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L I F E 

A F T E R    Y O U 


A loud knock at the door woke me up.

I sighed and slowly got up from bed.

"Unless you have food, go away!" I yelled.

"Well, if you'd open the damn door, you could see for yourself!" I heard Tori yell back.

I smirked and I knew she was smirking too.

I yanked open the door, the same smirk resting on both of our faces as I greeted Tori.

"You're a Godsend." I smiled, seeing multiple grocery bags in her hands.

"That's what they tell me." She shrugged, walking inside after I stepped aside.

"Who's they?" I asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Oh ya know... they." She smiled. "Now, get over here and dish!"

I rolled my eyes and followed her over to the bed, carefully sitting down on Landon's side, not wanting to mess anything up. I grabbed a bag of Cheetos and the sweet tea designated for myself, and began telling Tori every single detail of what happened with Noah today.

"Wow, so he kisses you without warning and then you call him to talk and he's already with another girl?" Tori seethed. "I hate this guy!"

"It just doesn't make any sense to me, Tor. If he liked me enough to still want to kiss me, why would he just go off with another girl like that?" I asked, feeling fed up with the entire situation.

Tori sighed. "Because Olivia, think about it." She then popped a Dorito into her mouth. "He's Noah, and by the looks of him he probably doesn't even know what rejection feels like. I mean as much as I hate to admit it, the boys hot. Plus, he probably still has a lot of heavy feelings for you, so when you rejected him he was probably really hurt. And what better way to heal a rejected ego like Noah's? Get a girl who won't reject him for anything." Tori shrugged, making a valid point.

"Man, you are so right. How the heck do you know all this stuff?" I sighed, eating my last Cheeto.

"I suppose I am just gifted." She smiled, taking another sip of her Dr. Pepper.

"Well, what do I do? I don't want Noah hating me for rejecting him and damaging his ego." I rolled my eyes. "We've been getting along great, and I do still want to be friends with him."

"Is that all you want to be Liv?" Tori asked.

The awkward silence that followed her question became deafening.

"Of course that's all I want to be." I looked away from Tori's hard gaze to grab a packet of M&M's.

"Olivia..." Tori sighed.

"Don't." Was my only reply.

"It's okay if you-" but I instantly cut her off. "No, it's not okay and it will never be okay again." I ripped open the packet of M&M's too forcefully and they exploded all over the bed.

"Ugh." I sighed, beginning to pick them up.

"Olivia stop and fucking listen to me!" Tori snapped.

I immediately stopped what I was doing and brought my sharp gaze over to my best friend.

She let out a strained sigh and began helping me to pick up the spilled M&M's.

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