like the world stopped. My body went numb and I blinked a few times to make sure that I wasn't dreaming.

I heard Tori yelling my name from the speaker of my now cracked phone and I quickly picked it back up.

"Where are they?" I said almost too calmly.

"They were both taken to the hospital. I will text you the address." Then, the call ended.

I quickly threw on a pair of Landon's grey sweatpants and one of his white T-shirts. I pulled my tangled hair back into a messy ponytail and pulled on my brown sandals.

I grabbed my purse and car keys and ran out of the door, slamming it behind me.

I silently cursed to myself as I realized I didn't lock our door and I turned around to do so.

Once I got to the car, I quickly opened Tori's text and plugged the address into my GPS. I didn't know where the hospital was off hand because this whole place was still a bit new to me. Either way, I was getting there as soon as possible.


I drove dangerously fast, not caring about getting a ticket. I was at the hospital in a matter of minutes and I locked the car doors as I ran into the entrance of the emergency room.

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